Thinking of a new light ..

Chip #3 :

Something was wrong ..
At least -if the sensors are working alright-something was going wrong with that chip ....
Almost immediately ,at 2A ,started to show a big Tc difference with the rest ....
It reached to ΔΤ levels of +10°C !!!!

An diagnostic ' autopsy '...:roll:.....had to be done ....


....:shock:..." .I think I thaw a void..."

P5141332.JPGYeap.A void.Also the array holder shows a slight "back'n' forth ' movement ,like it is bended ...
It will be replaced....Anyway...Arctic Silver was applied to the void ....

And after ~15 min at max Fan / Chip operation ,temps started to stabilise....
'Problem' gone ....
(Though I've to remove some excess TIM from chips #1 & #3 ...
I've probably 'overdone' it with TIM quantity/thickness ,at those two chips ....)

Now .....

About cooling ....
Check those case temps above ...
Average :~ 42°C..

Ok ?

Ambient temperature was exactly 25°C ...

Ok ?

How hot do you think it is 2" away from a CXA3070 ,driven at 2A ?




Spoiler :



Fixture has rather noisy ,but top-notch HSF cooling ....

At 2A drive current ,Tc of CXAs remains below 50°C,at Ta=25C....
Which is .....
A rather great cooling accomplishment ...

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Great work SDS...very enspiring for me. You have inspired me to build my own light. But I want it with active cooling and want it silent. I came across some nice active cooling modules which do not make much noice: 21 db or 39 db (I think). I bought some and tested it, it can be dimmed to minimal 3 volts and they are complety silent. Did not test the heat dissapation with the Vero's on max. You can see the specs on their website: I am going to use the Vero's, unless I get a good offer from cree for the 3590's.
Great work SDS...very enspiring for me. You have inspired me to build my own light. But I want it with active cooling and want it silent. I came across some nice active cooling modules which do not make much noice: 21 db or 39 db (I think). I bought some and tested it, it can be dimmed to minimal 3 volts and they are complety silent. Did not test the heat dissapation with the Vero's on max. You can see the specs on their website: I am going to use the Vero's, unless I get a good offer from cree for the 3590's.

Really impressive designs and specs!
Good find ...
Thanx .

Really liked that one :

Still ,there's a detail ,that is way " below " of my standards as a DIYer ...
The material (aluminium alloy ) used for the heatsinks ...
6063 T5 ???

Ther.Conductivity of 209 W/m.K ....

Ok be fair ,those heatsinks are not designed as 'passive' ones ....
Still ...Compared to the ones that personally I use ...

made of " cheap" and " soft" 1060 alloy ...

Ther.Conductivity of 234 W/m.K ....

(Don't be misguided ...It is not a small difference ... )

Other than that ,they seem really fine led array -oriented- cooling systems ...
Testing them will 'reveal ' their ' actual 'on-field ' cooling' abilities ...

If you would like ,watch a rather boring vid,regarding cooling of the
"GameChanger" project ...
Keep in mind that :
Keeping Case Temps (way) under 50°C ,@ 2000mA ,with a HSF system ,
is indeed the unknown thirteenth ' labour of Hercules'...
Not an easy thing to accomplish ...

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Looks very promising for an off the shelf solution.

If only they published the tapped hole spacing options. I'm not particularly interested in going through the spec sheets of all the compatible cobs in order to see if there are any holes spaced at 35mm that would fit the ideal cxa 30XX cob holders.

EDIT: See post below by Mohican, it is listed as compatible with the 3070 with a zhaga book 3 holder, but I still have some unresolved questions.

EDIT 2: It appears that the Zhaga book holder has an OCA D option for a 26mm opening in their zhaga-interface-specification-book3-edition-13-public.pdf

I'm not sure how the solder pads would fit under however.

However, I did find this;

The Zhaga book 3 holder has 35mm spacing, which would seem to mean that the mechatronix heatsinks should fit the Ideal Chip Lok COB holders.

I may have to order one of these to test out!

EDIT 3: Looks like you get very nice discounts at 10, 50 and 100 QTY from the Mechatronix site.

Great work SDS...very enspiring for me. You have inspired me to build my own light. But I want it with active cooling and want it silent. I came across some nice active cooling modules which do not make much noice: 21 db or 39 db (I think). I bought some and tested it, it can be dimmed to minimal 3 volts and they are complety silent. Did not test the heat dissapation with the Vero's on max. You can see the specs on their website: I am going to use the Vero's, unless I get a good offer from cree for the 3590's.
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Do a search for Cree. A PDF is listed as the first result. Open and search for Cree. It will take you to page 4 where the Cree 30xx cobb cooler is located.
Thanks I did manage to find that after some more digging, I was just heading back here to edit my post. I'm still a bit confused as they list a zhaga 3 holder for the cxa3070, which is spec'd for a maximum diameter LES of 23mm (which matches the cree), but cree lists 25mm to the edges of the ridge around the LES? I wonder if that would impact the seating of the zhaga on the cree?

EDIT: Edited my post above ^ The Ideal 30xx holders look like they are compatible with the Xtra line of Mechatronix heat sinks

Do a search for Cree. A PDF is listed as the first result. Open and search for Cree. It will take you to page 4 where the Cree 30xx cobb cooler is located.
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Early adopters of tech are always on the bleeding edge. I have piles of crappy tech that I should have waited a little longer to mature.

Here is an off topic question. Do any of you know where I can get a multipoint alarm system that can handle forty discrete inputs? It seems like there should be a kit out there somewhere.
And the "burn-in" time will endure for another 8 weeks or so ....

Fixture plug-power will be kept steady at 160 Watts ...


Fans at 4/12 and ~ 900mA the driving of CXAs ....Average Tc = 33°C ( Ta=28.5°C / RH=~35% )


She ,during her second week of 12/12 ....

Regular seed ,picked up from unknown genetics ( found last summer) ,wild field grown female plant .

Most probably a local land-race ,as the mountain area ,
where the mother plant was found ,is quite an isolated one ..
And way difficult to approach to .
Herb from mother-plant was just superb!
Seeds of course were kept .


Now ...I pretty curious about her 'final word ' ....
'Her 'verdict' for the 'burn-in' time of that fixture ....
We've got also some nice landraces but and bullshit too!

We was behind in ~new methods~ from other countrys,but we learn easily if we want really.
I mean about technology from DIY LEDS,breeding motherplants indoor and bla bla..

Legalization also ..

Anyway, your sexy lady is running as a devil under the new panel and i think your last quality from this herb,will hit new record for your personal needs... 8)



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SDS, I want to incorporate an EMI/RFI filter into my control box which will house 2 Meanwell HLG-185H-C1050As, and a Meanwell RS-25 12V DC PSU.

I am not sure which parameters are important, or if there are any brands to avoid.

I would imagine I am looking for a low leakage current. If you have the time what do you think of these options I filtered here;,810029806&max=810047975,810064263

Best bang for the buck? I noticed there is a pretty big range of prices. As cheap as possible yet effective would be my goal.

The link does not get me there ....:dunce:....

Anyway ....
I've used a Yun-Pen EMI AC panel mount Socket ...(Y_B series )
( ~ $ 9 ) ..

You will 've to add up the total AC current of the PSUs ..( At 'Input ' specs )..
Then use an EMII filter with at least 1.5X the current rating ,from the total PSU input currents ...

Meanwell HLG-185H-C1050A : 2 A at 115 AC .....2x2 =4 A
Meanwell RS-25 12 : 0.7 A at 115 AC ..
Total = 4.7 A input AC current ....

EMI filter's max current should be at least 7A .
For example YUn-Pen YB series offer the range 1-3-6-10 A ...
A ( quite cheap but effective enough) YB10A1 or YB10A3,is more than fine for the job.... series/yba1-a3/yba1-a3.htm

I read the post of DSD and worried about the electrical company could tell that there a disturbance and a possible grow. I thought that was in a different thread (one about drivers). In the block diagram of meanwell it states that a emi filter and rectifier is used (in almost every driver from meanwell). Does this mean that energycompanies cannot "see" that there is a disturbance?
I read the post of DSD and worried about the electrical company could tell that there a disturbance and a possible grow. I thought that was in a different thread (one about drivers). In the block diagram of meanwell it states that a emi filter and rectifier is used (in almost every driver from meanwell). Does this mean that energycompanies cannot "see" that there is a disturbance?

Guod,is actually stating that already there is an EMI filtering installed .
And of course he is right .
(In every MeanWell or other quality switching power supplies .In certain cases (over a power limit) is actually mandatory ,
according to EU laws for EMI pollution...)
I've just added an additional EMI external filter ,to enhance further more the filtering ,as also to cover
larger/more bandwidths ...
Of course it is not really necessary to have an external EMI filter ,in case the psus/drivers have one ....
And yes,energy companies can not 'see' any disturbance in case of an EMI filtered /protected device...

Having additional EMI filtering (of low cost ) does not impact negatively any device .
Might be a bit of an 'over-kill ' ,but personally ,I really want to be 'covered' in that issue ...
It takes only ~$10 ....

Right,Guod ?
Hey Goud, my thinking is like SDS - I'd rather have a double buffer. I know the supplies I have are already filtered, but I need an IEC socket for my control box anyways, so for a couple of dollars more, I don't think it could hurt.

I'll be adding a re-settable circuit breaker and fusing too, along with wiring in a GFCI. Is it all necessary, absolutely not. But with all the money we are saving going DIY (or are we, :lol:) I have to find somewhere to spend the profit margin of the big LED guys :-P
Hey Goud, my thinking is like SDS - I'd rather have a double buffer. I know the supplies I have are already filtered, but I need an IEC socket for my control box anyways, so for a couple of dollars more, I don't think it could hurt.

I'll be adding a re-settable circuit breaker and fusing too, along with wiring in a GFCI. Is it all necessary, absolutely not. But with all the money we are saving going DIY (or are we, :lol:) I have to find somewhere to spend the profit margin of the big LED guys :-P

Well,yes ..
That's actually really close to the way I like doing things ...
" Always double-knot ..."
It might be an overkill,but since I needed an IEC socket ,what the heck ? ..It could be as well an EMI filter ...
It's way difficult for the built-in EMI filters of a switching PSU to fail...
But you never know ...Better make sure ...Ain't that expensive or complicated ...

Same goes with the circuit breaker ....
(Although that is a more complicated thing...To choose the right CB .... )

And yeah...
Sometimes ,'savings' allow for a bit of an overkill / overdo,here'n' there ... :wink: ....
