Dude, they look great to me! I don't see any indication of any issues. Great structure and good stalk width at this point if you as me. If you think you burned them they might have taken break to recover, but nothing that will last so I won't worry about it. Believe me, I have done way, way worse and had them come right back and forgive me. Just keep giving them what they ask for and they will please you for sure
What kind of soil are you using and what size pots are those? Also, what nutes are you feeding them?
As far am my experience goes, I think they look perfect for 20-22 days from seed. During this time they are really developing a healthy root system. We like to see all that stuff up top, but down below is the most important focus of the veg (especially early veg) cycle. You can certainly help this with products like Root Excelurator (super expensive, but it does work, I've used a bottle of it) or Black Label Root Enhance (my recommendation because it didn't seem to underperform compared to RE and it was like 45% the price), but in my experience the best thing for this is Compost Tea and Mycorrizae (root inoculant, I use Orca because it is liquid, but you could use literally anything in soil, there are lots of powders, etc that are cheap as hell to buy). They have made a huge impact for me in this respect. Grab the compost tea in a box (the 20 gal box is about $30 and would last you a long time, it will cover 4 acres of land when diluted according to the box). I make about 3 gallons of concentrate a week and then feed them with a 16oz solo-cupful per gallon of water (way stronger than their typical dilution rate, but you can go full strength no problem). It's not food, but rather microbes that the plants actually spend energy they create during photosynthesis creating sugars that they excrete into the ground to attract due to the symbiotic relationship they have. This is why you hear people talk about adding molasses an other sugars to their waterings. The plants can't take in sugar, it is only useful to them because it draws these microbes (they exist in the ground after billions of years of rotting dead things and the crap of all life on the planet ever). They eat the sugar which leads to immense reproduction. Keep feeding them and they will keep living and multiplying. So, adding molasses provides a food source so the microbes can live and reproduce and go to work keeping your ladies in optimum shape. They colonize the root zone and begin to break down elements and nutrients in the soil, the byproduct of which is a form more absorbable by the plants increasing nutrient uptake and usability which = faster growth that is inline with the plants genetic potential. You can't burn your plants with them (unless you add a shit ton of nutes...but it would still be the overdose of N-P-K, etc that burns them, not the microbes) or over do it really, but a little goes a long way as there are billions of them in a ml of the concentrated tea. The first time I used it, I just put a solo cup full in each plants media and in the hydro buckets. They didn't hate it, they even seemed to like it, but I didn't notice anything extraordinary to be honest. But the guys at my local shop said try it for 6 weeks. So I did the same thing and added a second treatment with the tea the next week. Holy shit! Overnight impact. I run it in my cloner as well - keeps the roots so white and hairy and thick (ha ha, sounds like a Wal Mart centerfold calendar

I grow in all hydro and soilless media, so I have started using the compost tea as the water for my nutes when feedings line up with when I brew a new batch. In soil, you could just hit them with tea for most your waterings, only adding light nutes every once in a while as the plant indicates that the soil-bound nutrients are starting to wane.
Making it is a cinch. I use a 5 gallon bucket, an air pump/stone and just follow the directions. Let it run overnight and you will have foamy, gnarly, tea made of shit.
Give that to your ladies and you will see them rebound from anything you might have overdone and blast forward for you. Give it a shot, you might see some great results.
Oh, and definitely get your hands on the Heavy 16 Foliar and do that every 5 days. I can't recommend this enough. It has Cal, Mag and other things that plants tend to see some deficiencies in due to soil and water qualities, etc. Great for helping them rebound from stress and transplanting. I would let them get about 4-5 nodes high first, but even little plants haven't had any issues.
Anyway, I think your plants look great. I wouldn't sweat anything and just remember to always dial back a little on what you think they need. If they still need a little you can add some, but overdoing it can set you back a little.
You're doing awesome.