Active Member
Yea ive been thinking bout grabbing a big daddy heatsink for a cob light
Heres a link to the datasheet..
Looks like two ways, resistor or dc input.
Dc input looks to have a more gradual curve. Resistor jumps up rather quickly.
Only problem is there diagram is really vague. I assume 10v source needed and I could use the pot I have?
So it Was right there in the graph. I was using a 10k pot..and it wasn't giving me the full range.
I think I'll leave the trimming pot out this go around. I don't really need to set a lower limit. Actually the lower the better..I've been dimming my lights all the way down when I work in the area.
Amazing your ability to work out the math with these items. I'm trying to make sense of these things but it's sometimes hard to find the resources to put the whole picture together.
what resistance has your pot?
are you only using 2 drivers in that pic man...
I thought each COB needed an individual driver...