I have the crabs, ( pubic lice ).


Active Member
i tried to put mighty wash for spidermites on them as I did not want to go to the doctors and they grew to massive proportions.
my mate then told me to put sugar on them and they grew even bigger but at least they don't bite now as the sugar must have rotted their teeth.

anybody got any suggestions ?
How to get rid of crabs:
Shave half your pubic hair.
Set the other half on fire.
As they come running to safety stab the fuckers with an ice pick.

You know this would of been more funny to me if I didn't hear it almost 10 years ago, but non the less I gave it a like, you should feel special. :D
Neem Oil good for moldy, cannabis plants and bugs, head lice(humans) and genital lice(humans)