Well-Known Member
Chinese I just had a stroke from the thought of the MSG, and shit my pants, from the warm germs.......simultaneously.
Great , idn't itChinese I just had a stroke from the thought of the MSG, and shit my pants, from the warm germs.......simultaneously.
HB: What is your dream job?
UB: what i do now.
What do you do?
Do you like the Cream of Sum-Yung-Gai?chinese buffet.
How old are you?
When was your first big harvest?
Least favorite strain? Why?
Favorite holiday?
Who let the dogs out?
Do you like the Cream of Sum-Yung-Gai?
was stevie and paul singing about your avatar?
Ever travel abroad? If so, where? If not, where?
Are you yourself (actually like this in real life)? Why? Why not?
Ever have recurring dreams? What was the point?
Tired of questions?
Ever have a groundhog day period in your life?
Are you high now? How much you smoke a day?
i think it was stevies is he supposed to tell the difference?
Thanks.good question.
How you like Quebec aka Canada (the french part is redundant btw; they're not really french: they shower) was a boy scout trip when we were 13, we spent most of the time in the woods. about the only part i remember was that KFC was called PFK (pollo frit kentucky) and the gas station clerks smiled and spoke english back to me after i tried speaking french.
What would be your dream career?
i grow cannabis.