was pretty buzzed up the other night when i made the riu is garbage thread. with that there heres my question.. how do you push through the bullshit and keep on goin.. not just the shit here. life, your garden is usually beautiful.. havent seen it since you moved. but.. how!?.. the joe dirt method? lifes a garden dig it lol
if i ever feel kinda down and bitter about things, i just have to remember that i was born to the most prosperous nation on earth, in a time of emerging technology and medicine that our forefathers would marvel at, where all of our basic necessities are all but assured to us, and where we enjoy more freedoms than basically any civilization at any time ever.
we are not beholden to disease, or hunger, or anything else that would cripple our freedom to go out and become whatever we want to.
how could anyone not be anything but grateful for all this?