Well-Known Member
Now you are just being an ass...
When did we start receiving global temperature data so we can talk about global warming??? Why does a liberal feel the need to jump on anyone that says the winter was colder or the summer was colder for only focusing on local data yet you can point to the first time a friggin thermometer was used and comprehensively decide that we have been recording global temperature for centuries.
This is the problem with the global warming people and their religion. Facts don't really matter if they contradict the belief that we are all going to die unless we subvert and pay tribute to people who proclaim themselves smarter than everyone else while flying around in personal jets...
But, if it is true, then a religion is the only thing that can create enough momentum to save itself. If this happens only Religion can persist after our Corps and Govts fall to the Ice.
if the Earth goes Ice Balls again and our DNA is not in a self sustaining environment, that's it for Mankind. So, some Religion and an L-5 colony with good veggies and recycled protein may become the new Creation Myth, if we are lucky and don't blast them out in a War.