Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

We were talking about an 'ice ball', or 'snowball' earth. Maybe you should know what the fuck you're talking about before you interject?

Snowball earth doesn't begin in 1500 years. The Ice will move down, No one knows how far.

So, I'm not sure if we should be heating this to a sauna while we can, in prep for the wider orbit.
True ice ages happen every 125,000,000 years.

Glacial or interglacial cycles are not ice ages. What we had 21,000 years ago, was not a 'true' ice age.
Nope... CO2 is going up but the global temperature is not.

Why doesnt anyone ever talk about the fluctuations of the sun and their effects on global warming? Oh yeah, cause there arent enough stupid people to extort money out of that would believe we could affect that...

News flash. Even with the sun increasing heat in the main sequence, that is nothing to even measure over only 21,000 years.

You still don't see the problem. We need to be cooler now, and getting cooler. We are not.

If we were to somehow reverse this "not cooling effect" we still are headed for ICE>
True ice ages happen every 125,000,000 years.

Glacial or interglacial cycles are not ice ages. What we had 21,000 years ago, was not a 'true' ice age.

Well OK, but that just means, by that count we have been in a Major Ice Age for a couple of million years already with no end in sight. We have another 123 Million years to go.

What drives these big cycles?
The current ice age, the Pliocene-Quaternary glaciation, started about 2.58 million years ago during the late Pliocene, when the spread of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere began. Since then, the world has seen cycles of glaciation with ice sheets advancing and retreating on 40,000- and 100,000-year time scales called glacial periods, glacials or glacial advances, and interglacial periods, interglacials or glacial retreats. The earth is currently in an interglacial, and the last glacial period ended about 10,000 years ago.
Nope... CO2 is going up but the global temperature is not.

Why doesnt anyone ever talk about the fluctuations of the sun and their effects on global warming? Oh yeah, cause there arent enough stupid people to extort money out of that would believe we could affect that...
Can't regulate the sun, sadly.
Really. You are not following this? Do you know what the level of man-made CO2 Carbon 14, we are talking about?
No, I am not following this. I am thinking of experiments and how to garner data. Are you talking about Iceball Earth or melting ice?
If the latter, then 333 J/g ...
I am talking about micrometer measurement from Space that we are in exponential Ice Loss.

I don't link this to greenhouse or Carbon, but it is happening at a time, by the orbit math we should be gaining Ice gradually.
I am talking about micrometer measurement from Space that we are in exponential Ice Loss.

I don't link this to greenhouse or Carbon, but it is happening at a time, by the orbit math we should be gaining Ice gradually.
Exponential area or volume loss?
They have different meanings, with different effects.
Say what? It is not a 2D plane. It is 3D and extent has depth,

Less extent, less depth. The extent includes the depth, And it doesn't matter, since you already know. That is the most red herring consideration I have seen so far.

We are not talking about the thin seasonal sea ice, you know. What is at risk is the Ice Dams that hold back most of ice in the world from the Sea.

It is the desalination of the Bays that hold the Ice shelves and that increases the melt.

And the Ross is only 1000 feet thick. On-land the ice cap is 2 miles deep. The Ross alone holds back 8 glaciers from the sea.
See? There is adequate science for me now. Sat data on Ice shows we are losing Ice big time.

Exponential? You know what exponential loss of Antarctic Ice means, right? That is direct measurement from very precise satellite imaging.


The graph illustrates how exponential growth (green) surpasses both linear (red) and cubic (blue) growth.

GREEN = Exponential growth
RED = Linear growth
BLUE = Cubic growth
So a little mind map of the Green line and where I see the "tell us what to do" problem.

So, check the GREEN between:
2 - 3 Almost nothing (Sagan observes Venus and says Greenhouse)
3 - 4 More research.....What? What is this, no cooling?
4 - 5 IPCC established to make reports about "what to do?" (Ice is melting faster now)
5 - 6 Where we are now, and even Doer can see it because satellites can measure it


Is it a coincidence that the giant arcs in temp and such are always just around the corner?

Look at it, LOOK AT IT!

This graph (and all graphs presented by the Eco-Loons) looks similar to every graph I've seen for the last 15-20 years that didn't materialize or required "tweaking" to adjust for reality. The AGW/global warming/climate change/climate disruption/carbon pollution movement is populated by armies of Harold Campings standing on street corners, wearing doomsday placards.

We're so fortunate that we're always just 20-50 years away from disaster and we never actually seem to get there. Hmmm...
I CLEARLY wrote recorded history. Red said some stupid shit about 450,000,000 BC, I said there were no records at that time, he said we used 'geological records' to tell us how hot it was. Then he tried to make it look like I was wrong about recording temps for centuries, to which I clearly showed everyone I wasn't.

I'd rather be a smart ass, than a dumb ass.

The local data COMBINED is what gives us global data. Local weather makes up patterns we call climate.

Facts like. "Thermometers have existed for centuries"?, or facts like "April was the hottest month on record"?.... damn those liberals and their 'fancy book words'.

I love how you jump to 'private jets' as though somehow that's relevant. Topic change much? Don't want to look any less 'google competent'?
The thermometers you speak numbered maybe 4 or 5, were wildly inaccurate, and in no way measured anything more than a few isolated spots. "Global" my ass. "private jets" is entirely relevant when the founder of your religion owns several, 7 SUVs, and over 2 dozen cars. 6 mansions and is estimated to use 200 times as much carbon as the average American.
There's a good chance that we can live through the next ice age, or asteroid.

We can see asteroids coming for years, and could easily crash something into it from far enough away to put it off course from earth. We have the technology to live permanently at the North and South poles, it's not a stretch that we could live in permanent snow.
we can see asteroids PASSING for years, but asteroids headed at us are almost impossible to detect. Witness the recent strike in Russia that no one saw coming.