Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

I just said you asked a simple question so I posted a simple answer. That's it.... any assumption on your part past that is just that.... an assumption. I honestly could fucking care less what you think/do/say. If you don't want people to assume you're stupid, don't act stupid (or at least learn when to shut the fuck up).

Here's a quote from Kynes...

"Playing dumb is dumber than being dumb."

Not exactly sure where you fall on that spectrum.
Yet you respond to every post she makes. Sucks to be you.
You'll find most astronomers agree with me. Asteroids on a collision course with Earth do not cross in front off any stars as they approach. Since the do not do this, they are difficult to detect. Asteroids that merely pass by do indeed cross in front of stars, that is how they are detected. I gave you a perfect, well known, recent, and widely broadcast video footage example of an asteroid that stuck the Earth without being spotted beforehand. Your response was "You're an imbecile". You have hardly demonstrated anyone other than yourself an imbecile. Sucks to be you.

We scan for NEO's. Not small asteroids that will burn up in the atmosphere.

Why does NASA's Near Earth Object Program and Italy's Asiago - DLR Asteroid Survey exist? Please inform your 'students', oh great wise Internet Guru.

Actually let me do that for you! They exist to scan the solar system for asteroids that could kill all life on earth. They have plans set forth to stop these catastrophic events from happening. How long does it take for an asteroid to travel from Neptune to Earth? Let me answer that for you too, it took Voyager 12 years. TWELVE YEARS..... (@ 35,000MPH)


You babbling about Russia and it's meteorite that burned up in the atmosphere means NOTHING to your point.

If a dogfish swims through a shark net on a beach, it doesn't mean the shark net doesn't work. It means net wasn't designed to catch small, harmless fish
the milancovitch cycle operates in periods of 41000 years, and causes the glacial advances and retreats within the long period glacial cycle

the current interglacial within the current Ice Age (ongoing) will be ending soon.

buy a jacket.
I'm Canadian, I alreaedy own several.

I would however, suggest the YOU buy a warm jacket.
(If you plan on living a few millennia)
Pretty obvious where you fall though. ;)
My ability to provide concise arguments might fly right over your (and Red and NXLSLSXLS's) heads, but your inability to comprehend says nothing about my intelligence.

Pick up a book, or go back to school. Do something that will force yourself to grow (and no I don't mean get fatter).
We scan for NEO's. Not small asteroids that will burn up in the atmosphere.

Why does NASA's Near Earth Object Program and Italy's Asiago - DLR Asteroid Survey exist? Please inform your 'students', oh great wise Internet Guru.

Actually let me do that for you! They exist to scan the solar system for asteroids that could kill all life on earth. They have plans set forth to stop these catastrophic events from happening. How long does it take for an asteroid to travel from Neptune to Earth? Let me answer that for you too, it took Voyager 12 years. TWELVE YEARS..... (@ 35,000MPH)


You babbling about Russia and it's meteorite that burned up in the atmosphere means NOTHING to your point.

If a dogfish swims through a shark net on a beach, it doesn't mean the shark net doesn't work. It means net wasn't designed to catch small, harmless fish
Voyager never traveled from Neptune to Earth. Got anymore pearls of "science" you want to throw out there? "They have plans " Yeah. You suck so bad.
Voyager never traveled from Neptune to Earth. Got anymore pearls of "science" you want to throw out there? "They have plans " Yeah. You suck so bad.
To travel that distance you insufferable twat. Voyager left the solar system.... it's gone well beyond Neptune.
How long does it take to get to Neptune from Earth?
How long it would take to get to Neptune from Earth would depend on the path chosen and on where Neptune and Earth were in their orbits when the mission was launched. For example, the Voyager 2 spacecraft was launched on Aug 20, 1977 and it reached Neptune on Aug 24, 1989. So, Voyager 2 took about twelve years to reach Neptune.

Stupid NASA, IPAC, Caltech, and JPL..... what do they know compared to RED?

Voyager never traveled from Neptune to Earth. Got anymore pearls of "science" you want to throw out there? "They have plans " Yeah. You suck so bad.
What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of you being a moron.

Goals: Voyager 1 and 2 were designed to take advantage of a rare planetary alignment to explore the outer solar system. Voyager 2 targeted Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Like it's sister spacecraft, Voyager 2 also was designed to study the edge of our solar system beyond the planets.

Accomplishments: Voyager 2 is the only human-made object to have flown by Neptune. In the closest approach of its entire tour, the spacecraft passed less than 5,000 km above the planet's cloud tops. It discovered five moons, four rings, and a "Great Dark Spot" that vanished by the time the Hubble Space Telescope imaged Neptune five years later. Neptune's largest moon, Triton, was found to be the coldest known planetary body in the solar system, with a nitrogen ice "volcano" on its surface. A gravity assist at Neptune shot Voyager 2 below the plane in which the planets orbit the sun, on a course which will ultimately take the spacecraft out of our solar system.
As it waved goodby as it flashed away.

To arrive at Neptune is a feat it did not attempt.
So, a moron is the one who calls it. A moron ignores the details of the phrase and reacts as a knee jerk or just a plain one. :)
What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of you being a moron.

Goals: Voyager 1 and 2 were designed to take advantage of a rare planetary alignment to explore the outer solar system. Voyager 2 targeted Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Like it's sister spacecraft, Voyager 2 also was designed to study the edge of our solar system beyond the planets.

Accomplishments: Voyager 2 is the only human-made object to have flown by Neptune. In the closest approach of its entire tour, the spacecraft passed less than 5,000 km above the planet's cloud tops. It discovered five moons, four rings, and a "Great Dark Spot" that vanished by the time the Hubble Space Telescope imaged Neptune five years later. Neptune's largest moon, Triton, was found to be the coldest known planetary body in the solar system, with a nitrogen ice "volcano" on its surface. A gravity assist at Neptune shot Voyager 2 below the plane in which the planets orbit the sun, on a course which will ultimately take the spacecraft out of our solar system.
This argument isn't about Voyager. You fail miserably and try to change the subject. Really sucks to be you.
My ability to provide concise arguments might fly right over your (and Red and NXLSLSXLS's) heads, but your inability to comprehend says nothing about my intelligence.

Pick up a book, or go back to school. Do something that will force yourself to grow (and no I don't mean get fatter).

You don't even understand what a "rhetorical question" is.

Fucking retard.
Yes, uphill, as opposed to down hill. Moving away from the sun as opposed to falling into it. Don't deflect. Your argument is that nothing can happen that we can't foresee and prevent. Idiotic on its face.

So, Voyager 2 never went past Neptune?
You don't reach Neptune at 17 km/sec. You wave goodby to it.
24,622 km is the radius of Neptune.

While you wouldn't 'zip' past... it would only take 48 mins to travel the diameter @ 17/kps
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This argument isn't about Voyager. You fail miserably and try to change the subject. Really sucks to be you.
The argument was about whether or not we could detect asteroids that could destroy earth. I quoted NDT and you basically said he was full of shit and you know better. I said it would take a long time (years) for an asteroid to reach us, and you brought up the 'Russian meteorite' incident as proof that we couldn't see a 10-15km asteroid approaching us within our reaction time (it took 12 years for Voyager 2 to go from earth to Neptune). I brought up that multiple organizations are scanning for that EXACT thing, e.g. NEO's.

We can detect things that are large enough to kill us in time to do something about them. Your opinion doesn't matter on the subject, it's a fucking fact.

Now you say I've changed the subject, and that I 'fail'. lol How so?