Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Beef, You still muttering over here? :) I merely said it did not arrive at Neptune, It went by.

There are no arguments until you show up and jack it into conflict or something.

AID Always Itching for Debate. :)
That means absolutely nothing to me.

You do realize the picture I posted of "myself" was stolen from facebook? I used it as troll bait. Even after admitting the truth, it still seems to be working. Just goes to show how retarded you really are. The jokes on you, sucker.

said the boy who cried wolf..
That's kinda fudging the numbers a little.

Why can't you just accept what the actual consensus is: No position (dataset too small).

I am with on the data sets. And we will see how the ESOC direct observations go. I begin to see how govts can get a bit worried about this, though. It is their job to prevail and to preserve the global system into future.

If the seas rise, and Me Mr. Skeptic can no longer see how that can be un-considered, it is War. How big and how extensive it can get is troubling. But, if you slowly disrupt the coast bound civilization in this world and displace a billion people over 100 years, that is War.

So, I think we must consider the distinct possibility that the military and shipping base assets will need a rework. So plan it now, to be ready, I can see we are lucky to have ability to have the direct observations that we need. That is Science. Until I saw that, it was just seemed statistically neutral, as you said.

The problem is the lies, the crying wolf and then finally maybe there is a big dog. I was reading about the Shipping Canals and what sea rise means there.

Its OK. Could you imagine a 10 foot drop? That would shut down all the main canals. And that makes all the infrastructure work to move the strategic assets to higher ground, worthless in the long run, it must be moved again as we enter the new Ice period in about 1500 years.

But, the "common wisdom" that Buck has promulgated is that the seas are rising 1 cm a year when it is only 1/10 of far. And those cheap lies to sell solar and sow panic will work against proper planning.

I can imagine a time when 1 finger width of Sun movement, about 15 minutes, was all the time keeping we needed.

Now we are looking a 1500 year tick. How us monkeys have advanced! :)
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Beef, You still muttering over here? :) I merely said it did not arrive at Neptune, It went by.

There are no arguments until you show up and jack it into conflict or something.

AID Always Itching for Debate. :)


“I think it only makes sense to seek out and identify structures of authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to challenge them; unless a justification for them can be given, they are illegitimate, and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human freedom.”
Noam Chomsky
Sew What? Sew buttons on your thong? :)

I like a lively discussion or a potent discussion but I prefer a gentle discussion about pillows and lace, silk, etc.

Care to debate water marked silk tap pant? :)

Geeze, I'm on the MMGW team and this little cartoon grosses me out. How do you expect to convince people with dishonesty?

The cartoon implies that everyone under consensus is working for a pittance funded by community organizers and eco-groups.... Add the governments expenditures and the picture looks quite different. We've spent over 70B through taxation just in this country alone, i have no idea how much it is when added to other governments spending. It dwarfs what the oil companies are spending.

We can win this debate with honesty and overwhelming data, when we argue from ignorance and deceit like in the cartoon, it adds fuel to the denier camp, and rightly so.
Well, they want to debate. It is pretty stupid to think Halliburton will not benefit from moving infrastructure. Very checked out to think this political angle is some David against Goliath. Goliath and GodZilla against the people of the planet more like.

It is very dumb to think that there is not big govt (tax paid) money in this game.
If you weren't, you simply wouldn't respond.. I mean, what's the point of replying to someone if only to "piss people off" as you say?

You're looking for the reaction to respond to, just like any troll on the internet

What you get out of that is nothing short of narcissistic. It adds to your ego.

From my experience in life, I've found that the less ego a person has, the better a person they are, usually in every aspect of their character; humble, welcoming, honest, reliable, passionate, etc. The people that attempt to fuel their ego, especially off the backbones of others, are worthless. They're not even worth consideration

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." -Eleanor Roosevelt

Suck it, homeslice.
Geeze, I'm on the MMGW team and this little cartoon grosses me out. How do you expect to convince people with dishonesty?

The cartoon implies that everyone under consensus is working for a pittance funded by community organizers and eco-groups.... Add the governments expenditures and the picture looks quite different. We've spent over 70B through taxation just in this country alone, i have no idea how much it is when added to other governments spending. It dwarfs what the oil companies are spending.

We can win this debate with honesty and overwhelming data, when we argue from ignorance and deceit like in the cartoon, it adds fuel to the denier camp, and rightly so.

so? ted cruz spent 29 billion while reciting "green eggs and ham"

a true fiscal conservative.