Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

In this case though, it's harmful to the science, which is non-partisan by design. The focus shifts the debate from are we pooping in our kitchen to why are you lying about something so simple and obvious as money spent?
Science is not non-partisan.
i don't know how these people even still have the audacity to keep posting their bullshit after they make it known that they rely on the heartland institute for their views.

this is an institute that literally took money from tobacco to say that tobacco wasn;t harmful. the same people are literally still in charge and are now taking money from monied interests that wish to deny climate science. they have been fully exposed on all of this in the wide open.

yet the retards don't care. they cite it shamelessly and then call the body of work of 34 national science academies "sketchy" and they point to a manufactured scandal that ended in exoneration for us and embarrassment for them as if it actually meant something. then they complain about politicization and partisan-ery AS THEY CITE THE HEARTLAND INSTITUTE.

it is fucking pathetic and i just have to wonder how these retards work up the ability to delude themselves so fully.
Science absolutely is non-partisan, scientists on the other hand, not so much. Humans are humans.

didn't you say scientists are libertarian or some shit?

still waiting on citation for your earlier claims, reagan cowboy. if you're not too busy thinking about obama sucking a black guy's dick that is.
wow... just wow.. I cant belive theres a 37 page thread with this topic. Climate change is a fact not a theory, and it definitely cant be disproven by a fox link LOL ..
Seriously, when you read a article do you even think? whith your brain?
i don't know how these people even still have the audacity to keep posting their bullshit after they make it known that they rely on the heartland institute for their views.

this is an institute that literally took money from tobacco to say that tobacco wasn;t harmful. the same people are literally still in charge and are now taking money from monied interests that wish to deny climate science. they have been fully exposed on all of this in the wide open.

yet the retards don't care. they cite it shamelessly and then call the body of work of 34 national science academies "sketchy" and they point to a manufactured scandal that ended in exoneration for us and embarrassment for them as if it actually meant something. then they complain about politicization and partisan-ery AS THEY CITE THE HEARTLAND INSTITUTE.

it is fucking pathetic and i just have to wonder how these retards work up the ability to delude themselves so fully.

Which is why they are publicly shamed and not taken seriously in any corner of reality

It's why they call people like Bill Nye a "bully" for stating scientific facts, because they can't argue the facts
Climate change is a fact not a theory, and it definitely cant be disproven by a fox link :dunce: LOL ..
That part in bold has a deeper meaning than what it was used for. And I agree, there is no holistic theory which validates the facts (or should I say "weather statistics") of climate change.
wow... just wow.. I cant belive theres a 37 page thread with this topic. Climate change is a fact not a theory, and it definitely cant be disproven by a fox link LOL ..
Seriously, when you read a article do you even think? whith your brain?
of course "climate change" is real, it's the "Anthropogenic" part that is based on dubious claims, political agendas and repeatedly falsified data.

when the "Anthropogenic" part is left off the question, naturally everyone agrees it's real, but YOU DIPSHITS then append your magical talisman "Anthropogenic" to the results and scream, stamp your feet and call people "deniers" and claim "97% of scientists agree"

Trident has a better claim when they say "4 out of 5 dentists recommend sugarless gum*"
and then imply that those dentists agree that everybody should therefore chew trident.

*for their patients who chew gum

see the asterisk? thats where the fine print changes the meaning of the question and skews the result.

most dentists recommend NOT chewing gum, but if you insist on doing so, 4 out of 5 suggest a sugar free alternative is best.

and thats the "Global Warming" argument in a nutshell.

sure "almost all" scientists agree the climate changes, it does so frequently, but when you get down to specific claims of "anthropogenicness", thats where you find a whole lot of disagreement due to previous, natural, Non-Anthropogenic rapid climate change events, the glacial cycle, the miancovitch cycles, and solar radiance cycles, shit gets complex fast.

all you clowns are NOT climatologists, you got your wiki-wisdom from the press, politicians and touts, but you have so fully embraced the idea you have been force-fed, and now it's an article of faith.
many of you continue to defend the assholes even when they get caught cooking the books, making shit up, and straight up lying.

it all comes back to the religion of leftism, and their desire to "smash capitalism" by whatever means neccessary, cuz facts and truth are irrelevant, it's the overall message that matters.
of course "climate change" is real, it's the "Anthropogenic" part that is based on dubious claims, political agendas and repeatedly falsified data.

when the "Anthropogenic" part is left off the question, naturally everyone agrees it's real, but YOU DIPSHITS then append your magical talisman "Anthropogenic" to the results and scream, stamp your feet and call people "deniers" and claim "97% of scientists agree"

Trident has a better claim when they say "4 out of 5 dentists recommend sugarless gum*"
and then imply that those dentists agree that everybody should therefore chew trident.

*for their patients who chew gum

see the asterisk? thats where the fine print changes the meaning of the question and skews the result.

most dentists recommend NOT chewing gum, but if you insist on doing so, 4 out of 5 suggest a sugar free alternative is best.

and thats the "Global Warming" argument in a nutshell.

sure "almost all" scientists agree the climate changes, it does so frequently, but when you get down to specific claims of "anthropogenicness", thats where you find a whole lot of disagreement due to previous, natural, Non-Anthropogenic rapid climate change events, the glacial cycle, the miancovitch cycles, and solar radiance cycles, shit gets complex fast.

all you clowns are NOT climatologists, you got your wiki-wisdom from the press, politicians and touts, but you have so fully embraced the idea you have been force-fed, and now it's an article of faith.
many of you continue to defend the assholes even when they get caught cooking the books, making shit up, and straight up lying.

it all comes back to the religion of leftism, and their desire to "smash capitalism" by whatever means neccessary, cuz facts and truth are irrelevant, it's the overall message that matters.
Beef, You still muttering over here? :) I merely said it did not arrive at Neptune, It went by.

There are no arguments until you show up and jack it into conflict or something.

AID Always Itching for Debate. :)

I'm simply stating that there was a mission to Neptune and it took 12 years to get there. It's straight off the NASA website.
Are you a dolt?.....Oh, yeah.............It never went from Neptune to Earth, as you stupidly claimed.
No, it went from Earth to Neptune. It took Voyager 12 years to cover the distance from Earth to Neptune, or Neptune to Earth, it's the same fucking distance, asshat.

You didn't quote NDT. You tried to claim him as a reference without citing anywhere he supported your idiotic statement that we detect and stop all objects approaching the Earth. We obviously can not. Even launching a rocket to reach the moon takes several years. I could also point out that you didn't even address my example off a total failure to detect a meteor. We have yet to do what you so blithely claim we can do. You "fact" is nothing but wishful thinking. You fail because, when confronted with someone pointing out the idiocy of your claim, you tried to make the argument about Voyager. Sucks to be you.
I didn't say that.

I said we can detect most 'killer asteroids' (according to NDT, an astrophysicist) Take two fucking seconds to educate yourself. We can also apparently deflect or destroy them with relative ease. In 2017 we'll have an IR telescope SPECIFICALLY for detecting them.

You said, we couldn't detect asteroids because we didn't detect the one in Russia. It's a faulty line of reasoning. Anyone and everyone can see it (except you apparently).

Your entire argument is "We didn't detect one asteroid that hit Russia (that was the size of a truck no less), Therefore we can't detect asteroids headed for us."

Take a look, it's in a book....
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cant make a cogent argument?

post a meme!

nicely done.
“If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?”
― Sam Harris
of course "climate change" is real, it's the "Anthropogenic" part that is based on dubious claims, political agendas and repeatedly falsified data.

when the "Anthropogenic" part is left off the question, naturally everyone agrees it's real, but YOU DIPSHITS then append your magical talisman "Anthropogenic" to the results and scream, stamp your feet and call people "deniers" and claim "97% of scientists agree"

Trident has a better claim when they say "4 out of 5 dentists recommend sugarless gum*"
and then imply that those dentists agree that everybody should therefore chew trident.

*for their patients who chew gum

see the asterisk? thats where the fine print changes the meaning of the question and skews the result.

most dentists recommend NOT chewing gum, but if you insist on doing so, 4 out of 5 suggest a sugar free alternative is best.

and thats the "Global Warming" argument in a nutshell.

sure "almost all" scientists agree the climate changes, it does so frequently, but when you get down to specific claims of "anthropogenicness", thats where you find a whole lot of disagreement due to previous, natural, Non-Anthropogenic rapid climate change events, the glacial cycle, the miancovitch cycles, and solar radiance cycles, shit gets complex fast.

all you clowns are NOT climatologists, you got your wiki-wisdom from the press, politicians and touts, but you have so fully embraced the idea you have been force-fed, and now it's an article of faith.
many of you continue to defend the assholes even when they get caught cooking the books, making shit up, and straight up lying.

it all comes back to the religion of leftism, and their desire to "smash capitalism" by whatever means neccessary, cuz facts and truth are irrelevant, it's the overall message that matters.

Most scientific organziations believe the current trend of global warming is caused by man. Deniers are fringe at best.
“If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?”
― Sam Harris

Oh, quotes. I fucking love quotes. They're even better than meme's Post some more. :clap: