Well-Known Member
yes the IPCC's reports are pretty debunkable, quite evangelical, and full of psuedo-science.
i mean really, who would believe a crazy story like this:
first, "almost all of 1 degree C warming over 120 years is man-made", then a few years later, they retconn that to "~50% of 0.4 degree C warming over 60 years is man-made", but they still insist their story hasnt changed, and their projections are as good as they ever were...
perplexingly wacky indeed
i'm confused now.
you and your science hating buddies have been labeling AGW a "religion", which implies faith, absolutism, and no predictive value.
yet you then take the IPCC to task for allowing new information to influence their statements (not so absolute) and jump on any prediction which was not spot on (most are pretty spot on though, so predictive value).
you sad little people are so eager to add talking points that you don't even care if they make sense.