Tassid admission that the fabricated "controversy" is completely political, not scientific. The funny thing about that is the science doesn't care what your opinion, or political affiliation is.
It's not as if when Reagan and Bush were president climate science just stopped, then Clinton came along and it all started up again.. That's not how science works, you not knowing that is just more evidence that you don't know how science works
It's funny the deniers think they've somehow won something when 34 national science academies and the overwhelming majority of the world's climate scientists accept the evidence for anthropogenic climate change
The science has won.
61% of republicans accept it, 84% of democrats accept it, 64% of independents accept it, and you fringe tea party patriots promoting the English language as official and standing guard with shotguns at the border are the only minority in America who believe it's a hoax
Color me shocked!
Fuck you, Kynes. Your a lying, delusional, ranting asshole. You distort the truth about everything because you can barely read.. You don't even know famous historians works in an area of history and make idiot and absurd claims that I debunked in 20 minutes.
Go get your GED. STFD AND stfu, the adults are talking.
By facts, I think he means the data gathered via satellite and various other instruments scattered around the world. Unless you're saying the satellites are instruments are wrong, how are the numbers exaggerated?And by "facts", UB means the latest absurd exaggerations.
The good news is the MMGW zealots are frantic. You can smell their fear at the imminent "tabling" of this manufactured crisis. They smell their chance at passing any meaningful legislation slipping away for 8-12 years. And as we all know, time is the death knell for this latest Progressive contrivance.
I bet you're holding a bible right now...There's no point in arguing religion here folks. Pada believes what he believes, facts and logic aren't going to sway him.
By facts, I think he means the data gathered via satellite and various other instruments scattered around the world. Unless you're saying the satellites are instruments are wrong, how are the numbers exaggerated?
2x2=4 regardless of how much of a cunt you think 4 is.[/QOUTE]
That really isn't the debate. The interpretation, climate models, conclusions and "solutions" are the crux of the matter.
Well, if you're winning the debate and even a majority of Republicans are in agreement that man is responsible for the "soon to be realized" environmental disaster, which is always conveniently just around the corner, then why can't they seem to get legislation passed?
Most scientists still support AGW. As for lay people, who really gives a shit what they believe?
most blacks and mexicans are laypeopleMost scientists still support AGW. As for lay people, who really gives a shit what they believe?
Most scientists still support AGW. As for lay people, who really gives a shit what they believe?
What legislation "can't they get passed"?
Can you cite even a single piece?
So are most white people.most blacks and mexicans are laypeople
I like being a lay person, when I get lucky.