Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

There's no point in arguing religion here folks. Pada believes what he believes, facts and logic aren't going to sway him.
Tassid admission that the fabricated "controversy" is completely political, not scientific. The funny thing about that is the science doesn't care what your opinion, or political affiliation is.

It's not as if when Reagan and Bush were president climate science just stopped, then Clinton came along and it all started up again.. That's not how science works, you not knowing that is just more evidence that you don't know how science works

It's funny the deniers think they've somehow won something when 34 national science academies and the overwhelming majority of the world's climate scientists accept the evidence for anthropogenic climate change

The science has won.

61% of republicans accept it, 84% of democrats accept it, 64% of independents accept it, and you fringe tea party patriots promoting the English language as official and standing guard with shotguns at the border are the only minority in America who believe it's a hoax

Color me shocked!

Well (Science), if you're winning the debate (Science) and even a majority of Republicans (Science) are in agreement that man is responsible (Science) for the "soon to be realized" environmental disaster (Science), which is always conveniently just around the corner (Science), then why can't they seem to get legislation passed (Science)?

Man, peppering the word SCIENCE in my post takes it to an entirely new level of chewy goodness. How the fuck can you continue to argue the point in the face of such an onslaught of repetitiveness?

all I know, is that "sustainability" is being used as a mask of control. if I have my choice between species-ending climate change, and UN Agenda 21, I choose global warming.
Statistics is is not science, it is a math tool. Making up forcing functions that cannot be proved, yet, is not scientific discovery. It is a tool of science called Hypothesis.

Acting like it is already proven and not merely suggested is not science it is Tribal Agenda to kill for.

Using language that would get you laughed out of any Freshman Physics Lab is not science,

Only direct, repeatable OBSERVATION is science, If it were not for Heisenberg direct observations there would be no Quantum Science. And even at that the math cannot be resolved and it makes no sense. Electron Tunneling? Observed as another Quantum Effect.
And it still doesn't make sense, just Observed.

Getting all queer headed about being disagreed with, when so sure of RIGHT,, is human.

Yet, the Ice loss is being directly observed and is science,

Those findings of Ice Loss, are resulting in a lot of fear sale of Solar and Electric Cars.

Fuck you, Kynes. Your a lying, delusional, ranting asshole. You distort the truth about everything because you can barely read.. You don't even know famous historians works in an area of history and make idiot and absurd claims that I debunked in 20 minutes.
Go get your GED. STFD AND stfu, the adults are talking.

Try to take a deep breath and relax. You're going to give yourself a coronary.
And by "facts", UB means the latest absurd exaggerations.

The good news is the MMGW zealots are frantic. You can smell their fear at the imminent "tabling" of this manufactured crisis. They smell their chance at passing any meaningful legislation slipping away for 8-12 years. And as we all know, time is the death knell for this latest Progressive contrivance.
By facts, I think he means the data gathered via satellite and various other instruments scattered around the world. Unless you're saying the satellites are instruments are wrong, how are the numbers exaggerated?

2x2=4 regardless of how much of a cunt you think 4 is.
By facts, I think he means the data gathered via satellite and various other instruments scattered around the world. Unless you're saying the satellites are instruments are wrong, how are the numbers exaggerated?

2x2=4 regardless of how much of a cunt you think 4 is.[/QOUTE]

That really isn't the debate. The interpretation, climate models, conclusions and "solutions" are the crux of the matter.
Well, if you're winning the debate and even a majority of Republicans are in agreement that man is responsible for the "soon to be realized" environmental disaster, which is always conveniently just around the corner, then why can't they seem to get legislation passed?

What legislation "can't they get passed"?

Can you cite even a single piece?
Most scientists still support AGW. As for lay people, who really gives a shit what they believe?

Obviously your side really does. It is very important to shout down the opposition and call names, seems to me.

Why is that? It is the worst of human behavior, us vs them.

Ah, finally, we will be getting more accurate readings on this.
Although mean sea level seems simple to define, it is actually very complex to accurately measure. The geoid, such as the one created by data collected by the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE), provides a representation of the surface of the Earth's oceans with only the influence of gravity and the planet's rotation to shape them. However, there are plenty of other factors at play. Land masses, the rising of sinking continents and sea beds, ice caps melting, thermal expansion, water salinity, tides, storms, and more can have major effects on sea level measurements.

Most scientists still support AGW. As for lay people, who really gives a shit what they believe?

Yeah, it's not like the MMGW folk are vocal. They just quietly keep the knowledge to themselves and don't care at all what the masses think at all. It's not like they are actively trying to convince people that changes need to be made.
What legislation "can't they get passed"?

Can you cite even a single piece?

Sure, I'll oblige such a civil request.

2003 Climate Stewardship Act
2005 Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act
2007 Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act
American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009
Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act of 2007

That should get you started. I could list over a dozen that died on the vine from 2009 to 2011 alone. You want more, Google.