Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Most scientific organziations believe the current trend of global warming is caused by man. Deniers are fringe at best.

So what if it is? Sooner or later it's going to happen anyways. Nothing that can be done about it now. We're all doomed.
Most scientific organziations believe the current trend of global warming is caused by man. Deniers are fringe at best.
Most scientific organziations believe the current trend of global warming is TO SOME DEGREE caused by man. Deniers who believe the climate is totally static are fringe at best.

fixed that for you.

you're welcome.

no climatologist would make your original statement, cuz thats EXACTLY as crazy as asserting the climate doesnt ever change
of course "climate change" is real, it's the "Anthropogenic" part that is based on dubious claims, political agendas and repeatedly falsified data.

it's actually based on a body of science bigger than sheskunk's fat flaps and your spare tire combined.

the ones with dubious claims and political agendas are the people you cite: the heartland institute and discredited quacks like roy spencer, signatory to the evangelical pledge on global warming and creationist who believes the earth is 6000 years old.

yes, you cited THAT roy spencer.

by the way, i challenge you to cite this "falsified data", because i know you can't. you are simply lying again, just like the last dozen times i have caught you straight up lying.

sure "almost all" scientists agree the climate changes

actually, they all do with the possible exception of evangelical religious creationist nutjobs like roy spencer, your favorite science guy.

all you clowns are NOT climatologists

but we can recognize credible climatologists, unlike you who cites an evangelical creationist by the name of roy spencer.

you got your wiki-wisdom from the press, politicians and touts

nope, got my take on the issue from 34 national academies of science.

that's different than your side, who gets their info from political front groups like the heartland institute, of the infamous "tobacco isn;t harmful because they paid us to say so!" debacle just a couple decades back.

you stooges just don't learn.

you have been force-fed, and now it's an article of faith.

faith has no predictive value and is absolute.

climate science has massive predictive value, and changes as new evidence is discovered.

you are an idiot repeating POLITICAL slogans, you fucking clown.

many of you continue to defend the assholes even when they get caught cooking the books, making shit up, and straight up lying.

it all comes back to the religion of leftism, and their desire to "smash capitalism" by whatever means neccessary, cuz facts and truth are irrelevant, it's the overall message that matters.

the only one lying here is you.

the only manufactured scandal you cooked up was exonerated by 8 separate independent investigations.

the heartland institute, roy spencer, and all the other phony fake scientists who get paid to put out a certain preconceived conclusion are the real liars who "cook the books" and "make shit up", and they are the ones to whom facts and truth are irrelevant.

that you try to assign this track record to 34 national academies of science and the overwhelming majority of peer reviewed studies is the same thing you do when you try to assign monoculturism and "a singular mindset" to multiculturalism when it actually describes the white separatism and white supremacy to which you subscribe.

you are pathetic and transparent and should really stick to being overweight and working at walmart as a 50 year old man who still lives with his mother.
I'm simply stating that there was a mission to Neptune and it took 12 years to get there. It's straight off the NASA website.
You stated Neptunians sent a space ship to Earth. Now you're trying to lie your way out of it.
I stepped in some Buck the other day. Stank so bad I threw away the shoes.
Hey Red. Still can't multi-quote eh?
That's okay. You'll get it soon. Hang in champ. Someone will acknowledge your awesomeness one day. Maybe.
Ok, I lied. They will buy you a lollipop. Or an ice-cream cone at Dairy Queen.
Ok, I lied again.
No, it went from Earth to Neptune. It took Voyager 12 years to cover the distance from Earth to Neptune, or Neptune to Earth, it's the same fucking distance, asshat.

I didn't say that.

I said we can detect most 'killer asteroids' (according to NDT, an astrophysicist) Take two fucking seconds to educate yourself. We can also apparently deflect or destroy them with relative ease. In 2017 we'll have an IR telescope SPECIFICALLY for detecting them.

You said, we couldn't detect asteroids because we didn't detect the one in Russia. It's a faulty line of reasoning. Anyone and everyone can see it (except you apparently).

Your entire argument is "We didn't detect one asteroid that hit Russia (that was the size of a truck no less), Therefore we can't detect asteroids headed for us."

Take a look, it's in a book....
You're trying to change your statement again and now mine. You said we didn't need to fear asteroids. That's an absolute. I said one got thru, so can others. When your argument is ridiculed, pretend you said something else. No one will Sucks to be you.
“If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?”
― Sam Harris
Your religion isn't "logic".
and with that reply, red1966 single-handedly settled the AGW debate.

Meanwhile, I found an interesting channel on UToob that just started up recently called Thin Ice. I recommend perusing its quickly growing library.
Here's a funny sample of scientists getting erections (literally) over a "fresh core". Some of the comments are most interesting, especially the one about "daily tides".


Meanwhile, I found an interesting channel on UToob that just started up recently called Thin Ice. I recommend perusing its quickly growing library.
Here's a funny sample of scientists getting erections (literally) over a "fresh core". Some of the comments are most interesting, especially the one about "daily tides".

there were literally no erections in that. you fucking troll
Which is why they are publicly shamed and not taken seriously in any corner of reality

It's why they call people like Bill Nye a "bully" for stating scientific facts, because they can't argue the facts

actually, they can and they do (argue facts)..that is the modern republican
The Modern Democrat is dirty pool. No honesty in, "the end state, of a social experiment (if you even get it) justifies the, up front means, to try to get it.

Both sides are conductors of evil intent to me.
it's actually based on a body of science bigger than sheskunk's fat flaps and your spare tire combined.

the ones with dubious claims and political agendas are the people you cite: the heartland institute and discredited quacks like roy spencer, signatory to the evangelical pledge on global warming and creationist who believes the earth is 6000 years old.

yes, you cited THAT roy spencer.

by the way, i challenge you to cite this "falsified data", because i know you can't. you are simply lying again, just like the last dozen times i have caught you straight up lying.

actually, they all do with the possible exception of evangelical religious creationist nutjobs like roy spencer, your favorite science guy.

but we can recognize credible climatologists, unlike you who cites an evangelical creationist by the name of roy spencer.

nope, got my take on the issue from 34 national academies of science.

that's different than your side, who gets their info from political front groups like the heartland institute, of the infamous "tobacco isn;t harmful because they paid us to say so!" debacle just a couple decades back.

you stooges just don't learn.

faith has no predictive value and is absolute.

climate science has massive predictive value, and changes as new evidence is discovered.

you are an idiot repeating POLITICAL slogans, you fucking clown.

the only one lying here is you.

the only manufactured scandal you cooked up was exonerated by 8 separate independent investigations.

the heartland institute, roy spencer, and all the other phony fake scientists who get paid to put out a certain preconceived conclusion are the real liars who "cook the books" and "make shit up", and they are the ones to whom facts and truth are irrelevant.

that you try to assign this track record to 34 national academies of science and the overwhelming majority of peer reviewed studies is the same thing you do when you try to assign monoculturism and "a singular mindset" to multiculturalism when it actually describes the white separatism and white supremacy to which you subscribe.

you are pathetic and transparent and should really stick to being overweight and working at walmart as a 50 year old man who still lives with his mother.
TL;DR butthurt ravings


there's your argument.

there's your argument.
considering how much of what you post is bullshit, i could probably just play the odds and reply to everything you say with "That's Bullshit" but i am not that lazy.

and remember, Less Than Half...

hurts dont it?
considering how much of what you post is bullshit, i could probably just play the odds and reply to everything you say with "That's Bullshit" but i am not that lazy.

and remember, Less Than Half...

hurts dont it?

you're still trying to keep on with that pants-down lie of yours?

maybe post some more debunked pseudo science from evangelical creationists who now work for oil companies to show us how wrong we all are.
you're still trying to keep on with that pants-down lie of yours?

maybe post some more debunked pseudo science from evangelical creationists who now work for oil companies to show us how wrong we all are.
yes the IPCC's reports are pretty debunkable, quite evangelical, and full of psuedo-science.

i mean really, who would believe a crazy story like this:

first, "almost all of 1 degree C warming over 120 years is man-made", then a few years later, they retconn that to "~50% of 0.4 degree C warming over 60 years is man-made", but they still insist their story hasnt changed, and their projections are as good as they ever were...

perplexingly wacky indeed