Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

pubsters are NOT the fiscal conservatives they lead you to believe they are.

Anyone who thinks the ruling pubs are conservative weren't paying attention to what Bush spent, or spent on. He spent us nearly into oblivion. We are spending even more now...

Just curious though, how did Cruz spend all that money while reading green eggs and ham? I hadn't heard this until now.

I'm still not understanding how this justifies lying when it's not needed and actually harmful.
Well, it is a very partisan, inside joke. I doubt you would find it amusing. But, Sky's story to tell.
Partisan lying is designed to be harmful to your aims.

In this case though, it's harmful to the science, which is non-partisan by design. The focus shifts the debate from are we pooping in our kitchen to why are you lying about something so simple and obvious as money spent?
In this case though, it's harmful to the science, which is non-partisan by design. The focus shifts the debate from are we pooping in our kitchen to why are you lying about something so simple and obvious as money spent?

Well, is it? There is plenty of lying in Science, Cold Fusion. :)

Science continues because of and despite of all this political nattering lies.

I mean this most sincere. We need to look at it correctly. That is science. What to look at? That is science. Ridicule and shattered careers? Science. The most important discoveries just sitting there but no one has "crossed their eyes" and seen it yet? Science.

Painstaking, bit by bit, drudgery over decades so someone may be able to get some AH HA in the future? You guessed it.

The opposite of all that is Govt. Govts essentially are future-casters. Science is the Shaman for govt. Govt, cannot predict the future so they use the rattle bones of their own Labs. So, govt can fund secret science via military satellites for example. And then say to ESOC maybe you should look at this Ice.

So, ESOC has to row hard to be a sparefaring concern, so they got skin in. They put up the Sat and they see it.

And since they see the exponential reduction of Ice, it was a good safe bet. Big props for ESOC, etc.

If the Military weather observations from Space HAD SEEN the cooling they were expecting, we would not need Saganism today. Saganism is to lie to the masses for necessity, I see it now.

People are stubborn when we have to spend a lot of money now, for something needed in 100 years.

That does not mean however, that Saganism will not become a force for evil, in the end.

And yet, science has to lead govt and govt has to lead us.
The argument was about whether or not we could detect asteroids that could destroy earth. I quoted NDT and you basically said he was full of shit and you know better. I said it would take a long time (years) for an asteroid to reach us, and you brought up the 'Russian meteorite' incident as proof that we couldn't see a 10-15km asteroid approaching us within our reaction time (it took 12 years for Voyager 2 to go from earth to Neptune). I brought up that multiple organizations are scanning for that EXACT thing, e.g. NEO's.

We can detect things that are large enough to kill us in time to do something about them. Your opinion doesn't matter on the subject, it's a fucking fact.

Now you say I've changed the subject, and that I 'fail'. lol How so?
You didn't quote NDT. You tried to claim him as a reference without citing anywhere he supported your idiotic statement that we detect and stop all objects approaching the Earth. We obviously can not. Even launching a rocket to reach the moon takes several years. I could also point out that you didn't even address my example off a total failure to detect a meteor. We have yet to do what you so blithely claim we can do. You "fact" is nothing but wishful thinking. You fail because, when confronted with someone pointing out the idiocy of your claim, you tried to make the argument about Voyager. Sucks to be you.
If you weren't, you simply wouldn't respond.. I mean, what's the point of replying to someone if only to "piss people off" as you say?

You're looking for the reaction to respond to, just like any troll on the internet

What you get out of that is nothing short of narcissistic. It adds to your ego.

From my experience in life, I've found that the less ego a person has, the better a person they are, usually in every aspect of their character; humble, welcoming, honest, reliable, passionate, etc. The people that attempt to fuel their ego, especially off the backbones of others, are worthless. They're not even worth consideration

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." -Eleanor Roosevelt
While you discuss
Geeze, I'm on the MMGW team and this little cartoon grosses me out. How do you expect to convince people with dishonesty?

The cartoon implies that everyone under consensus is working for a pittance funded by community organizers and eco-groups.... Add the governments expenditures and the picture looks quite different. We've spent over 70B through taxation just in this country alone, i have no idea how much it is when added to other governments spending. It dwarfs what the oil companies are spending.

We can win this debate with honesty and overwhelming data, when we argue from ignorance and deceit like in the cartoon, it adds fuel to the denier camp, and rightly so.

you are an idiot.
Well, they want to debate. It is pretty stupid to think Halliburton will not benefit from moving infrastructure. Very checked out to think this political angle is some David against Goliath. Goliath and GodZilla against the people of the planet more like.

It is very dumb to think that there is not big govt (tax paid) money in this game.
Yet you omitted it entirely in your deceptive post.
In this case though, it's harmful to the science, which is non-partisan by design. The focus shifts the debate from are we pooping in our kitchen to why are you lying about something so simple and obvious as money spent?

maybe you should provide a citation that he's lying, which you have yet to do.

the reason why is because if you tried to do that, you'd shoot yourself right in the goddamn foot and expose yourself as the liar along the way.

so until you provide an actual citation, take your fake outrage and shove it right up your ass.