We scan for NEO's. Not small asteroids that will burn up in the atmosphere.
Why does
NASA's Near
Earth Object Program and Italy's Asiago - DLR Asteroid Survey exist? Please inform your 'students', oh great wise Internet Guru.
Actually let me do that for you! They exist to scan the solar system for asteroids that could kill all life on earth. They have plans set forth to stop these catastrophic events from happening. How long does it take for an asteroid to travel from Neptune to Earth? Let me answer that for you too, it took Voyager 12 years. TWELVE YEARS..... (@ 35,000MPH)
You babbling about Russia and it's meteorite that burned up in the atmosphere means NOTHING to your point.
If a dogfish swims through a shark net on a beach, it doesn't mean the shark net doesn't work. It means net wasn't designed to catch small, harmless fish