Before the gun control nuts come out of the woodwork

the fact is his mother was a law abiding gun owner though, and that was his access to the killing tools he needed to wipe out 20+ kindergarteners.

law abiding is not always responsible.
good point

It would be interesting to know how many "shooters" are on Brain Drugs
my guess would be most if not all

it would be interesting to know how many "shooters" were stoned
I would guess none.

Maybe it is the drugs? and the guns
I'm not blaming them. I'm saying the term 'legal owner' doesn't mean 'responsible owner'. To say that careless gun owners who have their firearms stolen aren't an variable in gun crime is dishonest. They're not the 'cause' but they are certainly not helping to mitigate the problem either.

As you may have not read an/or forgotten;
So a responsible gun owner is one who leaves his guns in a safe, that takes a minute or two to open?

Or one who has them under his bed and can get to them quickly if an intruder came in his famalies home?
So a responsible gun owner is one who leaves his guns in a safe, that takes a minute or two to open?

Or one who has them under his bed and can get to them quickly if an intruder came in his famalies home?
a responsible gun owner is a gun owner that is smart enough to realize that their son is a fucking crazy person and locks their shit up.

I am an owner but I do not have any crazy people living in my house
So a responsible gun owner is one who leaves his guns in a safe, that takes a minute or two to open?

you crack safes now too? no wonder how you were able to steal from your parents with such success.

nothing wrong with keeping a gun nearby when you're at home, but if you;re not at home at all, then it's a good idea to lock them up, lest you want to walk into your own house and be shot with your own gun.
What a pathetic little man he was, he gets rejected cant handle it and turns on people he's never met. It may be the result of a small penis giving him the multiple rejection. Maybe guys with small dicks and guns are dangerous.
the fact is his mother was a law abiding gun owner though, and that was his access to the killing tools he needed to wipe out 20+ kindergarteners.

law abiding is not always responsible.

he could have just as easily stolen the keys to her car, waited for lunch time, and mowed down 20 kids on the play ground.
So a responsible gun owner is one who leaves his guns in a safe, that takes a minute or two to open?

Or one who has them under his bed and can get to them quickly if an intruder came in his famalies home?

Both of those actually. A responsible gun owner leaves his guns in a safe when no one is home, and has his firearms within reach when he is home to prevent intruders (if he should feel the need to do so).
yeah, but it's not the weapon imo that is the problem, killers are going to kill.. if you're hell bent on killing, you're going to do it. ban guns, we'll have a sudden rise in stabbings..

yet nations that have put gun control in place aren't inundated with mass stabbings.
you crack safes now too? no wonder how you were able to steal from your parents with such success.

nothing wrong with keeping a gun nearby when you're at home, but if you;re not at home at all, then it's a good idea to lock them up, lest you want to walk into your own house and be shot with your own gun.
I was at UT when the VaTech thing went down. I carried from that point forward. Even though it was 'not permitted' by the university. I had a Glock 19 in my backpack the rest of my time there.

Never had to use it.

I always have a gun within my grasp, except probably when I'm in the shower.

The safes take a minute to get into when you know the code.

Imagine the stress of hearing the foot steps of an intruder coming progressively closer to your bedroom as you try to open the lock to your safe.

I don't even like that my gun has a safety switch. I tried to remove it, but I'm not a gunsmith and decided to not follow the procedure I found online, which could screw up the gun if done improper.
I was at UT when the VaTech thing went down. I carried from that point forward. Even though it was 'not permitted' by the university. I had a Glock 19 in my backpack the rest of my time there.

Never had to use it.

I always have a gun within my grasp, except probably when I'm in the shower.

The safes take a minute to get into when you know the code.

Imagine the stress of hearing the foot steps of an intruder coming progressively closer to your bedroom as you try to open the lock to your safe.

I don't even like that my gun has a safety switch. I tried to remove it, but I'm not a gunsmith and decided to not follow the procedure I found online, which could screw up the gun if done improper.

when did i say the guns had to be locked up when the gun owner was at home?

you reading compensation is about as pathetic as your lot in life making sandwiches at subway.
not even good trolling, stay-puft.

if you were to focus what little energy your body is capable of exerting into exercise instead of trolling, you might hit the sub-700 pound mark before you die from heart disease and/or choking on your own mucus cocktail of twinkies and gravy.