A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911


Well-Known Member
Edit: those items are combustible and burned in the fire.
Aluminum melts at 1200F.

To cremate a human body requires 90 minutes, 2100F temperatures and still leaves many parts of the bone intact which are then pulverised into what gets put into an urn.

Go ahead and believe that all the bodies were instantly vaporized by the incredible heat, but the aluminum isn't even heat damaged or scorched.


Well-Known Member
If the plane had swooped down and "buzzed" the Pentagon all those witnesses who said they saw the plane hit the building would have been murdered.
I doubt the "Buzzing" plane would be capable of dropping off a bunch of airplane parts onto the lawn in front of the blast area. Doubt it very much, we don't have the technology or capability to be doing that kind of shit yet, for sure. Some day I hope we are able to land on the moon.


Well-Known Member
I doubt the "Buzzing" plane would be capable of dropping off a bunch of airplane parts onto the lawn in front of the blast area. Doubt it very much, we don't have the technology or capability to be doing that kind of shit yet, for sure. Some day I hope we are able to land on the moon.
Land on the moon! I'm still waiting for someone to really discover a new continent on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

What they tell us is America is really just a large island west of Ireland.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I remember watching an eyewitness on the news that day.
He watched the plane diving and told the reporter the pilot was "jetting it".
Never saw that video report again.

A lot of those pictures above were no doubt 'unclassified' after the crash.
Bodies cleaned up and the bigger plane parts pulled out of the building for safety's sake.


Well-Known Member
I watch this, then I weigh the "missile" evidence.
I've always found the Pentagon to be a bit of a distraction. The evidence surrounding the WTC "collapses" is far more compelling for focus in a conspiracy narrative.


Well-Known Member
I watch this, then I weigh the "missile" evidence.
I've always found the Pentagon to be a bit of a distraction. The evidence surrounding the WTC "collapses" is far more compelling for focus in a conspiracy narrative.
I cant listen to that guy, what an ignorant little shit.

Agent of the Devil if you ask me, trying to appeal to the little man to believe these hoaxes.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Is the point of a cruse missile the fact that it cruises?

why does the plane fly over if a cruse missile can fly there on its own?

is this a conspiracy to discredit real conspiracy nuts?


Well-Known Member

If you know anything about wing roots, it doesn't matter if you think the wings telescoped on impact.

The engines are farther apart than the hole, so where is the damage to the exterior walls, and where are the actual engines... where are the wings in a hole that is < 100ft deep??


Well-Known Member
If the plane had swooped down and "buzzed" the Pentagon all those witnesses who said they saw the plane hit the building would have been murdered.

First, the disinfo agents go about discrediting the witnesses.

They have access to the NSA files

If that doesn't work, they get more creative


Well-Known Member
Relating this to the plane that went down in Pennsylvania...where did the plane disappear to after it crashed in the field?

A big hole with no debris.


Well-Known Member
Aluminum melts at 1200F.

To cremate a human body requires 90 minutes, 2100F temperatures and still leaves many parts of the bone intact which are then pulverised into what gets put into an urn.

Go ahead and believe that all the bodies were instantly vaporized by the incredible heat, but the aluminum isn't even heat damaged or scorched.
actually it's 1800F 2-2 1/2 hours before the pulverization cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Aluminum melts at 1200F.

To cremate a human body requires 90 minutes, 2100F temperatures and still leaves many parts of the bone intact which are then pulverised into what gets put into an urn.

Go ahead and believe that all the bodies were instantly vaporized by the incredible heat, but the aluminum isn't even heat damaged or scorched.
Yes but seat cushions, blankets, etc, burn real easy.

There are plenty of pictures of plane debris inside the pentagon.

You just don't want to believe what you are seeing. It's tough to believe. It's shocking. But it happened.