Elliot Rodger's had Aspergers Syndrome. Should we not allow people with Aspergers to own guns?

Should people with Aspergers, a form of autism that makes people lack empathy, own guns?

  • Yes, allow them to have guns.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No, they lack empathy.

    Votes: 10 52.6%

  • Total voters
,"Lack of empathy," means you don't feel sympathy for others.

Empathy and sympathy are not interchangeable

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the position of another but not be emotionally connected or effected by their emotions

Sympathy is feeling sorry for the plight of another, this involves feeling sadness on behalf of another
this is considered not to be a professional approach and is discouraged by mental health workers
Empathy and sympathy are not interchangeable

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the position of another but not be emotionally connected or effected by their emotions

Sympathy is feeling sorry for the plight of another, this involves feeling sadness on behalf of another
this is considered not to be a professional approach and is discouraged by mental health workers
Canna is unable to relate to this. He has no feelings....except anger
I like to think that if you were programing a robot to try to experence feelings
you would not be able to programe sympathy because this requires having the ability
to mirror the feelings you see, if another is sad you will feel sad yourself

empathy keeps you emotionally distant from the other person
you do not need to experience their feelings
but you need to understand what they need to fix their mood
or whatever or reconise if they are happy or sad
a robot could be programmed to do this
this is why social workers/mental health teams teach empathy as being the superior response to the plight of another
sympathy is frowned upon lol
I wonder can people with asperger raise a child. It seems like they would be withdrawn from a child's needs. How can they emotional connect with the child ?
folk with ass burgers call folk without assburgers NT's
not sure if anyone has mentioned that yet
took me a while to work out what they were on about lol
Im not scared, we dont have a mass murder per month.

Im just saying that maybe mentally ill people shouldnt have access to weapons, in the same way you take a suicidal persons shoelaces when detaining them.

But what the fuck would I know?

You just ignore the foreigner, let people who have no sane, objective view of reality keep shooting up schools, movie theatres, etc.

Its "your right".
again, since 1968, it is prohibited for felons and crazy people to own guns.

like ALL laws, it doesnt stop criminals or crazy people from owning guns, but it does stop honest people from selling them guns.
folk with ass burgers call folk without assburgers NT's
not sure if anyone has mentioned that yet
took me a while to work out what they were on about lol
trannies now call normal folks (those who see their dick and believe what it is telling them) "cisgendered"
some of the more militant gays call normal folks "breeders"
loonies are always making up words to describe those who lack their pathology.

thats why bucky calls everyone "racist" and abandoninellect calls everyone "ancap"
again, since 1968, it is prohibited for felons and crazy people to own guns.

like ALL laws, it doesnt stop criminals or crazy people from owning guns, but it does stop honest people from selling them guns.
Nobody knows about the mass shootings that didn't happen because of gun laws. Do you think people should be allowed to drink and drive because drunks still get behind the wheel and kill people?
trannies now call normal folks (those who see their dick and believe what it is telling them) "cisgendered"
some of the more militant gays call normal folks "breeders"
loonies are always making up words to describe those who lack their pathology.

thats why bucky calls everyone "racist" and abandoninellect calls everyone "ancap"

yeh i have seen that, NT = NeuroTypical
I find it cute when minorities create these nicknames for the majority
it has that if you can't beat them join them mentality about it
i do not see any harm in it

breeders is one of my favorites
I wonder can people with asperger raise a child. It seems like they would be withdrawn from a child's needs. How can they emotional connect with the child ?

maybe its like dyslexia they cant "read or distinguish letters correctly" but can learn ways around it
which enables them to read perfectly well
folk with aspergers can't read the facial expressions or body language of others
they are disconnected from this kind of interaction with others on a certain level

aspergers people do not lack emotion or the ability to care or compassion for others
i think they lack the ability to read the signs and find it hard to interact with others
but if they are taught other ways to read the signs or are prompted that someone is in distress
they do have the ability to feel sympathy for the pain of others

they do not like getting confused with, sociopath or psychopath who are also said to lack empathy
but also a conscience