Well-Known Member
I but she has never been in a terrified state and tried to operate that auto. With her hands shaking and in her frightened state do you think she is gonna have the strength to pull the slide back? How bout remember to flip the safety? Has her auto ever jammed up on her while out at the range? How long did it take her clear it? Did she have to have you come over and clear it for her? I hope your GF gets put in a situation where she has to use it and can't. Maybe you would walk through life then with a little more common sense when it comes to firearms and protecting yourself. You GF is dumb for wanting to holster a weapon on her hip when she has a purse, unless shes the type that walks around with a wallet in her back pocket.some girls like the slim lines and flatter profile of an auto.
my girlfriend LOVES automatics, but considers wheelguns too bulky to slip under her clothing.
revolvers are easier to operate, and largely idiot proof, but i dont date idiots so thats not an issue
my mum loves her revolver because gramps used to shoot one very much like it, and he's the one who taught her to shoot on that old .45 long colt