I'm getting my lady a pistol for her birthday

I guess everyone thinks the same of you

You "guess"? What does that even mean?

Do you care what people here think of you? Do you come here to gain acceptance from your peers? If someone here doesn't like you does it affect you in a negative manner? Do you get your Efeelings hurt very often?
You "guess"? What does that even mean?

Do you care what people here think of you? Do you come here to gain acceptance from your peers? If someone here doesn't like you does it affect you in a negative manner? Do you get your Efeelings hurt very often?
Yes I care how people view me..and I attempt to carry myself as such, until I meet someone who shows me different.
Yes I care how people view me..and I attempt to carry myself as such, until I meet someone who shows me different.

That's funny.

You honestly think i act this way in real life? How far through day one do you think I would get if I did? The fact that you all fall for my act says a lot about who YOU really are. Especially when you believe it just so you can use it against me. When none of it is even true. I created a persona for people to hate and you all fell for it. Hook, line and sinker. Thank you for allowing me to pull your stings. I appreciate you.
Go ahead, liberal gun control people, let me have it.

I already own a Henry.
I also own a plinker Just a toy for the range, really.

I have this beauty, a Smithfield Armory pistol.
And I'm going to get her a small concealable .380.

It's a baby but Sig makes great stuff even though they've had some issues in the past. She got really freaked out when she read about some dude who'd been raping 11 year olds and we have a 7 year old girl. We have a blast at the range when we go now and again, and I figure I'd rather her feel safe if she's out at night. She's a sexy as hell mom with tats all over and an ass that would make a lampshade cry, by the way. So I don't want some cocksucker putting his hands on her either.

Ok! that's all I got. Come at me.

Edited because I don't want the govt finding my shit out because all the guns are legally owned. Don't trust anyone.
Chicks are too dumb to drive cars, and you're gonna buy her a gun?
It's so easy to get fat bitches like you to hang from my nuts and wait for my every message. Here fishy fishy fishy.

Am I replying to you, or are you replying to me?

What exactly leads you to believe that I am "fat bitch"?

Who's the fish? ;)
The way you desperately and shamelessly follow around the male members of the forum looking for attention by trolling screams fatty. The mean not caring act only works on insecure girls ,not on men.

So you are simply assuming?

Got it.
My personal sidearm of choice out of the 32 that I own is a S&W model 642 J frame .38 Special. 5 shots.
No external hammer, so its double action only, and its got a pretty hefty trigger at that so not easy to get trigger happy. I prefer this over any other weapon when the purpose is self defense. Although I am highly trained and shoot my weapons on average 500-1000 rounds each week and train about 150 times more than a Police officer, I want to ensure i can get the shot off with no other action required than a trigger squeeze and good sight picture and alignment when the SHTF. Just point and squeeze, no worries about the hammer or an edge snagging, its all been smoothed out. Accuracy at 15 yards is 4", more than adequate for self defense, but not the kind of accuracy i can get from some of my more specialized autos or my Colt Python. When you get beaned on the head or ambushed and surprised, when your life or a loved one's hangs in the balance I want to be sure i have as little in my way of actions needed to end the aggression. Its nearly as slim as a 1911 and fits in my waistband better than any other pistol/revolver I own. You can get them in .357 too, but they are a bit difficult to do accurate followups due to the extreme recoil of that round in a snubnose design.

If my mission were aggressive and with the intention of being able to do as much damage as possible, any of my Semi Autos would do the trick. I would most likely carry my CZ75 compact, if concealed, but if open carry were used it would have to be either My Colt Gold Cup .45 or my Glock 17L with the 33 round mag. Perhaps my H&K USP .45, its a bit large for my hand though and overall is a big damn pistol.

For home duty I just use my Winchester model 1897 Trench gun that was made in 1918.

I love SIG stuff, unfortunately their quality has been somewhat spotty since the Germans quit doing the machining, older SIG pistols with German proof marks are more valuable IMHO.

That SIG pistol the OP got his wife is a super sexy piece of work to be sure.
My personal sidearm of choice out of the 32 that I own is a S&W model 642 J frame .38 Special. 5 shots.
No external hammer, so its double action only, and its got a pretty hefty trigger at that so not easy to get trigger happy. I prefer this over any other weapon when the purpose is self defense. Although I am highly trained and shoot my weapons on average 500-1000 rounds each week and train about 150 times more than a Police officer, I want to ensure i can get the shot off with no other action required than a trigger squeeze and good sight picture and alignment when the SHTF. Just point and squeeze, no worries about the hammer or an edge snagging, its all been smoothed out. Accuracy at 15 yards is 4", more than adequate for self defense, but not the kind of accuracy i can get from some of my more specialized autos or my Colt Python. When you get beaned on the head or ambushed and surprised, when your life or a loved one's hangs in the balance I want to be sure i have as little in my way of actions needed to end the aggression. Its nearly as slim as a 1911 and fits in my waistband better than any other pistol/revolver I own. You can get them in .357 too, but they are a bit difficult to do accurate followups due to the extreme recoil of that round in a snubnose design.

If my mission were aggressive and with the intention of being able to do as much damage as possible, any of my Semi Autos would do the trick. I would most likely carry my CZ75 compact, if concealed, but if open carry were used it would have to be either My Colt Gold Cup .45 or my Glock 17L with the 33 round mag. Perhaps my H&K USP .45, its a bit large for my hand though and overall is a big damn pistol.

For home duty I just use my Winchester model 1897 Trench gun that was made in 1918.

I love SIG stuff, unfortunately their quality has been somewhat spotty since the Germans quit doing the machining, older SIG pistols with German proof marks are more valuable IMHO.

That SIG pistol the OP got his wife is a super sexy piece of work to be sure.

Got a .38 just like that one...Love it!
My personal sidearm of choice out of the 32 that I own is a S&W model 642 J frame .38 Special. 5 shots.
No external hammer, so its double action only, and its got a pretty hefty trigger at that so not easy to get trigger happy. I prefer this over any other weapon when the purpose is self defense. Although I am highly trained and shoot my weapons on average 500-1000 rounds each week and train about 150 times more than a Police officer, I want to ensure i can get the shot off with no other action required than a trigger squeeze and good sight picture and alignment when the SHTF. Just point and squeeze, no worries about the hammer or an edge snagging, its all been smoothed out. Accuracy at 15 yards is 4", more than adequate for self defense, but not the kind of accuracy i can get from some of my more specialized autos or my Colt Python. When you get beaned on the head or ambushed and surprised, when your life or a loved one's hangs in the balance I want to be sure i have as little in my way of actions needed to end the aggression. Its nearly as slim as a 1911 and fits in my waistband better than any other pistol/revolver I own. You can get them in .357 too, but they are a bit difficult to do accurate followups due to the extreme recoil of that round in a snubnose design.

If my mission were aggressive and with the intention of being able to do as much damage as possible, any of my Semi Autos would do the trick. I would most likely carry my CZ75 compact, if concealed, but if open carry were used it would have to be either My Colt Gold Cup .45 or my Glock 17L with the 33 round mag. Perhaps my H&K USP .45, its a bit large for my hand though and overall is a big damn pistol.

For home duty I just use my Winchester model 1897 Trench gun that was made in 1918.

I love SIG stuff, unfortunately their quality has been somewhat spotty since the Germans quit doing the machining, older SIG pistols with German proof marks are more valuable IMHO.

That SIG pistol the OP got his wife is a super sexy piece of work to be sure.
You're the man, good stuff!