I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

So now you hate mexicans too? Pshhh what an ass crack. I'm done wasting my life on you. "-PEACE-" bongsmilie:peace::leaf:

I never said I "hate Mexicans". I am not a racist and I am not a bigot.

Some of My best friends were immigrants, I loved them. My dad is an immigrant. And I dont have any problems with any race.

People are individuals

Today makes exactly 9 months from when I first noticed the UFOs. I first noticed the UFOs on September 8th of 2013.

I took two of My buddies out to a park to look at the "stars" tonight. Both of My friends need glasses. One friend was wearing contact lenses, and My other friend was wearing glasses.

Both of My friends said that they saw the "stars" move. But one of My friends was saying that the movement of the "stars" was actually an optical illusion from staring at stars. I disagree with My friend.

I have seen a UFO not move too. There was the brightest UFO that used to come to nearly the same spot every night: the brightest UFO didnt move much. I no longer see that UFO any more. But it seems like the brightest UFOs dont move as much as the others.

I have perfect vision, I can detect movement of these UFOs. I dont believe that I am seeing satellites either, because satellites dont move around in every direction, they just orbit the earth.

So today, June 8th of 2014, makes exactly 9 months since I first found out that the "stars" in My sky are actually UFOs: I first noticed a UFO on September 8th of 2013.

I see these UFOs move. Both of My friends tonight said that they saw the "stars" move, but they both believed that it was an optical illusion from just staring at the "stars". But one of My friends was wearing contact lenses, and My other friend was wearing glasses. I have perfect vision.

I would really like to know why these "stars" are moving. I would bet that if I had a good video camera, with a good zoom, I could actually catch these UFOs move.

I have seen other UFOs too; My first UFO experience was on July 2nd of 2012. The very first UFOs that I saw were bluish, and those UFOs seemed to move too.

I wish I knew the answers, but all I know is that I see unidentified flying objects or UFOs. Stars dont move in every direction, and I dont believe that I am experiencing an optical illusion that has lasted for 9 months.

When it moved did it seem to go in and out of existence. Be careful, not all the extraterrestrials are friendly. Some of them are working with the reptilians.

I saw the "alien", or being, in the late summer of 2012, or some time in the early fall of 2012, I forget exactly when.

The alien was 100% totally invisible at first; the only reason why I was looking that way was because the tree seemed to be blowing too much. I then commenced and picked up My BB gun to observe why the tree seemed to move more then usual. After a few minutes of looking at the tree, this "thing" appeared in My 4 power BB gun scope. I made a video of what that "thing" looked like, (the video should be in this thread). After the "thing" went away, I could see a translucent humanoid being. The being was moving around, but it seemed like it was laying down on top of My neighbors roof the whole time. The being was translucent- transparent, or partially visible. I was watching the being through My 4 power scope, attached to My BB gun, the whole time.

I saw the "alien", or being, in the late summer of 2012, or some time in the early fall of 2012, I forget exactly when.

The alien was 100% totally invisible at first; the only reason why I was looking that way was because the tree seemed to be blowing too much. I then commenced and picked up My BB gun to observe why the tree seemed to move more then usual. After a few minutes of looking at the tree, this "thing" appeared in My 4 power BB gun scope. I made a video of what that "thing" looked like, (the video should be in this thread). After the "thing" went away, I could see a translucent humanoid being. The being was moving around, but it seemed like it was laying down on top of My neighbors roof the whole time. The being was translucent- transparent, or partially visible. I was watching the being through My 4 power scope, attached to My BB gun, the whole time.


Sounds like an inter-dimensional being from what you describe. The reptilians are inter-dimensional and so are the ET's that help them carry out their agenda but then again so are many of the races fighting for the freedom of Humanity.

I wish I could access your video but I couldn't. All I can say is never trust these beings (you probably already understand this but just making sure.) It is hard to tell which ones are friendly and which ones are working for the elitist agenda. The Illuminati/Elitists/Earthbound Reptilians will sometimes even send out races who pretend to be helping you when that's the last thing they are doing so be careful. Protect yourself at all times with positive energy.
Sounds like an inter-dimensional being from what you describe. The reptilians are inter-dimensional and so are the ET's that help them carry out their agenda but then again so are many of the races fighting for the freedom of Humanity.

I wish I could access your video but I couldn't. All I can say is never trust these beings (you probably already understand this but just making sure.) It is hard to tell which ones are friendly and which ones are working for the elitist agenda. The Illuminati/Elitists/Earthbound Reptilians will sometimes even send out races who pretend to be helping you when that's the last thing they are doing so be careful. Protect yourself at all times with positive energy.

I will now play My "alien" encounter video again.

The SIGNS of the TIMES!

(Also, in the last part of the video, after ~9 minutes and 30 seconds, I try and describe the 5 Signs in the clouds. I did make a mistake in this video; I actually saw the black cloud on the eve of Good Friday, and NOT the eve of black Friday.)

EDIT- I will now play all of My videos.

Im Christ and these are My novel inventions for the future!

Jesus came in 2008???

Crazy talk LOL

More CRAZY ideas that I think are CRAZY COOL!

If My video doesnt work for you here, for whatever reason, you can try and click on the link below.

The SIGNS of the TIMES!


Click on the link above to watch My "alien" encounter video on youtube.

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Just some random thoughts I've been thinking of!

(And those are all of My videos of Me that I have now. There should be 6 videos total of Me.)

Sounds like an inter-dimensional being from what you describe. The reptilians are inter-dimensional and so are the ET's that help them carry out their agenda but then again so are many of the races fighting for the freedom of Humanity.

I wish I could access your video but I couldn't. All I can say is never trust these beings (you probably already understand this but just making sure.) It is hard to tell which ones are friendly and which ones are working for the elitist agenda. The Illuminati/Elitists/Earthbound Reptilians will sometimes even send out races who pretend to be helping you when that's the last thing they are doing so be careful. Protect yourself at all times with positive energy.

I dont know about all that. For all I know, I might not of even seen an alien at all: I might have seen an "above top secret" military person that was wearing the coolest invisibility/translucent technology. I dont know what an alien should look like, so I might have seen an alien, or I might have witnessed very advanced technology being worn by a human.

For the record, I was never hurt by that "alien" or being. The being never spoke to Me or even touched Me. I was obsessed with My "alien" encounter for many months, pondering what I saw. I actually had problems sleeping because I was obsessed with My encounter; but the being never hurt Me.

If I really did see an alien, then what does that mean? If I really saw an "above top secret" military person wearing invisibilty/translucent technology, what does that mean?

I had a very bizarre dream about Ufos last night. It was so vivid. And I woke up during it so it was burned into my brain. Too vivd and too strange man I'm perplexed. And no I didn't get probed. It was about a space ship. I was inside it. it was manned by us not them. The thing was half human and half computers but the computers had human parts. The closet thing I can convey was like this movie I just saw a month ago. The aliens in it were really tall and they were out to destroy the earth. Can't remember the name. I hope I can get back to that dream tonight. It was so real.
I dont know about all that. For all I know, I might not of even seen an alien at all: I might have seen an "above top secret" military person that was wearing the coolest invisibility/translucent technology. I dont know what an alien should look like, so I might have seen an alien, or I might have witnessed very advanced technology being worn by a human.

For the record, I was never hurt by that "alien" or being. The being never spoke to Me or even touched Me. I was obsessed with My "alien" encounter for many months, pondering what I saw. I actually had problems sleeping because I was obsessed with My encounter; but the being never hurt Me.

If I really did see an alien, then what does that mean? If I really saw an "above top secret" military person wearing invisibilty/translucent technology, what does that mean?

Hey do u think in ur next vid u could take ur shirt off?
Hey do u think in ur next vid u could take ur shirt off?

I actually dont plan on making any videos any time soon.

First off, My laptop with the video camera isnt working. And I dont feel like making any videos.

Plus, you dont want to see Me with My shirt off; Im 6 foot 1 inch at like 235 pounds: Im on the husky side right now. I used to be very built when I was younger; 6 foot 1 inch at 185 pounds, very built. But as I got older, I let My build slip a little.

It says that you're a male: why would you want to see Me with My shirt off unless you are bisexual or gay? I am straight Myself.

Did you watch all of My videos?- and if so, did you learn anything?

P.S. Me and My sisters husband might go take some video of the UFOs that I see, I might be in that video in the future; but My sisters husband needs to get a zoom lens for his camera first.

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So u have some very interesting ideas man I'm fascinated by what u have to say. Some of it seems a little far fetched but so was Noah's prediction of an impending flood. My iPad kept crashing but I think I got most of it. so what do u think was the meaning of these visions?
And no inference intended by the shirtless comment. I'm just playing.
So u have some very interesting ideas man I'm fascinated by what u have to say. Some of it seems a little far fetched but so was Noah's prediction of an impending flood. My iPad kept crashing but I think I got most of it. so what do u think was the meaning of these visions?
And no inference intended by the shirtless comment. I'm just playing.

One thing I failed to mention in My videos is My notion of My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT. My global online government will do all of the dictating of the laws and whatnot. I am not a dictator, I just want to influence peoples imaginations, notions, and conscience. I just want to be a guiding force, a benevolent Prophet.

If My global online government dictated to implement all of My prophecies, I would be thrilled. If My global online government dictated to only implement some of My prophecies, I would be thrilled. If My global online government dictated not to implement any of My prophecies, I would just be thrilled that there is My global online government: one step at a time.

Most of My prophecies, or "visions", came about when I was stoned on cannabis; but some of My "visions" came about while I was sober, like My ONE WORLD ONLINE GOVERNMENT. I thought about My global online government in the year 2009, while I was in a mental hospital for about 5 months. I figured that one day I would be the King of the world, and every King needs a Kingdom and government, so I figured that My people can rule themselves via My GLOBAL ONLINE GOVERNMENT. I am just a dolt compared to the scientists and experts in all of the fields, so I would let the scientists and experts write the "pros and cons" of every law that would be voted on. So everyone would see exactly all of the "pros and cons" of their votes, to help deduct the correct choice.

It has taken Me about 6 years to come up with all of those "visions", or prophecies. I came up with one prophecy at a time. I am very proud of all of My prophecies.

I hope that one day, everyone will be flying around in SPACE JETS, planet hopping and traveling through oceans on other planets like the moon and Mars, or any planet that can be colonized.

One of My latest prophecies, that I came up with after I made those videos, is the fact that there will be seas under every country. Every country will have seas under seas, under seas, under seas, etc.. Every sea can have many islands. You will be able to go scuba diving under a sea, under many seas, under any country, with many islands. Feel free to pick up a few lobsters to cook up, while scuba diving under the continents, lol. Feel free to go spear fishing.

I could go on and on, but thats enough of a rant for now, lol.

Fascinating. Ur definitely a progressive thinker. I hope u keep a journal.

Thank you for all of your very kind words, I really appreciate it, bro.

I dont keep a "journal", on paper, anymore. I used to keep a paper journal, but I ended up writting everything in My journal, on the internet, on RIU. I keep My FREE autobiography on the internet now, for everyone to read. I can put all of My thoughts on the internet, where many people can read it, ponder My notions, criticize My Words, and hopefully remember My Words.

I am trying to start a knowledge revolution, where people are learning novel principals. I would like to teach the whole world My prophecies, so we can implement My garden paradise.

I just hope that people remember Me after I die and enter into Nirvana. I wouldnt have any problems being the "dead King of the world". If I was dead, I couldnt be an evil dictator, you could only read and watch the things I said while I was alive. Jesus is dead, and Jesus is considered to be "the king" of the Chriatians. I will be as dead as Jesus, but I will be known as much greater compared to Jesus.

I am looking for advocates- people that will spread My "God-spell". I cant change the world all by Myself, I need people that are interested in Me. I need people that will talk about the things I talk about, and give credit where credit is due. I need people to consider My Spirituality as their very own too, all are welcome into My Spirituality.

Thanks for your sweet words.
