I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

I'm not that clever. I'm just trying to keep an open mind. When I was a graphic artist we used to have what were called BS sessions to drum up new ideas for advertising. The creative staff would gather and spew out whatever came to mind. No idea was too ridiculous and it was even encouraged to say any crazy thing you could think of. The reasoning to BS sessions is your crazy thought can spark a thought in another guy and after being tossed around it becomes something coherent. But it wasn't born that way. It seldom ever is. We came up with some great campaigns that way and I learned never to stifle a mans creative thinking.
Hemp Plastic Is Bulletproof?

I would say that almost any solid object is bulletproof, if its thick enough.

I dont know how thick hemp plastic would need to be, in order to be bulletproof, but you can make glass bulletproof from only a matter of inches thick.

Who knows?- in My Kingdom, Im sure that there will be bulletproof abodes just because it would be cheap enough to make a bulletproof abodes from hemp plastic.

Im sure that in the future, My underwater abodes will need to be thick enough to keep out the pressure from the water. Who knows?- maybe there will be underwater abodes that are hundreds of yards underwater, or even miles deep? All you would need to do is make the clear hemp plastic thicker.

Im sure that in My Kingdom, most of the abodes will be made out of clear hemp plastic: and they can be bulletproof too, lol. I would grow millions of square miles of hemp, if I was the King of the world. I would also grow millions of more square miles of farms, to keep the price of food cheap, if not FREE FOOD!

I would grow and grow, and I would grow more. I would actually create a lot of ocean farms, to raise up sea life and let the sea life free after it matures to an adult. I would make the ocean very abundant with sea life.

I would actually create seas under all of the countries too. I would create seas under seas, under seas, under seas, etc., etc.. I would also create farms inside of the seas; animal farms, plant farms, and fish farms, underground.

The sky is the limit. And I would create bulletproof abodes as well, once I am the King of the world.

You guys need to check out this video. This video is crazy! This is a very interesting video, watch it now.

Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies

Today makes 10 months of seeing these "stars" move.

I first noticed that the "stars" move on September 8th of 2013; and today is July 8th of 2014; that makes 10 months.

I really wish that I knew more about these UFOs that I am seeing.

Its either alien, or military.

Today makes 10 months of seeing these "stars" move.

I first noticed that the "stars" move on September 8th of 2013; and today is July 8th of 2014; that makes 10 months.

I really wish that I knew more about these UFOs that I am seeing.

Its either alien, or military.


Funny how you were just in the forbidden truth thread criticizing the OP for repeating the same thing over and over, when here you are posting the exact same boring UFO shit for the zillionth time. Hypocritical much?
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Today makes 10 months of seeing these "stars" move.

I first noticed that the "stars" move on September 8th of 2013; and today is July 8th of 2014; that makes 10 months.

I really wish that I knew more about these UFOs that I am seeing.

Its either alien, or military.


Lol... Have you counted how many there are/normally are, or how many you normally pay attention to? Made any distinctions between some of them? Name any of them? do they appear near the same locations each night so you know where to look? Do you just stare drooling or do you try to make something of it?

10 months and it doesn't look like you've gotten anywhere with this :bigjoint:. But what do I know

And it's time for a new avatar. One without a painting of an angel to the side of your face. :-P Maybe put a little red devil thing there instead.
Lol... Have you counted how many there are/normally are, or how many you normally pay attention to? Made any distinctions between some of them? Name any of them? do they appear near the same locations each night so you know where to look? Do you just stare drooling or do you try to make something of it?

10 months and it doesn't look like you've gotten anywhere with this :bigjoint:. But what do I know

And it's time for a new avatar. One without a painting of an angel to the side of your face. :-P Maybe put a little red devil thing there instead.

Hey Skuxx.

I have noticed that some of the "stars" don't even show up in the same spot.

There used to be the brightest UFO that would show up in the same spot every night, but now that UFO doesn't even show up any more. This brightest UFO would make the least amount of movement compared to all the other UFOs.

The very first UFO that I noticed move doesn't show up any more.

There were 3 UFOs that I noticed were in the shape of a triangle, I haven't seen those in many months.

Not all of the UFOs are the exact same color, some are different shades of red, yellow, and orange. Some of the UFOs blink more then the others.

I don't believe "stars" would just disappear from the sky, like some of these UFOs are now missing.

You should pay attention to your night sky too.

EDIT- Pretty much, My whole sky is filled with UFOs. If I didn't know any better, I would think that I'm looking at stars, but stars don't move. My whole night sky is filled with moving "stars".

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Hey Skuxx.

I have noticed that some of the "stars" don't even show up in the same spot.

There used to be the brightest UFO that would show up in the same spot every night, but now that UFO doesn't even show up any more. This brightest UFO would make the least amount of movement compared to all the other UFOs.

The very first UFO that I noticed move doesn't show up any more.

There were 3 UFOs that I noticed were in the shape of a triangle, I haven't seen those in many months.

Not all of the UFOs are the exact same color, some are different shades of red, yellow, and orange. Some of the UFOs blink more then the others.

I don't believe "stars" would just disappear from the sky, like some of these UFOs are now missing.

You should pay attention to your night sky too.

EDIT- Pretty much, My whole sky is filled with UFOs. If I didn't know any better, I would think that I'm looking at stars, but stars don't move. My whole night sky is filled with moving "stars".


thanks and good answers. you do a good job of responding to all my bs....
Not cool guys.
I have high level contacts that
told me how to identify a human
alien hybrid.
Their semen smells like bleach.

**H@Ck ALLeRt**
Any info I give is based on what I would be comfortable doing.
Please get other opinions.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out.

so im must not be an alien then my girl sead it smells like pine apples and tast sweet??? i had pine apple to eat.. does anyone want to smell it maybe its just me..???
thanks and good answers. you do a good job of responding to all my bs....

Its My pleasure.

I'm glad that people are inquisitive about My experiences.

I just really wish that I video taped My experience with that being. I bet I could have sold that video for a lot of money to the right company. But, to this day, I still do not own a video camera, and I have never owned a video camera.

EDIT- My exerience with that being is something that I don't believe I will ever forget. It was probably the most advanced technology that I have witnessed up close. I'm sure that the UFOs that I see have some very advanced technology, but I just see lights that move in the night sky. But to witness invisibility and translucent technology up close is amazing. I just wish that I video taped it.

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lolz im kidding man i want what ever you guys are on i want to try dmt my boy sead he met god????

Today makes 11 months of seeing these UFOs.

I was just watching some of the UFOs move a few minutes ago. The UFOs don't fly all across the sky, but I can notice them move a little bit.

P.S. I haven't seen any aliens since My last and only encounter in 2012.

I'm outside smoking a cigarette right now.

About a minute ago, I saw what looked like a UFO falling from the sky. I saw it falling for about 5 seconds. It got dimmer as it fell, until the light went out.

I don't know if it hit the ground, but it looked like it was falling.

Maybe it was a really bright shooting star? Or a UFO?
