All of the "stars" in the sky are actually UFOs, and I have a video to show you what it looks like!

I work at night every night. I deliver newspapers out in the country with very little light pollution to contend with I constantly scan the night Sky's looking for any strange lights or unusual movement and up to this point all I've seen are flashing blue lights of the local county sheriff deputy's inquiring as to why am I swerving all over the road with my head stuck out the window.
So far 4 cops and no UFO's maybe tonight will be the night!
Check out 9-11conspiracys that will trip u out man, like how come they said the WTC came down like it had bombs in it and why steel burns at 2000 degrees Fahrenheit but jet fuel only burns at 1200???
People only believe what they want to believe. As soon as they find something that conflicts with their belief system they tend to shut down. When I seen a ufo, I ran inside and told everyone. What happened? Everyone laughed at me and these were close friends of mine. I wouldn't expect strangers to be any different.
People only believe what they want to believe. As soon as they find something that conflicts with their belief system they tend to shut down. When I seen a ufo, I ran inside and told everyone. What happened? Everyone laughed at me and these were close friends of mine. I wouldn't expect strangers to be any different.
My wife did the same thing pissed me off could have been military shit but still a UFO. lol, But that dude in Canada some higher up in their air force claimed "UFO's are as real as the panes flying over our heads" Like the fuuckk.... shit kinda bugged me out now.
