World Of Hempy

I went ahead and ordered an no pest strip. I noticed they were still alive when I checked a few minutes ago, upped the concentration level and sprayed them down again. When I put the microscope on them again they weren't moving, but I am not going to fuck around.

I am a little concerned with the fact my grow room is inside my house, but I can make sure the room is secure while I am blasting these fucks.

if u can get it pretty air tight and contain the treated area, then blast it out with fresh air after a few days you should be legit. I also sealed my strip up airtight after and tucked it away. It carries an unknown amount of risk which sucks but as a fast op done right it should be fine
I haven't had luck with the no pest strip, I'm sure it has to do with my ventilation, in the summer, I'm moving around 400cfm 24/7 thru the rm.

The best products I've found are available at garden centers, they are Neem based (70%) with pyethins & butoxide. They are concentrates generally 1oz/gal. 3 sprayings 5/6 days apart will generally stop most infestations. But I don't like to use neem after 21 days 12/12. If used weekly from seedling to wk2 12/12 it will most times keep the little SOB's away.

Something I've always wanted to try is the use of a sacrificial anode. Grow another plant in the room that is a preferred food for the SM
I've never had a SM problem with any outdoors grows, which makes me think that pot isn't a preferred food when many other plants are available. Outdoors I've found the little bastards on tomatoes, and they seem to really like lilacs. I need to study this some more.

ya I think I owe a lot of luck to only running fans 12/12. pre-treatment will definitely keep them at bay, and I love your idea of a sacrificial plant lmao! but id still be worried that those little fuckers would spread to the mj, they're like an invasive virus!
I haven't had luck with the no pest strip, I'm sure it has to do with my ventilation, in the summer, I'm moving around 400cfm 24/7 thru the rm.

The best products I've found are available at garden centers, they are Neem based (70%) with pyethins & butoxide. They are concentrates generally 1oz/gal. 3 sprayings 5/6 days apart will generally stop most infestations. But I don't like to use neem after 21 days 12/12. If used weekly from seedling to wk2 12/12 it will most times keep the little SOB's away.

Something I've always wanted to try is the use of a sacrificial anode. Grow another plant in the room that is a preferred food for the SM
I've never had a SM problem with any outdoors grows, which makes me think that pot isn't a preferred food when many other plants are available. Outdoors I've found the little bastards on tomatoes, and they seem to really like lilacs. I need to study this some more.

Your product reminds me of Fertilome Triple Action Plus that was recommended
to me in the 600.

I've read a majority of the hempy thread and I see a lot of variance in the recommended PH on the nutrient solution ranging from 5.6-6.2 and I'm aware certain nutrients are more readily available at different ph's but I would like to know what the general suggestion is for hempy PH. Right now I'm only about a week in with some 12" tall clones that I transplanted into 5 gallon hempy's and I just want to make sure I handle the PH properly...

One of the main reasons I'm switching to hempy is because I'm tired of the PH fluctuations with peat and soil, so I really want to do right by my girls on this hempy adventure. I'm using the good 'ol GH 3 part flora series with floralicious plus added in flower which has served me well over the last few grows.
I too adjust to approx 5.8, if its 5.6 or 6.0, depending when I did a nute flush I will go with it. BLJ, you roll with it and I will help you smoke it, bongsmilie
Watt I've read that it's best to turn off your fans that are removing air from the room while leaving the fans on that push air around for the strips to be effective.
I do understand what you're saying and agree completely, but I can't turn my fans off and keep temps in check, If I turned off the fans in the summer for a couple of days the temps would kill what the mites didn't.

ya I think I owe a lot of luck to only running fans 12/12. pre-treatment will definitely keep them at bay, and I love your idea of a sacrificial plant lmao! but id still be worried that those little fuckers would spread to the mj, they're like an invasive virus!
My theory on the sacrificial plant would be to check it regularly, and at the first sign pull it out and put in a new spider mite martyr. Don't know if it would work, but I'm going to do a little study.

I've read a majority of the hempy thread and I see a lot of variance in the recommended PH on the nutrient solution ranging from 5.6-6.2 and I'm aware certain nutrients are more readily available at different ph's but I would like to know what the general suggestion is for hempy PH. Right now I'm only about a week in with some 12" tall clones that I transplanted into 5 gallon hempy's and I just want to make sure I handle the PH properly...

One of the main reasons I'm switching to hempy is because I'm tired of the PH fluctuations with peat and soil, so I really want to do right by my girls on this hempy adventure. I'm using the good 'ol GH 3 part flora series with floralicious plus added in flower which has served me well over the last few grows.

I don't think you can say there is a perfect hempy ph #. It really is a flexible growing system. And I've seen folks use a # that I think is too acidic, and have a great grow, so I won't argue the perfect ph. 5.5 - 6.5 watch your plants and adjust slightly if needed.

Me I have some soil in all buckets I run 6.2 but I won't readjust if I have a feeding at 5.7.
I do understand what you're saying and agree completely, but I can't turn my fans off and keep temps in check, If I turned off the fans in the summer for a couple of days the temps would kill what the mites didn't.

My theory on the sacrificial plant would be to check it regularly, and at the first sign pull it out and put in a new spider mite martyr. Don't know if it would work, but I'm going to do a little study.

Unfortunately the little buggers love the heat too!! Keep us posting with your sacrificial plant, biodiversity may just be the key!
I battled mites for over a year, using this and that with nothing completely wiping them out. Ended up putting a pest strip in with the exhaust off for one dark cycle. Haven't had a mite since!! I also pre-washed the underside of my plant/s with the shower head to knock as many off as possible. I wouldn't recommend using the strips past mid bloom cycle, but that's just me being cautious. Haven't read or heard of any ill effects and my fruits had no odd tastes or smells. Peace!!
Shaggn thanks for sharing that experience, falls right in line with my thinking. Unfortunately, I am late into bloom, so it's a 12 hour chance I am willing to take.
Good luck on the mites . I generally keep some no pest strips around and use Avid or Floramite in vegg as a preventative before flower and seems to keep them at bay otherwise I surly will get them. Root aphids seem to be my little effing buddies most of the time in soil too. Just transplanted my outdoor grow and all of my plants had them. Starting off on a tuff note. Should be able to take care of them with Bayer tree and shrub.

The OG tent at 6 weeks .

Cherry pie , MK ultra , Huckleberry Kush @ 6 weeks

I went dark about an hour ago and hung the the thing after turning off my inline fan. I also trashed a berry bomb clone in veg that was the most affected.

Wish me luck!
Saturday I went to Wally world and found a tote for my tall outdoor girls. I was thinking 10 but went with a 16.5 gal. One 7/16" hole on each end aprox 2" to the bottom of the hole. Perlite rez, mixed coco to the top. No CRF's for these, going to feed Jack's Classic 20-20-20. Also transplanted the 4 autos from cups to 2gal buckets built the same as above but with a 2" layer of soil all the way around the cup area, not going to feed for another wk or so.
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Monday built a screen with a tv tray in mind
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Gonna try and bend the heads over, I got too frisky with the sour diesel and put a kink in the main stock. I went ahead and laid it over and braced it there so the wind can't move it around and we'll see if it will build a knuckle and keep rocking. And another shot of the Auto's they've double in size in 2 days.12-06-03_outdoors 002.jpg
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I have not tried this personally but my bud in NM says he uses those Bounce fabric things. He just hangs a couple in his grow room during veg and early bloom. He swears by this for gnat and mite control. Cheap try anyway.
This would not be the first time that an industrial scent had this sort of side effect.

The product Skin-so-Soft, from Avon, is famous for being a mosquito repellent.
