Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl


Well-Known Member
So, what do you think I have or have seen or not? That is, want do you think of what I may prefer or what goes on in private conversations?

And what knowledge have you one way or the other?

Also, why would I not take you for an 88 year old hemophiliac, hermaphrodite? No evidence to rule that, compared to what I rule in.


Well-Known Member
So, what do you think I have or have seen or not? That is, want do you think of what I may prefer or what goes on in private conversations?

And what knowledge have you one way or the other?

Also, why would I not take you for an 88 year old hemophiliac, hermaphrodite? No evidence to rule that, compared to what I rule in.
You know your affection with her is a one way street.

She is in love with bucky.


Well-Known Member
So, what do you think I have or have seen or not? That is, want do you think of what I may prefer or what goes on in private conversations?

And what knowledge have you one way or the other?

Also, why would I not take you for an 88 year old hemophiliac, hermaphrodite? No evidence to rule that, compared to what I rule in.
either way he's never gonna love you like buck. i'm sure you could take it any way you want tee hee:spew::hump:


Well-Known Member
First off, yes. I'm a combat veteran of the airborne infantry.

Secondly, you're the blowhard. I'm not the one going on and on about shit I have no experience with. I'm the one telling you to quit being such a blowhard.

Thirdly, shut the fuck up Donny.
You're out of your element.
So you would learn Pastun and wander off the firebase? I'm just trying to give you props,

But such hard ass. So., tell us.

Is it the creed and training to keep your weapon with you in the zone, or not?

Really I'm having to do your job for you and can get you going only by tossing these softballs.

So, out in the shit, you wander out and smell the daisies in the middle of the night, alone and un-armed or not?

True you are the expert. So do expert for fucks sake.


Well-Known Member
Buck and I take each other quite well and are glad of it, I think.

But, who the fuck knows what he is ever thinking. :)