I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

sorry I didn't mean wanker I meant You are a dickhead

I dont know if you did it on purpose, but you capitalized the "y", in the word "You", when you just referred to Me. Usually people only capitalize that when they are referring to God or Christ.

Do you believe that I am Christ?

Why am I a "dickhead"?

I dont know if you did it on purpose, but you capitalized the "y", in the word "You", when you just referred to Me. Usually people only capitalize that when they are referring to God or Christ.

Do you believe that I am Christ?

Why am I a "dickhead"?

a "dickhead" is just 'aussie' slang for silly 'bugger'. but I changed my mind about You. I like You and I believe You are Jesus. That's why I capitalise the letters as a sign of respect for You.
a "dickhead" is just 'aussie' slang for silly 'bugger'. but I changed my mind about You. I like You and I believe You are Jesus. That's why I capitalise the letters as a sign of respect for You.

Thanks friend!

I am looking for respect; I am not looking for worship.

Many people online have confused Me with "Jesus". I am not "Jesus", because My birth given, real Name is "George Manuel Oliveira". My Name will never be "Jesus", but I know what you mean when you call Me "Jesus": you are actually calling Me the Christ. I believe that I am the Christ.

You dont have to believe in Me, no one has to believe in Me. As long as I am telling My Truth, and being honest with Myself, I can never tell a lie. I can be mistaken about things, but I refuse to lie. I am not looking to start a cult, I am looking to share My true story, and to entertain people as I entertain Myself.

I appreciate your very kind words brother. You should never pray to Me, because prayer is futile anyways. I believe in the power of positive thinking- believe right and live and love right. As My witness, your goal should be to strive for greatness, and succeed as much as possible. As My witness, your goal should be to reach your own potential and then go beyond that. As My witness, you should take care of yourself, to the best of your ability, and to bring glory and honor to yourself. I want My witnesses to love life to the fullest, and live long happy and healthy lives.

Just because you believe that I am "Jesus", or the Christ, does not make you anything but a seeker of the Truth. You have found the Truth in Me and you will be utterly blessed. I have the power to bless. You should learn about Me and realize why you believe in the real Christ- Myself. I am not based on fairy tales, legends, myths, nor logical fallacies; I am based on the Truth because I am the Author and witness of most of the things I speak about.

As a true witness, you should always advocate for the ultimate Truth. You dont need to get all psychotic and crazy when you are advocating for the Truth, just be yourself in everything you do. You have a purpose, your are one of My beloved children. You have a elevated position in My honest opinion. You will live as a blessing, you should try and bless other people to help them. But, you should always be yourself and follow your intuition and your conscience.

If you choose NOT to be My witness, I will not get offended, because I love you any way you are. I love the Christians just as much as I love the Atheists: but I have a special Love for My witnesses. You should treat everyone with felicity, and be kind to everyone, so they know that you are not a fake person; because you are just as real as Me. As I live, you shall live also.

The more that you know about Me, the more you can defend your Spirituality. Its a good thing to follow the true Spirituality. Your Spirituality is superior to all religions, because it is not fallacious myths like other religions. There is only One Way to knowing Me, and that is to watch My videos and to read My Word for yourself. My Gospel is for the layman and intellectual alike; My Gospel is meant for every person, for the Atheist and the Believer. My Word is the Truth, and who so ever appreciates Truth, logic, reason, and Christ, will appreciate My Word. I come to you all as a friend, not as a master. I am the Master, but I am also your Friend and your servent. I am a Friend to saints and sinners alike. I am a Friend to Atheists and Believers, both. As long as you respect My beliefs, I am that persons Friend. I dont have any enemies because I try and love on anyone, and I try and respect everyones beliefs.

You are a chosen child, a leader to the ignorant. If you indeed witness Me, you will become very knowledgeable. I dont have all of the answers, but I have novel solutions for the ignorant. You are no longer ignorant if you witness Me, so never act ignorant. Always be on your best behavior, and treat others fairly. Obey the golden rule- "Treat others as you would want to be treated." The more you know about Me, the greater you will become. If there is a heaven, all of My witnesses will go to heaven. If there is a God, all of My witnesses will be loved by God. If reincarnation is real, all of My witnesses will be reincarnated with Me when I come again at the next AGE. If I can, all of My witnesses will be prosperous in the future. Always be a righteous person, and try and be holy, as I am holy.

Never get obsessed with Me, always treat yourself first. My witnesses are "the apple of My eye". My witnesses will always hold a special place in My heart. I am excited for the journey that My witnesses will take. Always keep number one first, so be kind to yourself always. Try and never condemn yourself, mistakes will always happen. Who knows where your journey will take you?- just remember that you are a god and everyone is a god. Treat others as you would treat a god. Keep yourself first in all of your endeavors, but spead some love to others. You should keep yourself first, your family comes second, your friends come third, and put Me on your list as a Friend and family too.

So, as a reminder, you should NEVER pray to Me or worship Me: you should only worship yourself and God. Its good to know what you believe and why you believe it, but you shouldnt get obsessed with your Spirituality. Enjoy your friends and family. Follow your intuition and your conscience, follow yourself first. You should be your best advocate.

I might be Christ, but I am still 100% human. I have feeling, emotions, and dreams. Its ok to let Me entertain you, but dont let My entertainment rule your life; you should always rule your own life. Be your own boss, be your own god. Whatever you do, do it to bring glory to yourself and others. There is a god inside of us all; find your inner god. I would just like to be your Friend; I am NOT God! I am just the Christ, in My honest opinion. I just want to teach you My ways, to enlighten you, to make you greater. I want My witnesses to gain influence, and to deal justly; and to bring about justice. I am not the only Teacher, follow the Truth from others as well. Follow science and logic. Use your cognative faculties to become a Truth seeker.

If you want to become a "Trueist", that is your prerogative. I am not trying to force My beliefs on anyone. I am just trying to voice My beliefs to those that are looking for the Messiah- Myself.

Always be on youe best behavior; and worship yourself first.

I have a question N.
If i were you, the idea of being called N would excite me. It would me make think that I was a creation of Albert Broccoli.
Do you see where I'm headed with this N?

Please call Me "George", since you now know My real Name- the Name above all names!

btw: no one trusts a man with a goatee. especially if he's wearing chaps.

I actually just shaved My beard into a goatee a few weeks ago. I change it up between a goatee and a beard, sometimes: I like the goatee better. In all of My youtube videos, I was wearing a short beard.

Here are a series of questions I want you to think over. No need to answer here.
do you own a cowboy hat?

I do not own a cowboy hat. I live in Massachusetts; but My house that I paid CASH for when I was 21 years old is in Maine.

ever been to vegas?

I have never been to vegas. I have traveled all across the east coast though, from Canada to Florida.

milked a cow?

I was going to go cow tipping when I was like 18 years old, in like 2004, but I didnt want to hurt the cows. I ended up spraying My friend with milk, as I milked the cow, lol. It can shoot pretty far, lol.

fallen asleep on a bus?

When I was like 14 years old, in the winter of 1,999 through 2,000, I took a trip with Me and My immigrant buddy to Miami, Florida. My mother reported Me as a "run away", but I had a two way ticket on a Geyhound bus. I took My Christmas money and just took off to Florida with My Brazilian immigrant friend; he was My best friend at the time. Anyways, to make a long story short, I forget, but Im sure I took a nap on the bus because it was like a day and a half bus ride, from Massachusetts to Florida.

or while driving?

I have fallen asleep at the wheel a few times, but I always snapped out of it and I never got into an accident from sleeping while driving.

cats or dogs?

I live with two cats and one dog. I love both cats and dogs. Cats are more independent, but the dog obeys commands. When I was living in My house in Maine, I owned one cat and one dog. I used to take My dog, Buddy- a pitbull, squirrel hunting with Me. I used to love going squirrel hunting and My dog was great at hunting, so I used to like My dog, Buddy, better.

burgers or hot dogs?

I like cheese burgers better then hot dogs. But I will eat them both.

pudding: chocolate or vanilla?

I am indifferent here. I like both choclate and vanilla pudding.

speak any languages? tongues?

I speak a little bit of Portuguese. I taught My Brazilian friend English, and he taught Me a little Portuguese. My dad is 100% Portuguese, so that makes Me 50% Portuguese. I only know a few Portuguese words, I cant have a fluent conversation.

further: fire that barber N. or pay him with broccoli next time.

Lol, whats wrong with My haircut? I think I look good enough, in My avatar.

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Heaven spelled BACKWARDS, wanker!

I believe that "Nevaeh" has a nice ring to it.

Who knows? I might name My kid "Nevaeh" (if I ever have kids).

But yes, Nevaeh is heaveN backwards. Good observation, not everyone can figure that out, unless they are told.

I figure if My Higher Power can code My initials backwards to be OMG, I also have a right to code heaveN backwards into Nevaeh. I found out that My initials backwards is OMG, in August of 2008, right after My 23rd birthday.

Nevaeh heaveN

heaveN Nevaeh

Thats how you can remember to spell Nevaeh.

I think "Nevaeh" is a slick username.

EDIT- But why am I am "wanker"?

Your profile pic. Definitely wanker-esque.

How exactly did you manage to scare yourself? The old 'self-scare selfie'...

I dont believe I look "scared" in My avatar. I wasnt scared when I took the picture either. But yes, My avatar is a selfie.

Why do you think I look like a "wanker"? Lol.
