BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
Dotn worry about those few that got a little toasted. They should recover and flower pretty nicely. Lookin good man :peace::joint:
NSW, thanks for checking in and the words of encouragment, I needed to hear that.:joint::mrgreen::peace:
I snapped some pics before I went to work tonight but didn't get a chance to post them until now when I got back home.
When I got to WR1 (pics 6-11) I found a nice budding top that must have bent over from a storm we had 2 days ago. She was still growing though even with her top bent way over. So I used a stick and duct tape to make a splint for that branch.
When I was cleaning off dead leaves from BR1 the other day I accidentally broke off a small branch near her bottom. Soooo...... just for the heck of it I scarred it near the end, stuck it in the ground where LR3 had been, and poured some molasses water on it. The lower leaves on it were dead but the top was still green today (pic #5). If it actually grows I'll be amazed but what the heck it was just an experiment.
I harvested LR4 2 days ago (sorry, I forgot to take pics) so that I would have some smoke to get me through until her sister are actually ready to be harvested. She probably could have gone another 2 weeks, but I'm soooo sick of the swag crap going around here that I had to get something decent even if it wasn't really ready.:joint::hump: The other three I'll wait for their hairs to turn like I know I should. Anyway, LR1, LR2, and LR5 are filling in with a passion right now and they're sooooo crystally too, mmmmm mmm good.:mrgreen::weed::mrgreen:
K1 (pic #12) has got some beautiful white hairs filling in just about everywhere. I tried to get a good close-up of them but I was in a hurry and they were all blurry, but I'll try again tommorrow because she's gorgeous.
We had rain the last 2 nights but it was nice and warm today and should be tommorrow too. So the LR's will be getting watered with molasses water (1Tbl-Gal.) and the rest will get molasses water plus 1/2 Tbl-Gal of bloom nutes (Jack's Classic Bloom Booster, 10-30-20) again tommorrow night.
Enough babbling, enjoy the pics !:peace:



Well-Known Member
things are looking really nice, weather has been good to, They are getting massive, cant wait to see how large your colas will be


Well-Known Member
Yeah those are lookin good,like i said before i'll be following your grow because we are neighbors,check out my pics in the outdoor section.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the pic of your BR Dert, looking Mighty Tasty.
can i have dat bud please lol
Yeah me too, I'm hoping and planning on having some of those myself.
things are looking really nice, weather has been good to, They are getting massive, cant wait to see how large your colas will be
Thanks Kaos, yes it has with a little rain thrown in too. WR4 is at least 5 almost 6 ft. tall, but skinny. WR1 & K1 are filling up with lots of white hairs and are both 4-5 ft. bushes.
This will be interesting come harvest time.:mrgreen::peace::joint:
Yeah those are lookin good,like i said before i'll be following your grow because we are neighbors,check out my pics in the outdoor section.:hump:
Hi Chewwy, thanks, hey give a link, I'd love to check out your girls.:peace:


Well-Known Member
bigguy lookin good as always man...and nice lookin bud there dert... cant wait to see these bitches start growing huge colas...mmmm yummy, my ladies are doin pretty good i need to take some new pics and get them up, ill probably do it tonight, because i should have some extra free time tonight, 5-6ft tall damn there should be massive weight comin off of that baby!! well ill stay tuned in and ill be updating here in a day or two...same as always bigguy keep up the good work and happy growin..pcez


Well-Known Member
Hey BigGuy thanks for stoppin by and checkin out my girls,I think I will do the moat thing with a few of the remaing girls i'll post some pics when I get it done.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
big guy you are gonna be a happy man soon with all these delicious girls. excellent growing my friend. also i would love to be in that lake in chewys avatar.


Well-Known Member
Hey BigGuy thanks for stoppin by and checkin out my girls,I think I will do the moat thing with a few of the remaing girls i'll post some pics when I get it done.:mrgreen:
Hey no prob Chewwy. Yeah I liked the moat idea but didn't utilize it with this grow, but I will with the next.
Well I'm subscribed to your grow now too, so I'll be there to see the pics when you do.:peace:
bigguy lookin good as always man...and nice lookin bud there dert... cant wait to see these bitches start growing huge colas...mmmm yummy, my ladies are doin pretty good i need to take some new pics and get them up, ill probably do it tonight, because i should have some extra free time tonight, 5-6ft tall damn there should be massive weight comin off of that baby!! well ill stay tuned in and ill be updating here in a day or two...same as always bigguy keep up the good work and happy growin..pcez
Yeah I still haven't gotten a good close-up of the buds forming on K1 & WR1 yet. I'll try again with the next batch of pics.
I'm letting 3 of the LR's ripen for another week or 2 yet and then it's on. I'm considering just taking the full top buds first and let the bottom ones goes longer......hmmmm.....What do you think?
Just a matter of weeks and I'll be smoking nothing but my own buds for the next year !!!
Thanks for stopping by again Pce.:peace:
big guy you are gonna be a happy man soon with all these delicious girls. excellent growing my friend. also i would love to be in that lake in chewys avatar.
Hell Yeah Koosh, I'm getting pretty happy with them already.
Thanks for stopping in again Koosh.:peace:
P.S. Unfortunately I think those are peaches in the water in Chewwy's av, but I could be wrong.:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
All the ladies are coming along nicely.
I wanted to try cutting some of the tops off the LR's to let the lower buds get more light and see if they get bigger. So I cut them off LR2 & LR5 tonight. I noticed what looks like bud-rot in the center of one of LR5's tops, you can see the yellow & brown center in pics # 27 & 28.
I've included some nice shots of buds forming on WR1 (pics 6-8) and K1 (pics 9-12).
The broken branch from BR1 (pic # 5) that I scarred and stuck in the ground is still alive. It lost all of it's old leaves but has green new growth in the middle. I'm going to refer to her from now on as BR3 and we'll see what happens. It's just a little half-ass cloning experiment for the heck of it, but I find it interesting.
Here are tonight's pics.:peace:


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Well-Known Member
Hey BigGuy those are comin along nice,you said you thought there might be some bud rot,just cut it out:hump:And my avatar theyre not peaches but they do look tasty:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lookin good bigguy as usual my brotha cant wait till the next harvest pics looks like the other LRs are about ready to harvest for ya probably huh?? they must have a slrhorter flowerin time or mature quicker or some shit...lemme know how the tops of the LRs taste man they looked yummy :weed:
How are u curing by the way just lettin them hang?? i was think about doin this for most my crop, but i was also thinkin about takin some of my harvest and curing it the water cure way... idk yet lemme know what ya think or sometin brotha... keep up the good work and happy growin lookin great!!! peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey BigGuy those are comin along nice,you said you thought there might be some bud rot,just cut it out:hump:And my avatar theyre not peaches but they do look tasty:mrgreen:
Thanks Chewwy, yeah I did cut it out. It was on one of the buds that I harvested yesterday and was yellow and brown and slimy. So I cut it out before laying it to dry.
Ohhhh they are actually that kind of peaches! Damn now I want to go swimming, or maybe bobbing for peaches.:mrgreen:
lookin good bigguy as usual my brotha cant wait till the next harvest pics looks like the other LRs are about ready to harvest for ya probably huh?? they must have a slrhorter flowerin time or mature quicker or some shit...lemme know how the tops of the LRs taste man they looked yummy :weed:
How are u curing by the way just lettin them hang?? i was think about doin this for most my crop, but i was also thinkin about takin some of my harvest and curing it the water cure way... idk yet lemme know what ya think or sometin brotha... keep up the good work and happy growin lookin great!!! peace :peace:
Thanks Pce, yeah I'm starting to harvest the tops of them first and letting the lower buds fill in more. They taste AWESOME, sweet sticky, skunky, kick-ass smoke !!!!
Currently I'm drying on a wire rack laidout on a stand inside a big cardboard box. I also have a box fan in the room blowing across somecharcoal tohelp with the odor.
I'm thinking of trying the water cure on some of my other plants too. I'm keeping track of your grow as well, so let us know in there how that works out.:peace::mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
Nice outdoor grow man! I am neighbors with you but a little to the west...Dont wanna give up my location but I bet you know about where I'm at. I wish I had a ton of land to do a huge outdoor crop but I live in the city and dont have a car at the moment so no woodland grows. I didnt quite catch what strain ur growin. Is it a LowRyder? If so what type of LR cause I've thought about incorporating that stuff into a micro grow.


Ron Paul rEVOLution


Well-Known Member
Nice outdoor grow man! I am neighbors with you but a little to the west...Dont wanna give up my location but I bet you know about where I'm at. I wish I had a ton of land to do a huge outdoor crop but I live in the city and dont have a car at the moment so no woodland grows. I didnt quite catch what strain ur growin. Is it a LowRyder? If so what type of LR cause I've thought about incorporating that stuff into a micro grow.


Ron Paul rEVOLution
Hi KK, always glad to meet good neighbors.
Yeah well we all have to work with what we got. Growing outside here is a neccessity for me as we have a housefull and can't do it inside. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to stealth-dry the babies on my broke-ass budget.
The girls that 'm currently harvesting are Lowryder#2. I am also growing Kahuna, White Rhino and Heath's Black Rose.
I got my LR's from drchronic and the BR's were freebies from him as well. The next grow I'll probably go with mostly auto-flowering strains and yes they are perfect for a micro grow.
Here is one place I'm considering for the next batch of seeds: Auto flowering cannabis seeds
I'm leaning towards the Mini-Thunderfuck and/or Little Red Ryder Hood or maybe Lowryder Mint, hell IDK, they all look good.:mrgreen::peace::joint::hump:
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