Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl


Well-Known Member
You ain't nothing. No job, no family. Not even very funny, Dull like.
Lol, Ive a better job than you Id say, Ive a family and I have something youre in short supply of...


So suck my dick, mofo :-D

Still not even mad.


Well-Known Member
Republicans criticize prisoner swap that freed Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

of course they are unhappy..something got done and obama comes up smelling like a rose..again:finger:

Senior Republicans criticized President Obama on Sunday for releasing five high-ranking Taliban prisoners to secure the return of an American prisoner of war, arguing that it breached longstanding U.S. policy against negotiating with terrorists.

Administration officials strongly defended the swap, saying Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's health and safety appeared in danger after five years in captivity. They said they acted to save the life of the only American held by insurgents after the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Bergdahl's parents offered only praise and thanks for the release on Saturday of their 28-year-old son, with whom they had still not spoken.

"There is no hurry. You have your life ahead of you," said Bergdahl's mother, Jani, fighting back tears during a news conference at an Idaho Army National Guard facility in Boise, near the family's hometown, Hailey.
A lot of Democrats are saying the same thing. Oh, drat! What's is your opinion going to be now? Blindly follow Obama, or do a 180 degree about face and follow Hilary? It's hard to be a libtard nowdays.


Well-Known Member
I thought Official policy was that the US did not negotiate with terrorists?

Must have been some negotiating for a 1 for 5 swap.

Obama did an end run around congress again.
Ge did an end run around a bill he sign into law himself. Long live the King!


Well-Known Member
If we were negotiating with tangos we would have sent them to Yemen, not the govt of Quttar.
Talk about hidiously tribal and aligned with the USA. We have a big base in Quttar.

Maybe that is where they are, in a Navy Brig,

And end-run is also a press lie. Congressional Leaders were in on this for the last 2 years.

They all lie, Do you not understand?
No, they weren't. You lied.


Well-Known Member
by the way, how much you wanna bet we have those 5 guys micro-chipped many times over and are gonna drone the shit out of them once they get out of house arrest, thus completing yet another long term obama trolling of retarded, angry, hysterical righties?


it wouldn't be the first time he pulled of a masterful long term troll on you stooges.


Well-Known Member
I remember when collateral killings from drone strikes just created more terrorists. When did that change?
i think that talking point applied to the unilateral and unjustified invasion of iraq.

nice try at historical revisionism though. you're nothing without dishonesty.


Well-Known Member
i think that talking point applied to the unilateral and unjustified invasion of iraq.

nice try at historical revisionism though. you're nothing without dishonesty.
So it didn't involve the collateral killings of innocents? I'm pretty sure it did, speaking of dishonesty.

Hey, let's lob a few bombs at Syria to make them mind. I hear they are still using chemical weapons over there, what gives? Let's go while you have your war rage on.

I knew I was on the left of republicans re: war, but had no idea I was on the left of democrats too. I remember when you guys were on my side and against senseless killings, what's changed?

Perfect example of partisanship, senseless killings only create terrorists in Bush's war, Obama's war is righteous.
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Well-Known Member
So it didn't involve the collateral killings of innocents? I'm pretty sure it did, speaking of dishonesty.

Hey, let's lob a few bombs at Syria to make them mind. I hear they are still using chemical weapons over there, what gives? Let's go while you have your war rage on.

I knew I was on the left of republicans re: war, but had no idea I was on the left of democrats too. I remember when you guys were on my side and against senseless killings, what's changed?
You cant bomb Syria, the leader of the Free World, Vladamir Putin said "Это не допускается, глупо американец."


Well-Known Member
I remember when you guys were on my side and against senseless killings, what's changed?
i thought these 5 people were dangerous terrorists, that's what i've been hearing from righties since this whole thing hit the news.

so killing 5 dangerous terrorists is now senseless killing?

talk about partisanship.


Well-Known Member
i thought these 5 people were dangerous terrorists, that's what i've been hearing from righties since this whole thing hit the news.

so killing 5 dangerous terrorists is now senseless killing?

talk about partisanship.
So you wanna give queers more rights, but fuck it, just blow up the rag heads as if they have none?


Well-Known Member
but the right wingers have been hysterical about how dangerous these terrorists are.
When you think about it, the Taliban are really in no way connected to the War of Terror.

They only started fucking with you's when you invaded their homeland and blew up their families/children/etc looking for someone (a foreigner to the Afghans) whos family ironically are good friends of the US.


Well-Known Member
When you think about it, the Taliban are really in no way connected to the War of Terror.

They only started fucking with you's when you invaded their homeland and blew up their families/children/etc looking for someone (a foreigner to the Afghans) whos family ironically are good friends of the US.
yeah, harboring bin laden should have been no biggie.