Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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trying to do my updates...... lol WTF are you talkn bout WILLIS!! :confused: CRACK kills... crack.jpg + makes you run around like a chicken with its head cut off.. lol I wouldnt wish that on NO 1....
ugh...please talk to me on the pm..:lol: you're driving me crazy right now..;)

Agreed. But coke never made me sick. Crank did..;) I am really wanting some coke really really bad right now. Talk me out of it...? ;)
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couchtuner dot something... has all the good shows streaming ;)
man a nice fat line of some high grade coke would be super right now. Too bad I quit the stuff. ;) :lol:
it's been years since i've been around some good yay! hopefully that situation will change in a few months. i used to like to sit down with an 8-ball once or twice a year, and not leave til the bag was licked (litterally). done on a friday, recovered for work by monday :p
i'm a firm believer in the 'slow and steady wins the race' philosophy. i've been taking small amount, learning the feel, and i shouldn't have enough to od, even if i took it all at once. ;)

your concern tickles my heart strings! 'they love me! they REALLY love me!!' :D
you n me both brother, no sense in being stupid, not in my twenties/thirties anymore!!.and course we loves you!!!! :D
:) Just trying to look out.. :) & yes, to answer your :confused: I love anyone that is kind, & shows respect to others. :) Im just a kind hearted loving person.. lol that is until I feel threatened. lol Or feel like Im backed into a corner. Then its on like DONKEY KONG!! :) haha
i'm a firm believer in the 'slow and steady wins the race' philosophy. i've been taking small amount, learning the feel, and i shouldn't have enough to od, even if i took it all at once. ;)

your concern tickles my heart strings! 'they love me! they REALLY love me!!' :D
it's been years since i've been around some good yay! hopefully that situation will change in a few months. i used to like to sit down with an 8-ball once or twice a year, and not leave til the bag was licked (litterally). done on a friday, recovered for work by monday :p
rubbin in on the gums..lmfao!!!
I always loved the way it numbed my mouth. crazy weird, but I did..lmao!!
:) Just trying to look out.. :) & yes, to answer your :confused: I love anyone that is kind, & shows respect to others. :) Im just a kind hearted loving person.. lol that is until I feel threatened. lol Or feel like Im backed into a corner. Then its on like DONKEY KONG!! :) haha
i feel like i could have pushed it a little harder, but i don't trust pharmas. so, one more bump for each nostril, one more to swallow, total of 37mg ;). i've got the hang of it now, last bump will come in couple of hours, should be nearly sober at that point, and get a mild fuzzy feeling, and maybe do a few housekeeping chores.
rubbin in on the gums..lmfao!!!
I always loved the way it numbed my mouth. crazy weird, but I did..lmao!!

i tested quality by the tongue numbedness, always thought the water test was a waste of a good bump. it was always good to great though, barely stepped on if at all.

i've only smoked crack twice ever, both in a situation where i could not get more... i'd have emptied my wallet otherwise, stuff is T00 good! you think people would think so bad of it if they called it 'crackle'?
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