Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl


Well-Known Member
Birth control is a medicine? And exactly for what ailment is this medicine prescribed?
ovarian cysts, severe menstrual cramps, heavy flow, anemia, amenorrhea, acne, endometriosis just off the top of my head.

are you fucking stupid?

aren't you part of the "party of personal responsibility"? so what's wrong with responsible family planning?

aren't you part of the party who hates abortion? so what's wrong with preventing unwanted abortions?

oh, i almost forgot the problem with racist ignorant extremists like you: birth control pills may prevent a fertilized egg from implanting, which extremists like you view as abortion.

go sit in the corner you racist dunce.


Well-Known Member
Your opinion means nothing. Doesn't change the fact that the dude is a POS.

Go ahead and name a source that you're willing to accept the opinion of. Let's see what they say.
his commanding officer. did he list the guy as a deserter?

go down some haagen daaz.


Well-Known Member
I asked you for a credible source.
no, you asked me for a source that i would take as credible.

here, let me remind you, stay-puft.

Go ahead and name a source that you're willing to accept the opinion of. Let's see what they say.
the source i named whose opinion i would be willing to accept was bergdahl's commanding officer.

you are really fucking stupid if you can't keep up with such a simple back and forth.


Well-Known Member
no, you asked me for a source that i would take as credible.

here, let me remind you, stay-puft.

the source i named whose opinion i would be willing to accept was bergdahl's commanding officer.

you are really fucking stupid if you can't keep up with such a simple back and forth.
Not as stupid as someone who can't even post a link. You got nothing.

So is this CO going to come knock on your door to let you know, or what?


Well-Known Member
you think you got the laugh here after asking me for citation of my question?

your brain is as dumb as you are fat.

Yes, you make me laugh. And your opinion still counts for shit. At this point FOX news is more reliable than you.


Well-Known Member
you ever gonna tell me what his commanding officer says, or are you just gonna keep avoiding that one?
Pretty sure it's you who is standing behind what he says, or doesn't say. I could give 2 fucks. Your opinion is shit to me.

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