What to do when your close friends want a share of your harvest?


Well-Known Member
He has zero risk of going to jail.He got a rare look into a secret world that is the payment.
so true...

although we're both going to move some of my outdoor plants AWAY from my backyard and out to a guerilla grow...


Well-Known Member
I always give my friends weed. And they are always there when I need them.

I would never let a buddy sit around sober. If all I had was two hits I would give the last one to my friend because he would do the same for me.

Hand him the whole bag and tell him to take as much as he wants. If he really is a good friend he will take less than what you would have given him. I have to talk my friends into taking more and they always want to pay me for it but I won't except any money. One time I found a twenty under my keyboard:mrgreen:.

True brothers/friends are hard to find...

Giving makes me feel good inside. Much better than receiving. I've found that I always get back more than I give in one way or another.


Well-Known Member
It sounds to me that this friend of yours is a close friend, that has been there for you when times have been tough and times have been good.
You used his credit card to pay for some of the things you needed for your grow and have it delivered to his grandma's house, and he's also given you seeds.

If I was in your shoes, I would give him half of your grow if he helps with the trimming. :mrgreen:

Yes, you did all the work.
Yes, you did all the research.
Yes, you set it all up.

But, good friends are hard to come by. Do the right thing and give him more than what he deserves.

Agreed, by now he doesn't sound like a friend asking for bud, hes a homie that helped you get all this shit together and done right, doesn't even have to be half depending on the size of the harvest.


Active Member
dont give him crap.. whenever he's over smoke crazy session play xbox or chill with girls or somthing . and thats it.. u dont owe him crap. thats like a gold digger trick. but i do give to my boys boys that are potheads but never in there life joke'd or ask for bud they would ask for a tenner or a dub to buy sometimes i would sell it or give them like a quarter for free to enjoy for the week.
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humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
he shared knowledge with you - whats the cost of a book 20 dollars? 1 gram?

take into account how close of a friend he is, how much your dry weight amounts to, and how giving you are actually feeling. :D

If someone was to kick me an 8th of there home grown just for helping them out with a few things here and there, i would definitley be stoked. :hump::blsmoke::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if he never gives u any to take home then dont give him any to take home.

just sit round with him where ever and let him smoke. then when ur goin home then just take ur shit with u.

but dont take it all round to his house. just take a pic of ur final yield on ur phone or something.

thats what id do anyway.

theres a guy thats been lettin me smokin his shit for a while. i mean, its alrght.. not gr8 but when im finished in about 5 weeks i will sort him out. give him few grams an let him help himself for abit.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about dad Dabu....Thats always a hard time..... I thought I had a good friendship, but alas, asshole creep happened..My "friend", who I've played in a band with for 15+ years was always a smoke a joint sort of guy...but as I started growing with some success, shit started to change. He always sold the M39 sort of commercial shit... I started by giving him a plant or two... Then when I ran out, I saw the true guy....He never gave me shit out of his (my) plants except some bottom buds..maybe 4g's total...then he even tried to sell me back some shit (that I GAVE him) at street prices. (7g's- $60.)..So arse here shrugs it off and I gave him 10 plants this year... Now the guy takes the plants to a "secret" place..Now I don't care what he does with his ?? plants.. I just said I want a cut of the good part...My seeds, my lights, nutes,
& risk..So he said fine....now this guy takes off for weeks at a time, and leaves me smokeless for weeks at a time with no prior notice.. Then the last time I talk to him he asks me to check out his new car (I'm an ex. GM mechanic), and that he's got plant probs. and wants my help... yeah thats going to happen..I do know what wrong, but even if I never smoke again, I won't help him..Plus his car is toast..blowing oil..Hee Hee...(I know..I'm a prick) So just be wary of the changes that MAY take place.. Good friends ARE hard to find....but even the best shit can go rotten.....


Well-Known Member
I am stingy I rarely ever share and if I do nobody knows I actually grew it,but then again iv'e never shorted anyone who has helped me.The dude who gave me my CFL setup and his nutes after he gave up on growing received the cola bud off the first plant I reared off his lights "I left it in his mailbox while he was at the VA".He was an exception though,I don't just go around tossing weed like the bud fairy.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Although one time he did delete some of my WoW characters (online mmorpg game) because he felt I was getting too addicted to the game.

I hope that helps. :razz:
omfg i would of been pissed. like wtf u deleting all my shit for that taken me months.

gj he isnt my friend, i would of been so mad,lol. its probably a good thing that ive quit.


Well-Known Member
omfg i would of been pissed. like wtf u deleting all my shit for that taken me months.

gj he isnt my friend, i would of been so mad,lol. its probably a good thing that ive quit.

You can page a GM and get your characters back easily. That's what I did. He didn't go through and vendor all my items or anything (which would have taken days if not weeks to get back), he just deleted the characters.


Well-Known Member
Besides all of you people and my hubby, 2 others know I grow. They are 2 very close friends that also grow. So we share info, bounce ideas and what not, look at each other's grow. Every harvest we always trade a few buds. It is just a given thing with us. My other friends that don't grow but smoke, I do smoke them up when they are around as with anyone that may be over and vice versa at their places. In our circle it is given that it will come back around to you. We are all pretty fair. You have to be fair. I would shoot him a couple of buds for sure. :mrgreen::peace:
I like how you think bro.. I would do the same exact thing as my friends would do for me...


Well-Known Member
toss homeboy some nugs...whats an ounce really when you grow the shit bro...it's not like we cant make more....we have the technology!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
What do u do when ya friends want a share of your harvest. ..

I ring them up ;) .......... SAY JJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GET YA ASS OVER HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUY BLUNTS BRING YA BONG...........



Well-Known Member
If this has been mentioned, my bad.
Let him know that you put 400$ + elctricity and risk into this and basically your still not broken even after the harvest. Give him a lil and let him know if he wants more youll give him the friend price of 6-7$ or whatever per g after that. But make sure he doesnt think that he can just buy as much as he wants because you only have a certain amount and its definatly not for him to pass on to others.


Well-Known Member
toss homeboy some nugs...whats an ounce really when you grow the shit bro...it's not like we cant make more....we have the technology!:mrgreen:

i'd have to be majorly rich marijuana style..... Then i would give an ounce free..... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I don't see why you would have to give him some, but smoking with him would make sense. He gave you some advice and he is your friend so smoking with him would just be normal. You grew the plant though, you watched and cared for the plant, harvest is yours.


Well-Known Member
i agree with most others....as far as letting him know and all that...big security breech....i dont trust shit when it comes to this...nada...no one..i dont even acknowledge the fact that im growing in my head...thats how paranoid i am...this is a prime instance of how friendships can become ruined...if you dont give him what he seeks he may...he just may...become filled with envy...and that my friend becomes an issue of great magnitudes...perhaps leading to your downfall....trust me...hope all is well..


Well-Known Member
everybody is saying you shouldnt have told anyone. Basically thats true but sometimes people just know or you cant hide it from them.
I can understand though the perspective of your friend. Its easy for all of us to say he doesnt deserve anything etc, yes thats true in one persoective, however its always different when you see it from the othe side. If your close friend got a go-cart youd "expect" to be allowed to ride it a little as well. If your friend had a bar of chocolate youd think hed give you some. Thats how it is, your friend gets something, its dangling in front of your nose and that alone makes it 5% yours.
Does anybody not understand whats going through this guys head? His friend is about to get a bunch of weed, basically he sees it as being halfway free (for his friend growing it), you have none... wouldnt you hope to get some as well?
Thats why you should hook him up a lil, let him know though that this IS a good deed hes getting, but after that he needs to hand over a lil cash cuz you yourself are still paying for the setup and much more.