Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl


Well-Known Member

you got this image from a website that obsesses on anti-white, anti-christian persecution, and urges its readers to "take back post at a time" while imbuing its readers with a love for guns and a hate of government.

hello, mr. right wing militia type. how odd that a guy who joins white supremacist groups would be one of these backwoods militia types.

who would have ever seen that coming?


Well-Known Member
you got this image from a website that obsesses on anti-white, anti-christian persecution, and urges its readers to "take back post at a time" while imbuing its readers with a love for guns and a hate of government.

hello, mr. right wing militia type. how odd that a guy who joins white supremacist groups would be one of these backwoods militia types.

who would have ever seen that coming?
Does it matter who created the art for you to be able to enjoy it?

I enjoy a lot of art that comes from people like you, with whom it would be hard to disagree with more.

Seriously, would you put our issue compatibility rating at over 10%?


Well-Known Member
I think we have 2 situations, tactically and #1, that is more Strategic.

1- clean up and get the hell out of there

2- get this guy back

3- make this guy accountable

And there is one blunder, Susan R, Blunderbuss, thrown under the blunder bus again,

And there may be one notification legality technicality.

But, if the story is true that we gave back Mullah Omars Govt heads instead of just paying $2.1 million for The Last Man, that is the hard choices that have to be made. It may have been the wrong one. Even the Honorable Lady from California, Senator Feinstein is a bit torqued about it,

It is not like currency would be the worse thing to give in Poppyland. The Taliban have plenty of hard currency.

They were down on killer hard asses, Hu rah?


Well-Known Member
judging by how apoplectic the righties are, this is undoubtedly another long term obama troll.

i haven't seen them fling their own poo this furiously since obama announced that birth control pills were to be treated like the medicine they are.
yes you's called benghazi.

amazing how many republicans were in support of this soldier until a week they can't delete their tweets fast enough.

actually, obama should played it the opposite way and would have received all the republican support he desired.


Well-Known Member
We were lied to again by Rice

The critters tweeted about the lie

The tweets were withdrawn The lie was not


Well-Known Member
yes you's called benghazi.

amazing how many republicans were in support of this soldier until a week they can't delete their tweets fast enough.

actually, obama should played it the opposite way and would have received all the republican support he desired.

And the opposite way would have been to NOT negotiate with terrorists. Yeah, that would have been terrible.


Well-Known Member
Another little Rice lie is that we only negotiated with Qatar, not the sworn enemy of the AF govt we put in place and protect.

It seem the law was broken again

Did not notify the Terror task force re:Benji


Well-Known Member
Sky it still listed as Tango
THE LAW says

And the purpose of GITMO is because they are stateless and are not POW


Well-Known Member
Good God, everyone EXCEPT you and some admin people trying to blow smokescreens up uninformed Americans assess know he was a deserter. You truly are one stupid POS. Plus your a LIAR.
what did his commanding officer have to say about this?

i'd rather listen to the voice of reality, his commanding officer, rather than some deluded, reality hating, racist conservative douchecanoe like yourself.


Well-Known Member
Never let the enemy.....

The majority of people are timid by nature, and that is why they constantly exaggerate danger. all influences on the military leader, therefore, combine to give him a false impression of his opponent's strength, and from this arises a new source of indecision.
- Karl von Clausewitz


Well-Known Member
what did his commanding officer have to say about this?

i'd rather listen to the voice of reality, his commanding officer, rather than some deluded, reality hating, racist conservative douchecanoe like yourself.
I'll listen the men who spent their days with him. You know, the same men who were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements? Since you probably have few employment memories on which to fall back on, non-disclosure agreements are typically required in instances where people are afraid that the future lies they will tell will be exposed. Luckily, BRAVE SOLDIERS ( not cowardly deserters ) are saying "Fuck that piece of paper, I'm going to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may."

Of course, you would have no knowledge of this. I doubt "What-A-Burger had you sign a non-disclosure agreement when they fired you.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you got this image from a website that obsesses on anti-white, anti-christian persecution, and urges its readers to "take back post at a time" while imbuing its readers with a love for guns and a hate of government.

hello, mr. right wing militia type. how odd that a guy who joins white supremacist groups would be one of these backwoods militia types.

who would have ever seen that coming?
Yep, Google is just awful. I get all googly eyed every time I look at their web site.
