Sf's 3200 watt grow


Well-Known Member
Indoor is kickin
And there's a new addition to the clan



My other male is being very territorial with him they got into it earlier today and I was by myself splitting the two of them up wrestling around on the ground with them. Lmao good times. I whipped ass and had them both submitted on the ground belly up without hitting them just down ass straight up WWF in the yard But...

image.jpg It got my adrenaline pumping HARD!!!


Well-Known Member
She's pretty ktm. Looks like a big ass happy smile lol I love that here's a pic of my other two


He's the low man on the totem pole right now but I think they'll accept him eventually they're coming around little by little.


so the brown boy controls the prime real estate for now (nothin like a cool spot in the dirt)
im interested to see how tall they get? how long were they vegging inside before they went out?


Well-Known Member
like a couple months they weren't at my spot vegging they were at a friends under a 400 watt and he wasn't sure if he was go it to flower them In or out
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Well-Known Member
I bet they get huge with such a veg and this early headstart. Love the dogs, can't wait to get another myself. ATB!


Well-Known Member
Dogs are getting it figured out. Had to get out my breaker stick. I havnt had to use that in a year or two but it happens with large/aggressive dog breeds. If they fight I gag em with the stick and wop em in the ribs a couple times. My red nose has always been a "special needs" dog. He was tethered for the first 3-4 years of his life,really out of shape And very aggressive to other dogs before I adopted him. He's too smart for his own good 90% of the time. And just needs a strong leader otherwise he gets stressed


Well-Known Member
my rednose grabbed hold of my Beagle last weekend cause the Beagle started it at the fence when they were all agro at the neighbors dog. told the Beagle he was gonna get his ass kicked one day soon. Pierced his ear. The beagle was the master of the house. Now he is Alpha'd out. Sorry to say though if the Beagle was seriously hurt Momma would probably make us get rid of the rednose.


Well-Known Member
Looking good bud, sounds like my buddys compound asfar as dogs n WWF go lol, gj getting them apart isnt an easy thing to commit to.


Well-Known Member
Sfguys boss toolsimage.jpg keep those pits in check

I love this dog man he's soo docile and TRAINABLE. I had some orange chicken he wanted yesterday soo I made him sit and put it on the floor. He went for it but after a few small corrections I had him sitting waiting for it and I walked away for a good 60 sec he still didn't go for it untill I said ok


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify. I have never used the stun gun (on a dog.) It is only for EMERGENCY USE. I have heard a CO2 Fire extinguisher works we'll also

I really only need the crop they need dominance not abuse and the whipping noise in the air is enough to get their attention. If they don't listen 1st command they get a swat on the flank

And if any or them intentionally bit me.
No chances or questions asked. your toast
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