Sf's 3200 watt grow


Well-Known Member
I hear you can make a prehole with something like a baboo stick and put a couple cheap fish airpump tubes deep down and it supposedly will prevent root rot


Well-Known Member
Hey man, did you ever figure out what happened to the 818? Root rot? I've never had that in soil grows so just curious. Everything else looks great!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, did you ever figure out what happened to the 818? Root rot? I've never had that in soil grows so just curious. Everything else looks great!
No I never checked out the roots to see what the deal was. She has new green growth but considered a total loss on this one I'll dig a hole in one corner of the yard for it and see what

When I saw this happen I took it outside and ran the hose thru it for a few minutes (completely saturated and running off crazy) then let it settle and gave it about 1 cup of 20-20-20 fertilizer salt. Similar to jacks classic.

Then lightly watered it in and let it sit for the last week



Well-Known Member
Right! That's what I said when I saw the new growth coming out it's vegging and it'll kick all summer so whatever i get is more than I would have had if I chopped it and looked at the roots it's not a total loss I guess on the bright side if I get more than $10 worth of pot from it then it's l more than I paid for the clone lol


818 should get a new name "Phoenix" for it's rising from the ashes act.....and I'm rooting for the harlequin..great plant....first post here but I've been checking in since you started it...looking good and thanks for the knowledge and good vibes...


Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

I planted a few outside in some beds and another in a 30gal tote that I knocked the bottom off.
Debating in putting a couple of these bigger ones out also.

Seriously Ktm I thought it was toast. Still could be we'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I also getting some beast ready for the summer but debating on bringin em indoor ,due to getting the cops called on me today for"viscous guard dogs"-and supposedly my county is not allowed outdoor grows ?


Well-Known Member
Chuggin right along brotha made another 30 clones lastnight gonna be putting a few outside for a summer crop just getting everything together I need to update the other outdoor thread with pics and stuff I did put one over in Djjs thread


Well-Known Member
image.jpg Chill'n enjoying some sweet Cali sunshine 75*
Got the veggies and peppers all done now


I'll update the indoor tonight or tommorrow.

Got the white balance adjusted also...I like the diffrence

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Well-Known Member
Throwing 1 of those outdoor would be a monster n laugh at a 1 pound yield
I agree I just don't have things ready to do so. I'm working on a carport frame for the concrete pad so I can do some monsters G.B & DoubleJJstyle. I found one for 119 so gonna that sept/October ish so I do t have to worry about Pm and bud rot so much. This coastal marine Kaye is unpredictable and can leave me in full clouds untill 2-3 pm sometime. Not often but it does happen and it really keeps things moist. Perfect for botrytis and pm