Well-Known Member
Yeah, who do you think put that up there?Self rule...
Yeah, who do you think put that up there?Self rule...
Self rule...
no i'm just tired of the party with two-faced individuals who do nothing but complain about the president yet offer nothing.
I'm not a Republican. I think the President can suck it.
There you go.![]()
The president sucks. He can't make a decision without stepping on his dick. Maybe the stereotype is true?
For Skylard, here is my "solution": Vote in a libertarian, or libertarianish president in 2016.
Hey, Reagan spent $300 Million to get elected. Obama spent $7 Billion. People vote for whoever they see on TV the must be taken out of politics.
one must financially outdo the other while campaigning..why?
our leaders should not have to kiss ass for checks to finance themselves just to get their message across only to be indebted before swearing ceremony takes place.
the idea of traveling around the country to give speeches is outdated..there are plenty of ways to let the constituents choose..all you'd need is a web address.
Because they would probably start changing things the way you would want?? I mean I know you only vote for your own self interest, but doing that is bad for the rest of the people. We should stop doing that and try to do what is best for everyone. We all know that it is in fact bad to spend more than you take in, but we seem to let government have a pass on that because some asshole tried to prove deficits don't matter (Reagan), well they do matter, they matter a whole bunch. Just because we can borrow a bunch of money doesn't mean we can do that forever, some people seem to think we can. The rest of the world is moving away from the dollar, soon it will be in OPEC's best interest to drop US Dollar and go with the Ruble or the Yuan instead. The day that happens you might want to get a gun and head to the grocery store to try and get as much food as possible to survive the shit storm that will is that a solution?
how is that a solution?
The president sucks. He can't make a decision without stepping on his dick. Maybe the stereotype is true?
For Skylard, here is my "solution": Vote in a libertarian, or libertarianish president in 2016.
Libertarian philosophy: I respect you, you respect me. I don't rob you, you don't rob me. I don't assault you, you don't assault me. What's mine is mine, what's yours is yours. Less government, not no-government. Abide by the constitution, a very libertarian document.
That you "no comprende" is the problem. That's why we have a never ending stream of lawlessness, and disrespect for liberty.
correction..anyone who complains and yet offers nothing should STFU.
stop your fucking rend pawl spam right now. the rawn pawl spam was bad enough.
I am a Paul bearer. He will be the savior of the US republic, and return us to a lawful constitutional society. Don't worry, Marie, you won't be executed on the first day.