Well-Known Member
yeah i never mentioed a 1 bedroom cabin! LMFAO thanks man i needed that
answer these questions for me please...
Because IT WAS NOT THE POLICY OF NORAD TO DO SO before sept 12 2001why didnt NORAD scramble jets and intercept the hijakced flights when they had the time to do so?
ask the people who placed those wagers.why was there a massive amount of put options placed on united and american airlines right before 9/11?
the requirements of your request were adequately satisfied.HAHAHA
ok so first off this is a log cabin! and it seems to have been destroyed by a rockslide of sorts? and it wasnt really rubble at all you see that boulder three times the size of the SUV? try again that one made me laugh though i really cant believe you posted that
Nope, just the ones on 911, oh and a 727 that crashed into lake Michigan way back in '65. That would be all.
what about building 7 man? why did that one fall? no plane hit that building! once again confronted with facts the little boys try to post a funny to distract from real points
Building 7 was cored out from lack of manpower to battle the fire within. Some say it was pulled but that`s difficult in the time allotted.
How come the conspiracy guys have not come up with the primary objective and the who done it`s , with any facts since 9/11/2001 ? What is in it for those that did this because it did happen ?
Building 7 was cored out from lack of manpower to battle the fire within. Some say it was pulled but that`s difficult in the time allotted.
How come the conspiracy guys have not come up with the primary objective and the who done it`s , with any facts since 9/11/2001 ? What is in it for those that did this because it did happen ?
you still going on about that?
you crazy.We rotate around the sun in a vacuum at a very high speed and somehow get closer each pass. Not all rotating objects flee from the center of the curved path.
Yes...I enjoy bringing it up to remind you it's not real. If it breaks, it's a result of the change in momentum being greater than the centripetal force of still going on about that?
every engineer and physicist on the planet knows that centrifugal forces are real.
if any are unaware of it's existence, they die when their design spins up in it's first test run
i concede.Yes...I enjoy bringing it up to remind you it's not real. If it breaks, it's a result of the change in momentum being greater than the centripetal force of tension.
This is from an Engineering text on Dynamics (just so you know it's legit, and not a Statics text):
View attachment 3172843
Erection? Guaranteed!!!
View attachment 3172844
i concede.
you could always draft up a meaningless but impressive fake mathematical formula that "proves" water is less powerful in "Greenhouse Warming" than co2, despite it's 100x greater abundance...ARGH!!!! You have disarmed my mighty, new troll-weapon. Now I need to come up with a new one.
Damn you, Kynes, DAAAAMmmmmnnnnnn Yoooooouuuuuuuuuu...
That would involve lying...I'm more interested in finding out what is could always draft up a meaningless but impressive fake mathematical formula that "proves" water is less powerful in "Greenhouse Warming" than co2, despite it's 100x greater abundance...
you still going on about that?
every engineer and physicist on the planet knows that centrifugal forces are real.
if any are unaware of it's existence, they die when their design spins up in it's first test run
you crazy.
angular momentum balanced against gravity's pull = stable orbit
Protip: even though you may have heard "the moon is falling X distance every day" it aint. thats bullshit
you crazy.
angular momentum balanced against gravity's pull = stable orbit
Protip: even though you may have heard "the moon is falling X distance every day" it aint. thats bullshit
We are told all manner of stupid stuff and jingoist lies in Science,
There are two forces. All orbits are a resultant of both, To swing a yo-yo around your head on it's string is the same as the moon circling the earth.
The Centripetal is the resistance to the Centrifugal and vice versa.
If you stop swinging you stop both. One comes from the other,
The Centripetal is the, fly off in a straight line, force we harness with a rock sling. The Centrifugal is the straight out, away force, holding the string tight. We "break" the string virtually, to allow the Centripetal Force to propel the rock. These forces are 90 degrees from each other, in plane, And that alone results in the swing circle if there is enough velocity in the system.
So, it is not that only one exists, Neither can exist without the other.
"You have underestimated my powers of being stupid." Or something like that...rawr kelly rawr!