A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911

answer these questions for me please...

sure i'll take a swat at it

why didnt NORAD scramble jets and intercept the hijakced flights when they had the time to do so?
Because IT WAS NOT THE POLICY OF NORAD TO DO SO before sept 12 2001

"In the decade before 9/11, NORAD intercepted only one civilian plane over North America: golfer Payne Stewart's Learjet, in October 1999. With passengers and crew unconscious from cabin decompression, the plane lost radio contact but remained in transponder contact until it crashed. Even so, it took an F-16 1 hour and 22 minutes to reach the stricken jet. Rules in effect back then, and on 9/11, prohibited supersonic flight on intercepts. Prior to 9/11, all other NORAD interceptions were limited to offshore Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ). "Until 9/11 there was no domestic ADIZ," FAA spokesman Bill Schumann tells PM. After 9/11, NORAD and the FAA increased cooperation, setting up hotlines between ATCs and NORAD command centers, according to officials from both agencies. NORAD has also increased its fighter coverage and has installed radar to monitor airspace over the continent."

"Before we proceed to the chronology of events of 9/11, we turn to a description of the protocols of both the FAA and NORAD for response to a hijacking event. As they existed on 9/11, the protocols for the FAA to obtain military assistance from NORAD required multiple levels of notification and approval at the highest levels of government before FAA and NEADS personnel would be authorized to communicate and coordinate an operational response.

Pre-9/11, FAA guidance to ATCs on hijack procedures was predicated on the assumption that the aircraft pilot would notify the controller of the hijack via radio communication or by “squawking” a Mode 3 transponder code of 7500 – the universal code for a hijack in progress.

FAA protocols in existence on 9/11 required ATCs to notify their supervisor when a hijacking occurred, or was believed to have occurred. Supervisors were then required to notify the managers of their facility and the corresponding ROC. The ROC facility was then required to notify the WOC at FAA Headquarters.

WOC duty officers were then required to notify the FAA’s senior leadership, specifically the FAA “hijack coordinator” – identified as “the Director or his designate of the FAA Office of Civil Aviation Security”. When FAA HQ receive[d] a report of a confirmed hijack, the FAA hijack coordinator on duty at HQ was required to make “direct contact” with the National Military Command Center located at the Pentagon and “request the military to provide an escort aircraft” to 1) “[a]ssure positive flight following”; 2) “[r]eport unusual observances”; and 3) “[a]id search and rescue in the event of an emergency”. The NMCC would then seek and obtain approval from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) to provide military assistance.[ii]


why was there a massive amount of put options placed on united and american airlines right before 9/11?
ask the people who placed those wagers.
you may as well ask why 4 people picked the same numbers in the august 2007 mega millions lottery drawing

the odds of 4 people picking the same number is low
most lottery jackpot drawings are awarded to 1 winner, this lottery's winning % was 400% higher.

ok so first off this is a log cabin! and it seems to have been destroyed by a rockslide of sorts? and it wasnt really rubble at all you see that boulder three times the size of the SUV? try again that one made me laugh though i really cant believe you posted that
the requirements of your request were adequately satisfied.

you only have 1 wish remaining.

what about building 7 man? why did that one fall? no plane hit that building! once again confronted with facts the little boys try to post a funny to distract from real points

Building 7 was cored out from lack of manpower to battle the fire within. Some say it was pulled but that`s difficult in the time allotted.

How come the conspiracy guys have not come up with the primary objective and the who done it`s , with any facts since 9/11/2001 ? What is in it for those that did this because it did happen ?
Building 7 was cored out from lack of manpower to battle the fire within. Some say it was pulled but that`s difficult in the time allotted.

How come the conspiracy guys have not come up with the primary objective and the who done it`s , with any facts since 9/11/2001 ? What is in it for those that did this because it did happen ?

the Troofers have already firmly established the answers you seek:

Primary Objective: False Flag to justify a War For Oil, Boo00o0o00ooosh!, making fat sacks of cash in the stock market when the market crashes, pushing the US into conflict with moslems, convoluted Illuminati Scheme that has yet to fully unfold, lizard aliens needed more screams to power their 9th dimensional civilization, Just Because They Could.

Who Done It: Jews, the CIA, Boo0o000o00oosh, Big Oil, Mossad (moar Jews), The Koch Brothers, the "Military Industrial Complex", the Illuminati, 7 foot tall lizard aliens from the 9th dimension, and Nobody, cuz the whole thing was faked, there never were any towers at the WTC, they were all illusions and/or the towers are still there, their destruction was an illusion...

Why Did They Do It / Not Do It / Make Us Believe The Buildings Ever Existed: Jews.
Building 7 was cored out from lack of manpower to battle the fire within. Some say it was pulled but that`s difficult in the time allotted.

How come the conspiracy guys have not come up with the primary objective and the who done it`s , with any facts since 9/11/2001 ? What is in it for those that did this because it did happen ?

Centrifugal force.
We rotate around the sun in a vacuum at a very high speed and somehow get closer each pass. Not all rotating objects flee from the center of the curved path.
you crazy.

angular momentum balanced against gravity's pull = stable orbit

Protip: even though you may have heard "the moon is falling X distance every day" it aint. thats bullshit
you still going on about that?

every engineer and physicist on the planet knows that centrifugal forces are real.

if any are unaware of it's existence, they die when their design spins up in it's first test run
Yes...I enjoy bringing it up to remind you it's not real. If it breaks, it's a result of the change in momentum being greater than the centripetal force of tension.

This is from an Engineering text on Dynamics (just so you know it's legit, and not a Statics text):
Centrifugal har har.png

Erection? Guaranteed!!!

I WIN.gif
ARGH!!!! You have disarmed my mighty, new troll-weapon. Now I need to come up with a new one.

Damn you, Kynes, DAAAAMmmmmnnnnnn Yoooooouuuuuuuuuu...
you could always draft up a meaningless but impressive fake mathematical formula that "proves" water is less powerful in "Greenhouse Warming" than co2, despite it's 100x greater abundance...

all you gotta do is make it look intimidatingly complex and "cite" a similarly imposing sounding published study or report (it doesnt even have to be in the same field of research...)

in weeks that shit will be all over the place, "proving" shit in internet arguments worldwide.

i wont say nuffin.

Super Alpaca Promise
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you could always draft up a meaningless but impressive fake mathematical formula that "proves" water is less powerful in "Greenhouse Warming" than co2, despite it's 100x greater abundance...
That would involve lying...I'm more interested in finding out what is correct.

I’m a professional infrared astronomer who spent his life trying to observe space through the atmosphere’s back-radiation that the environmental activists claim is caused by CO2 and guess what? In all the bands that are responsible for back radiation in the brightness temperatures (color temperatures) related to earth’s surface temperature (between 9 microns and 13 microns for temps of 220K to 320 K) there is no absorption of radiation by CO2 at all. In all the bands between 9 and 9.5 there is mild absorption by H2O, from 9.5 to 10 microns (300 K) the atmosphere is perfectly clear except around 9.6 is a big ozone band that the warmists never mention for some reason. From 10 to 13 microns there is more absorption by H2O. Starting at 13 we get CO2 absorption but that wavelength corresponds to temperatures below even that of the south pole. Nowhere from 9 to 13 microns do we see appreciable absorption bands of CO2. This means the greenhouse effect is way over 95% caused by water vapor and probably less than 3% from CO2. I would say even ozone is more important due to the 9.6 band, but it’s so high in the atmosphere that it probably serves more to radiate heat into space than for back-radiation to the surface. The whole theory of a CO2 greenhouse effect is wrong yet the ignorant masses in academia have gone to great lengths trying to prove it with one lie and false study after another, mainly because the people pushing the global warming hoax are funded by the government who needs to report what it does to the IPCC to further their “cause”. I’m retired so I don’t need to keep my mouth shut anymore. Kept my mouth shut for 40 years, now I will tell you, not one single IR astronomer gives a rats arse about CO2. Just to let you know how stupid the global warming activists are, I’ve been to the south pole 3 times and even there, where the water vapor is under 0.2 mm precipitable, it’s still the H2O that is the main concern in our field and nobody even talks about CO2 because CO2 doesn’t absorb or radiate in the portion of the spectrum corresponding with earth’s surface temps of 220 to 320 K. Not at all. Therefore, for Earth as a black body radiator IT’S THE WATER VAPOR STUPID and not the CO2.

There's no point "citing it" since it is not anything more than anecdotal, at best.

But this page is lifting my eyebrows:

Personally, I think water is some magical stuff. I can make electricity from falling streams of water, two paint-cans, a couple buckets, some wire, and a broken carbon electrode. And a pinch of static electricity to setup the initial conditions.

It kicks the shit out of that lemon and potato battery I made in grade 7.
you still going on about that?

every engineer and physicist on the planet knows that centrifugal forces are real.

if any are unaware of it's existence, they die when their design spins up in it's first test run

We are told all manner of stupid stuff and jingoist lies in Science,

There are two forces. All orbits are a resultant of both, To swing a yo-yo around your head on it's string is the same as the moon circling the earth.

The Centripetal is the resistance to the Centrifugal and vice versa.

If you stop swinging you stop both. One comes from the other,

The Centripetal is the, fly off in a straight line, force we harness with a rock sling. The Centrifugal is the straight out, away force, holding the string tight. We "break" the string virtually, to allow the Centripetal Force to propel the rock. These forces are 90 degrees from each other, in plane, And that alone results in the swing circle if there is enough velocity in the system.

So, it is not that only one exists, Neither can exist without the other.
you crazy.

angular momentum balanced against gravity's pull = stable orbit

Protip: even though you may have heard "the moon is falling X distance every day" it aint. thats bullshit

The moon is moving outward, with every orbit. It is slowing the rotation of the Earth. Un-good, since we depend on the tidal forces to support the Biometry systems, oxygen levels, etc,

We know the Bio-sphere went thorough the oxygen poison stage and wiped the map down to the anarobic bacteria and such.

You could see a cycle that has nothing to do with us but another Darwinin Pressure that produced another poison event, but for humans, It could be a result of increasing carbon and an emerging species that uses Sulfur to take care of that.

CO2 is rapidly being replaced by Sulfur Dioxide, say, in a natural process. And S02 reacts with oxygen to form Sulfuric Acid, If this critter also has a developing immunity to acidic environments, it can thrive, The reaction is very endo-thermic, so it cools. We think GOOD it is getting cooler. Man has done it! No.

A new critter we barely understand is busy taking the oxygen and CO2 out, and adding Acid to the rain. The acid frees more CO2. Critter says, "This is good There is plenty of sulfur in the Sea. "

This kind of bio-event, has happened before to favor mammals. It can happen again to kill us off.

Earth is DOOMED as a place to live.
We are told all manner of stupid stuff and jingoist lies in Science,

There are two forces. All orbits are a resultant of both, To swing a yo-yo around your head on it's string is the same as the moon circling the earth.

The Centripetal is the resistance to the Centrifugal and vice versa.

If you stop swinging you stop both. One comes from the other,

The Centripetal is the, fly off in a straight line, force we harness with a rock sling. The Centrifugal is the straight out, away force, holding the string tight. We "break" the string virtually, to allow the Centripetal Force to propel the rock. These forces are 90 degrees from each other, in plane, And that alone results in the swing circle if there is enough velocity in the system.

So, it is not that only one exists, Neither can exist without the other.

Don`t change your mind....do a burn out !i burn out sign.jpg