Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl


Well-Known Member
That has nothing to do with the system in the USA,

As a parliamentary motion, it demonstrates to the head of state that the elected parliament no longer has confidence in (one or more members of) the appointed government. A censure motion is different from a no-confidence motion. "No Confidence" leads to compulsory resignation of the council of ministers whereas "Censure" is meant to show disapproval and does not result in the resignation of ministers.


Well-Known Member
That has nothing to do with the system in the USA,

As a parliamentary motion, it demonstrates to the head of state that the elected parliament no longer has confidence in (one or more members of) the appointed government. A censure motion is different from a no-confidence motion. "No Confidence" leads to compulsory resignation of the council of ministers whereas "Censure" is meant to show disapproval and does not result in the resignation of ministers.
The United States Congress passed a no confidence motion against Secretary of State Dean Acheson in the 1950s[8] and considered one against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales,[9] but these motions are of symbolic effect only.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Reagan spent $300 Million to get elected. Obama spent $7 Billion. People vote for whoever they see on TV the most.
That has nothing to do with the system in the USA,

As a parliamentary motion, it demonstrates to the head of state that the elected parliament no longer has confidence in (one or more members of) the appointed government. A censure motion is different from a no-confidence motion. "No Confidence" leads to compulsory resignation of the council of ministers whereas "Censure" is meant to show disapproval and does not result in the resignation of ministers.
i finally made someone's sig.



Well-Known Member
The Congress does censure members. You have to stand before the whole class and listen to it.

And you can get tossed out as an individual, in the USA, but Parliaments do not have co-equal Branches, It is all Legislature. And no-confience voting changes the govt with new election, all of a sudden. We specifically balanced the Branches, to not do that here.

As you can see our President can ignore Congress. And he can get away with that, until elections again, if he stopped short of getting Impeached.


Well-Known Member
The Congress does censure members. You have to stand before the whole class and listen to it.

And you can get tossed out as an individual, in the USA, but Parliaments do not have co-equal Branches, It is all Legislature. And no-confience voting changes the govt with new election, all of a sudden. We specifically balanced the Branches, to not do that here.

As you can see our President can ignore Congress. And he can get away with that, until elections again, if he stopped short of getting Impeached.
how about a "no confidence" vote for the republican congress who hold the american people hostage while stuffing their pockets with cash from special interest groups?


Well-Known Member
The Congress does censure members. You have to stand before the whole class and listen to it.

And you can get tossed out as an individual, in the USA, but Parliaments do not have co-equal Branches, It is all Legislature. And no-confience voting changes the govt with new election, all of a sudden. We specifically balanced the Branches, to not do that here.

As you can see our President can ignore Congress. And he can get away with that, until elections again, if he stopped short of getting Impeached.
do me a favor, an' read this; its short. they speak of a vote of no confidence as though it has teeth



Well-Known Member
The Congress does censure members. You have to stand before the whole class and listen to it.

And you can get tossed out as an individual, in the USA, but Parliaments do not have co-equal Branches, It is all Legislature. And no-confience voting changes the govt with new election, all of a sudden. We specifically balanced the Branches, to not do that here.

As you can see our President can ignore Congress. And he can get away with that, until elections again, if he stopped short of getting Impeached.
as obama said he would if lack of cooperation from congress continues.

sounds like he made good on his promise:wink:


Well-Known Member
as obama said he would if lack of cooperation from congress continues.

sounds like he made good on his promise:wink:
Yep, he is not so much above the Law as simply beyond it and in charge of what is enforced All Presidents are., with the absolute power to Pardon. Nice touch, there, I'd say.

This is why I belly laugh at these Parliamentary amateurs, that think it is all the same.


Well-Known Member
This makes you think the idea has teeth? I would stop reading this kind of senseless yammering if I were you. I don't read opinions. I find facts and make my own.

This is as silly as saying the President has the pen stroke power to legalize pot.

It is all made up by people that do not understand the laws here or are goofing us.

A vote of no-confidence is a Parliamentary procedure with teeth. It is just a mumble-peg in this system.

It is the same as some Law makers writing to the President and goading him about the Pot, Just making up a power that does not exist,

It is not real.