FUCK powder milder.


Well-Known Member
So my holy grail has fucking powder mildew on it I saw on small spot and chopped it and I looked a few min after and found more are there any way to get rid of powder milder... I think I'm going to be running into this alot if it's happening this early.
So my holy grail has fucking powder mildew on it I saw on small spot and chopped it and I looked a few min after and found more are there any way to get rid of powder milder... I think I'm going to be running into this alot if it's happening this early.
Any fungicide will work, powderd ones u mix with water work best, also mildew is brought on from humidity and poor air flow look into possibly prunning your plant a little to open it up a bit and improve airflow also avoid watering foliage and splash back from watering ground/pot either that or you can just spray a fungicide regularly be aware it will have to be re applied after rain, I would look into stopping it from happening rather then fighting it once it happens
I believe organicide is a.fungacide and I just sprayed but I actually never.sprayed the flowering ones.
Awwk I'm not sure what that is sorry dude I'm prob from a diff country diff product names no doubt if it fights mildew tho you are set, you get it real bad after rain then when the sun comes out in force, treating it on flowers could be a bit trickery I'm not sure about spraying flowers directly can't imagine it would do any damage to them tho?
Awwk I'm not sure what that is sorry dude I'm prob from a diff country diff product names no doubt if it fights mildew tho you are set, you get it real bad after rain then when the sun comes out in force, treating it on flowers could be a bit trickery I'm not sure about spraying flowers directly can't imagine it would do any damage to them tho?
I just went out and sprayed then it's about 2 pm here not to warm maybe 60 but I just misted the plant hope it doesn't effect the buds like further problems lol. I was planning in chopping in a week or 2 so hope it stands out till then
I can't see how it would effect it really like the plant won't absorb it or a anything and it washes off in the rain too heaps of people spray it on their tomatoes so you should be fine man
It says it's fine till harvest and I have great air flow in the plant so idk why this would happen.its bull shit. I hat it last year and now this year too
It says it's fine till harvest and I have great air flow in the plant so idk why this would happen.its bull shit. I hat it last year and now this year too
Humidity is a big cause but yeah basically airflow, humidity, sunlight not getting in and still water on leaves when sun comes out hot like mornings with due is what causes it you should be pretty sweet if u keep up with your sprays hope you get as killer harvest dude!!
this is from Subcools friend Dave, at the "garden of weeden": mix 1 part lemon juice to 2 parts water and soak the plant for treatment and 3 parts water to 1 part lemon juice as a preventative. its simply a pH thing, the PM cant thrive in it. you can watch the videos yourself on youtube if you search subcools channel and watch the weed nerd garden of weeden episodes. Dave is oldschool and has an incredible garden. unfortunately last week, I had a reason to try this remedy. I used the 1:2 mix and so far its gone with one treatment. but im sure the wars not over. good luck
Ihave been battling pm for a while now.Cleared tent bleached everything started over 2 grows later fighting it again.I'll have to try that lemon juice.I have been using a sloution of 1 part milk to 9 parts water it has controlled it but doesn't seem to get rid of it.
Cheap, effective and easy. Baking soda, one teaspoon per quart. Apply every other day. Spray with clear water during the other days to wash off residue. Continue until eliminated(tough in a tent. Ventilation needs improving.) As mentioned above, it's all about pH. Commercial growers use sulfur burners in their grow rooms for the same purpose. The lemon juice thing will work, but might attract other molds. Be sure to remove residue the day after each application.