I suppose ill leave this thread all to myself. LMAO Everyone with good vibes is welcome to post anything you would like having to do with FOOD Electronics and of Course your killer photos of Your outdoor garden and or Flowers
Nice setup. Is that a drip system in the bottom pic? 20140611_084254.jpgChianti rose non gmo heirloom tomaters20140611_084546.jpg20140611_084836.jpg cool little bench I made
20140611_085817.jpg morning glories. Im hoping theyll grow along the bench.
20140611_085341.jpg Eye of the tater!20140611_084419.jpg Buddha just takin it all in.

This is my first veggie/ornamental garden. Last year this whole lot was just sand from the old pool and dog shit from my girls fat ass dog. Now its nice, dark and well composted. Many seeds left unsprouted. Hopefully in a few more weeks ill be seeing a lot more green
Nice setup. Is that a drip system in the bottom pic? View attachment 3176844Chianti rose non gmo heirloom tomatersView attachment 3176846View attachment 3176854 cool little bench I made
View attachment 3176856 morning glories. Im hoping theyll grow along the bench.
View attachment 3176855 Eye of the tater!View attachment 3176847 Buddha just takin it all in.

This is my first veggie/ornamental garden. Last year this whole lot was just sand from the old pool and dog shit from my girls fat ass dog. Now its nice, dark and well composted. Many seeds left unsprouted. Hopefully in a few more weeks ill be seeing a lot more green
Looks nice man i love seeing individuals achievements.. also gives me new perspective on how to accomplish things.. Loving it
That's the spirit. Gardeners by and large are a pacifistic bunch. We don't cause drama. And most are a little older anyway which carries with it a level of maturity. JOC is a pretty stand up dude I'm sure he was just kiddin. Ya gotta have a thick skin for Internet forums anyway. Almost everything you say is taken the wrong way. Doesn't mean there was malicious intent but over the net shit just gets taken wrong...I find it happens to me all the time. And I'm just about the easiest guy here to get along with.
That's the spirit. Gardeners by and large are a pacifistic bunch. We don't cause drama. And most are a little older anyway which carries with it a level of maturity. JOC is a pretty stand up dude I'm sure he was just kiddin. Ya gotta have a thick skin for Internet forums anyway. Almost everything you say is taken the wrong way. Doesn't mean there was malicious intent but over the net shit just gets taken wrong...I find it happens to me all the time. And I'm just about the easiest guy here to get along with.
Right i agreed with you there. But what i have noticed are the difference between money hungry growers and ones who grow to share the love and make enough to cover the costs. Me I'm just a one at a time kinda guy... that way she gets my full attention and grows to make a bountiful harvest
Right i agreed with you there. But what i have noticed are the difference between money hungry growers and ones who grow to share the love and make enough to cover the costs. Me I'm just a one at a time kinda guy... that way she gets my full attention and grows to make a bountiful harvest
Nuttin wrong with goals like that. I don't think I could just grow one of anything. I guess if I'm takin care of one I might as well take care of 200. LOL. same way with Orchids and tomatoes and Rose bushes. One is never enough. I'm a plant fiend. So u got a veg garden goin I see, how do u like growing veggies? Do u eat them too or just grow them?