School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

The cuts to education in the arts are profound. Textbooks are old, teachers don't get paid well, and schools are funded by local taxes. In wealthier areas the schools are better and thus property value is higher.

Why do we have textbooks?

The current top down buracracy is not flexible enough to get with the times. Each kid needs a tablet and access to a secure network with all the educational materials provided online. It will take the current administration a decade to implement that and it needed to be done yesterday.
Why do we have textbooks?

The current top down buracracy is not flexible enough to get with the times. Each kid needs a tablet and access to a secure network with all the educational materials provided online. It will take the current administration a decade to implement that and it needed to be done yesterday.

The cost of textbooks are criminal anyway. The next edition that you HAVE to buy is almost always the same exact info with different pictures and a different order to the chapters.

I like the idea of tablets and a secure intranet with each lesson being unlocked with the successful completion of the last lesson. Smart kids are being held back waiting on others to catch up and the slower kids are moved along like cattle. Teaching by age instead of ability was never a good idea, yet here we are. All nine year olds are not created equal.
I suppose that if at the college level it is happening it will eventually come to the public schools. The updated information is the same either way.
The cost of textbooks are criminal anyway. The next edition that you HAVE to buy is almost always the same exact info with different pictures and a different order to the chapters.

I like the idea of tablets and a secure intranet with each lesson being unlocked with the successful completion of the last lesson. Smart kids are being held back waiting on others to catch up and the slower kids are moved along like cattle. Teaching by age instead of ability was never a good idea, yet here we are. All nine year olds are not created equal.
Textbooks were free at my school, they were borrowed. At university the cost was criminal. There also were 3 levels to each class. Normal, accelerated, and honors.
Textbooks were free at my school, they were borrowed. At university the cost was criminal. There also were 3 levels to each class. Normal, accelerated, and honors.
Textbooks were still a part of the schools budget, so not really free. A lot of schools are moving away from remedial learning because it "unfairly" labels kids.
Textbooks were still a part of the schools budget, so not really free. A lot of schools are moving away from remedial learning because it "unfairly" labels kids.
The self-esteem movement is just ruining this generation. Kids are like every body " a few winners and a whole lot of losers" -George Carlin
These parents are not doing any favors by sheltering and kissing their kids asses. What is fair about growing up? It builds character to be told the harsh truth.
The self-esteem movement is just ruining this generation. Kids are like every body " a few winners and a whole lot of losers" -George Carlin
These parents are not doing any favors by sheltering and kissing their kids asses. What is fair about growing up? It builds character to be told the harsh truth.

It's almost as if those kids who were picked last for kickball are the ones making policy now. Competition made this country a world leader and now we see it as bad. We don't keep score and give kids participation trophies.
It's almost as if those kids who were picked last for kickball are the ones making policy now. Competition made this country a world leader and now we see it as bad. We don't keep score and give kids participation trophies.
They are not ready to find strength to persevere, to endure, to live in a cold world. They are permanent children and I feel sorry for them. I grew up fast...I think it made
President Obama presented a sobering fact the other day when he commented that there have been 74 more school shootings since the massacre in Newtown, CT last year, in which 20 1st graders and 6 teachers were murdered. That comes out to be one shooting every 7.5 days. Congress refused to change ANY gun laws that would start to deal with this pervasive loss of life, just in the schools of our country, not to mention all the other mundane murders by hand guns throughout this great land of ours every single day. I personally think that the 2nd Amendment, which probably meant sense over 200 fucking years ago, has absolutely no place in the 21st century in this country. There are simply to many stressed out and mentally screwed up people in this country now. The argument that hand guns are needed to defend oneself is a double edged sword, meaning that if there were more restrictions on hand guns, maybe there wouldn't be such a huge problem where as any psychopath can get a firearm almost immediately, with little or no problem. I say it is time to shit can the 2nd Amendment, because all it seems to do in my opinion is to let some gun nuts play with their toys, allow criminals easy access to the weapons they need, and make everyone live in fear. Almost all the handguns used in violent crime in New York City were obtained LEGALLY, mostly all from the South, where there are few restrictions on purchases. OK people, let's hear how the 2nd Amendment is a good thing in a modern America, or is it the reason we have the highest murder rate in the world, by far. Tune in next week for an update on the total, which is sure to happen. Peace out
Schools are gun free zones

That should be all that is needed to ensure no one ever gets shot at a school. Right? Obviously all these "laws" do is make easy targets out of law abiding people. Criminals are not concerned with laws, making more gun laws only affects those who follow the laws, criminals do not follow laws, hence why they are criminals.

If laws are made, they should be laws that affect the CRIMINALS, not the law abiding.

You could create a million laws concerning guns and they would still be simple to get.

The high murder rate is 95% gang and drug related, not because of crazy liberal democrats who go off the deep end and break the laws and find the easiest places to find unarmed and defenseless victims to kill. Which BTW are schools. Huge amount of targets, no way they can defend themselves. A crazy democrat's wet dream.
Ha! I'll wade in to the water (again) on this one .....

You will never see the day where guns are completely outlawed in this country. To me it's not a matter of banning guns, but banning who, and where they can be.

I support a persons right to protect their home and family. If someone breaks in to your home then all bets are off and deadly force is justified. What I don't understand is the need to be carrying them around in public. If these "good guys" with guns ever actually saved some innocent lives then I might reconsider my position, but they don't. It's far more likely that the gun will be used to accidentally kill someone, or will be used in a fit of rage protecting no one but their fragile ego. Take these two dipshits here in Michigan for example:

These "good guys" have a better chance of winning the lotto twice in the same week than they do stumbling upon the crazed gunman shooting up the mall scenario that they have wet dreams about.

I would like to see mandatory background checks, and psychiatric evaluations for all gun purchases. Then ban any and all guns being carried in public. Mandatory minimum (10 years too much??) if caught in public. No questions asked. Empty our prisons of non-violent drug offenders, and fill them back up with the Jethros and Billy-Bobs that feel the need to disregard this..... and criminals too.

Bad guys FEAR guns, and run away when they are presented.
From My Cold Dead Hand's!
Come and get Them...

yes including the walmart shopper.

so your little 2A theory of being armed will keep you safe..just went out the window.

that information is available to anyone wanting the facts via google.
Police say a shopper armed with a concealed weapon inside a Las Vegas Wal-Mart confronted an armed man who entered the store with his wife moments after the couple killed two officers in a nearby restaurant.
Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill said Monday that 31-year-old Joseph Wilcox of Las Vegas was in the checkout line when he saw Jerad Miller fire a shot and went to confront him.

Miller's wife, Amanda, pulled out a gun and shot Wilcox in the rib area. He collapsed and died.

McMahill says Wilcox wasn't able to fire any shots.

See? The guy at Wal Mart got killed because he is an idiot. You don't go confront someone you just saw kill a cop. You ensure the safety of the people around you, call the authorities and try to remove everyone from harm's way, you don't go looking for trouble. Obviously Wilcox was not using his gun to defend anyone, but was trying to be a hero, a stupid one at that.
Police say a shopper armed with a concealed weapon inside a Las Vegas Wal-Mart confronted an armed man who entered the store with his wife moments after the couple killed two officers in a nearby restaurant.
Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill said Monday that 31-year-old Joseph Wilcox of Las Vegas was in the checkout line when he saw Jerad Miller fire a shot and went to confront him.

Miller's wife, Amanda, pulled out a gun and shot Wilcox in the rib area. He collapsed and died.

McMahill says Wilcox wasn't able to fire any shots.

See? The guy at Wal Mart got killed because he is an idiot. You don't go confront someone you just saw kill a cop. You ensure the safety of the people around you, call the authorities and try to remove everyone from harm's way, you don't go looking for trouble. Obviously Wilcox was not using his gun to defend anyone, but was trying to be a hero, a stupid one at that.

have you ever noticed when they are able to catch a shoot-out on film, the professionals (cops) shoot about as good as the criminals who shoot as good as the good samaritans?

bottom line: all armed; all dead courtesy of the A2.

Early English settlers in America viewed the right to arms and/or the right to bear arms and/or state militias as important for one or more of these purposes.

  • deterring tyrannical government
  • repelling invasion;
facilitating a natural right or self defense.

- Aired on the news multiple stations.

See more at
The cost of textbooks are criminal anyway. The next edition that you HAVE to buy is almost always the same exact info with different pictures and a different order to the chapters.

I like the idea of tablets and a secure intranet with each lesson being unlocked with the successful completion of the last lesson. Smart kids are being held back waiting on others to catch up and the slower kids are moved along like cattle. Teaching by age instead of ability was never a good idea, yet here we are. All nine year olds are not created equal.
Do they not have advance classes in your area?? Do they not promote a child who seems more advance then others. I agree with using tablets instead of textbooks.
Then I guess the guns in Chicago weren't purchased there then, were they? So what really is the problem? That maybe there are too many easily available handguns in this country, specifically in those red neck cracker states like Tennessee or Mississippi, which are just below Illinois in case you can't read a map, where if you can walk or talk you can buy a hand gun. Hey, and as far as me shutting the fuck up, that again is a constitutional right for you to say that, just like me saying lick me knob. Peace out, bro.

Hahahahhahaha. It is the creepy ass crackas in Kentucky that be responsible for 500 murders in Chicago.

Only a prog could come up with the crazy like that.
Police say a shopper armed with a concealed weapon inside a Las Vegas Wal-Mart confronted an armed man who entered the store with his wife moments after the couple killed two officers in a nearby restaurant.
Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill said Monday that 31-year-old Joseph Wilcox of Las Vegas was in the checkout line when he saw Jerad Miller fire a shot and went to confront him.

Miller's wife, Amanda, pulled out a gun and shot Wilcox in the rib area. He collapsed and died.

McMahill says Wilcox wasn't able to fire any shots.

See? The guy at Wal Mart got killed because he is an idiot. You don't go confront someone you just saw kill a cop. You ensure the safety of the people around you, call the authorities and try to remove everyone from harm's way, you don't go looking for trouble. Obviously Wilcox was not using his gun to defend anyone, but was trying to be a hero, a stupid one at that.
Sometimes a gun makes people feel brave.
Then I guess the guns in Chicago weren't purchased there then, were they? So what really is the problem? That maybe there are too many easily available handguns in this country, specifically in those red neck cracker states like Tennessee or Mississippi, which are just below Illinois in case you can't read a map, where if you can walk or talk you can buy a hand gun. Hey, and as far as me shutting the fuck up, that again is a constitutional right for you to say that, just like me saying lick me knob. Peace out, bro.

yeahhhhh boyyyyyyy......thanks for dat Glock, Jethro
