yeah ive read that before they are real hard to get off if you been on them a long time, hows the foot doing, last pics i see looked almost healed?
benzo addiction is pretty rough too ice, not that u need telling but taking them every single day aint good, darknet and agora is ya best bet, theres shitloads of high qaulity generics pretty cheap too, the getting of the coins etc can be abit of a pain but plenty of good benzos on there.
yeh gunna look for sum, soon as i get a invite link,
and i done a detox of 120mg per ay of vallies bak in the day, hollucinations the fucking lot, not good situation,
foots no longer bandaged and scabbed over, bowt half the size of a 5p now, i have this gay stocking i should wer but i dont like wering it, but my leg swells if i dont, arrgh, nrly soo fucking nrly done, glad to have no bandages on now, 3 yrs and it felt weird at first/
as for the subs, yeh its this last tiny fucking dose, cant seem to jump of it, got sum sleepers here aved for wen i get to th einlaws its just gunna be horrendous, im not prescribed anymore, still rolling on my stockpile lol, only a few left, so il prolly need to buy summo them too,
all expence this drug shit innit.