abstinence only christians in your face again


Well-Known Member

"Now chemical definitions are still admittedly more accurate and quantifiable than definitions of happiness or satisfaction. But the point is that not everything measurable needs to be quantifiable to the sixth decimal point to call itself scientific. What matters is whether we can come up with consistent and at least semi-quantifiable definitions that are useful enough to make testable predictions. Psychological research is useful not when it’s quantifiable but when it says something about human nature that is universal and revealing." -American Scientific Article

"Or consider Daniel Kahneman’s seminal work in behavioral economics which has led to real insights into decision making and biases; very few people would call what he did unscientific." -American Scientific Article
Oh noes! A blog?!

Her kerd I huv bin ser foolerish?

Cos the couple years I studied it before I decided "this is bullshit" and bounced mean less than your blog.

You know what a Psychiatrist says to a Psychologist that "proves" something?

"You're not qualified to make that assessment".


Well-Known Member
Oh noes! A blog?!
Her kerd I huv bin ser foolerish?
Cos the couple years I studied it before I decided "this is bullshit" and bounced mean less than your blog.
You know what a Psychiatrist says to a Psychologist that "proves" something?
"You're not qualified to make that assessment".
Did you actually read the contents of that link I posted? Yes, it is a blog. Yes, it is written by a journalist.

If I were to create a blog and hire a scientist to write about subatomic particles and post it, does that automatically discredit everything that is written?

I understand that blogs are poor sources of information, this blog is from a magazine that has been around since 1845. I also did not cite it as a true source, only an opinion piece that helped demonstrate that objectivity is not necessarily needed to extremes in all forms of knowledge.

Also I do not give a fuck, just forwarding the discourse.


Well-Known Member
not all blogs are published by guys named Kyle, riding a funny bike over to the thrift store to buy some vintage hats.

"blog" has become a 4-letter word.


Well-Known Member
not all blogs are published by guys named Kyle, riding a funny bike over to the thrift store to buy some vintage hats.

"blog" has become a 4-letter word.
B========D ~~~~

Still doesn't change the fact psychology is not a science and is in fact scorned by the scientific community for claiming to be a science.

Christian Scientists (and I use those terms together loosely) also use a perverted version of the scientific method, does this make them a true science?

Does it mean they can apply their findings to populations using small sample sizes (almost always less than 1000) and statistics based on "theoretical constants" and claim to have fact?


Well-Known Member
B========D ~~~~

Still doesn't change the fact psychology is not a science and is in fact scorned by the scientific community for claiming to be a science.

Christian Scientists (and I use those terms together loosely) also use a perverted version of the scientific method, does this make them a true science?

Does it mean they can apply their findings to populations using small sample sizes (almost always less than 1000) and statistics based on "theoretical constants" and claim to have fact?
You sure do like the spooging penis, don't you? You and Uncle Buck should get together and have a grand ol' time. He loves the ass play.


Well-Known Member
B========D ~~~~

Still doesn't change the fact psychology is not a science and is in fact scorned by the scientific community for claiming to be a science.

Christian Scientists (and I use those terms together loosely) also use a perverted version of the scientific method, does this make them a true science?

Does it mean they can apply their findings to populations using small sample sizes (almost always less than 1000) and statistics based on "theoretical constants" and claim to have fact?

"the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment."

yeah......I'm not sure whether it is or isn't. a little gray. nothing I would fix bayonets for, but that's me. :)
it helped me, and saved countless villages from consignment to the torch :)


Well-Known Member
You sure do like the spooging penis, don't you? You and Uncle Buck should get together and have a grand ol' time. He loves the ass play.
One of the few things me and Buck actually agree on is you need to stop eating pizza, chocolate, basically anything edible, etc and do some exercise.

Aside from that, we agree on virtually nothing, he's Jew far left for me.


Well-Known Member
One of the few things me and Buck actually agree on is you need to stop eating pizza, chocolate, basically anything edible, etc and do some exercise.

Aside from that, we agree on virtually nothing, he's Jew far left for me.

Do you agree on that while you cuddle?


Well-Known Member
Do you fantasise about that?

Probably as good as you'll get, not even an African looking for a green card would fuck you.

You're the one who keeps posting the ejaculating penis. It is obviously your fantasy.

You are making up lies in order to insult me. I, on the other hand, am dealing with facts when it comes to you. Post some more of your squirting erections. ;)


Well-Known Member
You're the one who keeps posting the ejaculating penis. It is obviously your fantasy.

You are making up lies in order to insult me. I, on the other hand, am dealing with facts when it comes to you. Post some more of your squirting erections. ;)
Sounds like you're enjoying this too much.

I bid you farewell, try not to diabetes yourself.


Well-Known Member
I've nothing against Jews particularly, merely its funny that people self identify as these "religions" because when I see people like that I think they're all equally deluded.
the Jews are guilty of killing the Mother Goddess, and replacing her with the old, white, bearded serial-killer......Yahweh Manson. the Jews invented the game, the Christians took the league title, and now face the Muslims for the championship. I'd like to send all the Abrahamics to Mars to battle over who wears the funniest hats :)