abstinence only christians in your face again


Well-Known Member
I have learned which neighborhoods not to walk through at night. And the funny part is, it is based on race.


Well-Known Member
funny, you never once made mention of racism when we had white supremacists on this forum.

i guess it must be a selective thing having to do with your grandiose sense of perceived persecution.

you poor fucking thing.
in your view only white people can be racist ?

personally i do not condone racism from any race towards any other race
i find it strange that you insist on singling out the white race ?


Well-Known Member
in your view only white people can be racist ?

personally i do not condone racism from any race towards any other race
i find it strange that you insist on singling out the white race ?
i find it hilarious that you're implying that anti-racist = anti-white.


Well-Known Member
i find it hilarious that you're implying that anti-racist = anti-white.
i find it hilarious you have self titled yourself "anti-racist" do you have a cape ?

it is clear to anyone with a shred of common sense you're a racist

lets see how many posts you can make without including the word "white" LOL


Well-Known Member
A man has been prosecuted for racially abusing three security guards.

Jonathan Wicks was taken to court for calling the men 'honky wannabe cops'.

Wicks, 20, has had to attend court at least five times, at an estimated cost to the taxpayer of more than £5,000.

He was on a night out with friends in Reading last September when the incident happened.


a white man can be racist to another white man according to the uk courts lol

but you knew this right ?

is this lefty enough for you mr anti-racist lol


Well-Known Member
i find it hilarious you have self titled yourself "anti-racist" do you have a cape ?
now you remind me of fellow racist nitroharley or ginwilly, telling me to put on a cape and be a hero for minorities. or desert dude or kynes calling me a mudscuttle.

or the most obvious way of saying it, which belongs to sheskunk. "nigger lover".

sad for you to be among those birds of a feather.


Well-Known Member
now you remind me of fellow racist.
not interested in your stories about your fellow racists

white people are part of the human race too
you seem unable to comprehend the actual meaning of what racism is

when you stereotype consistently about any race not allowing an individual
to differ from your preconceived stereotype you are a racist

you seem to believe that all perpetrators of racism are white folk
holding this belief itself is racist

you can knock whitey as much as you like to appear like some moral crusader
i really do not think anyone is buying it , its not even effective trolling


Well-Known Member
not interested in your stories about your fellow racists

white people are part of the human race too
you seem unable to comprehend the actual meaning of what racism is

when you stereotype consistently about any race not allowing an individual
to differ from your preconceived stereotype you are a racist

you seem to believe that all perpetrators of racism are white folk
holding this belief itself is racist

you can knock whitey as much as you like to appear like some moral crusader
i really do not think anyone is buying it , its not even effective trolling
you poor, persecuted white male.


Well-Known Member
i am neither poor or persecuted .. although i am a white male
you just complained that you get sent to the back of the line for college admissions because you are a white male and that i's so unfair to you.

now you say you aren't persecuted.

make up your stupid mind.


Well-Known Member
you just complained that you get sent to the back of the line for college admissions because you are a white male and that i's so unfair to you.

now you say you aren't persecuted.

make up your stupid mind.
This only highlights your stupidity
The guy at the back of the line is black and he wants to be a librarian
push him to the front bucky LOL