abstinence only christians in your face again


Well-Known Member
the Jews are guilty of killing the Mother Goddess, and replacing her with the old, white, bearded serial-killer......Yahweh Manson. the Jews invented the game, the Christians took the league title, and now face the Muslims for the championship. I'd like to send all the Abrahamics to Mars to battle over who wears the funniest hats :)
Or we could just as an advanced society relegate religion to where it belongs, purely inside the Church/Mosque/Temple/Burning Bush/etc.


Well-Known Member
or, in their homes. I'm down with that, but it seems they are either cowering in persecution, or forcing others to do it.
I'd rather feed people to lions, than be stoned to death.
The push back has begun and nothing can stop it. The kids of the 80's are not teaching their kids bullshit about sky daddies, no one actually believes anymore in the west (bar your southern states, scary indeed their fervor is) so the cycle is already broken.

Just need all those OAPs to kick the bucket now...


Well-Known Member
The push back has begun and nothing can stop it. The kids of the 80's are not teaching their kids bullshit about sky daddies, no one actually believes anymore in the west (bar your southern states, scary indeed their fervor is) so the cycle is already broken.

Just need all those OAPs to kick the bucket now...
I don't know, man........lookin' like Christostan in parts of the US. the weak-minded fall right back into it, in hard times, and they are comin.' we shall see.


Well-Known Member
this above is a racist statement ^^
making a sweeping statement like this about "white" people or any race
or in other words a generalization or stereotype about a whole race of people is the very essence of racism

what you should of said to get your point across but avoid being a racist

"in my observations i have noticed that MANY or SOME white people are sensitive to perceived persecution"

what you did was state that ALL white folks are sensitive to perceived persecution
this does not allow the individual of a given race to express different characteristics than those you have pre-defined with your stereotype
again this is the very definition of racism

unless you believe that "white people" can't suffer racism , if you do believe this
holding this belief would make you racist on a second count

funny, you never once made mention of racism when we had white supremacists on this forum.

i guess it must be a selective thing having to do with your grandiose sense of perceived persecution.

you poor fucking thing.


Well-Known Member
everyone is a little racist. xenophobia is a survival mechanism. different-looking people, speaking a strange tongue, showing up in your hunting grounds wasn't a good thing for our ancestors. a half a million years of successful survivals skills aren't just going to dry up.
and the state plays this reality like an ace, hidden up its sleeve. take it away, and we would all remember that Neolithic realities are not the reality of today. racism is to the state, as blood is to Dracula.
your retarded notion of evolutionary racism has been thoroughly debunked.

racism is a learned behavior, not an innate survival mechanism.


Well-Known Member
funny, you never once made mention of racism when we had white supremacists on this forum.

i guess it must be a selective thing having to do with your grandiose sense of perceived persecution.

you poor fucking thing.

Doesn't change the fact that you're still a racist.


Well-Known Member
The push back has begun and nothing can stop it. The kids of the 80's are not teaching their kids bullshit about sky daddies, no one actually believes anymore in the west (bar your southern states, scary indeed their fervor is) so the cycle is already broken.

Just need all those OAPs to kick the bucket now...
that is so true..my kids wanted nothing to do with that shit and their friends are all the same.

religion is dead.


Well-Known Member
whiny white racist skanks make that accusation with zero proof all the time.

welcome to the club, try to leave the rest of them some breathing room and food supplies.

Yet you can't prove the accusations you make of me either. Now you are a Hypocrite on top of it. Good job chief. :clap:

I challenge you to -

Prove I'm white
Prove I'm fat
Prove I'm a skank
Prove I'm a whore
Prove I'm a chick


Well-Known Member
Yet you can't prove the accusations you make of me either. Now you are a Hypocrite on top of it. Good job chief. :clap:
you just finished calling yourself a white supremacist.

the rest we can't know because you are too much of a fucking coward, like racists always are.

racist cowards like you are the true "pussificiation" of america, along with the pussies too scared to leave home without a gun.


Well-Known Member
you just finished calling yourself a white supremacist.

the rest we can't know because you are too much of a fucking coward, like racists always are.

racist cowards like you are the true "pussificiation" of america, along with the pussies too scared to leave home without a gun.

And how exactly am I a coward? I'm not hiding anything. Should I go out and burn some crosses for you? I'm sure you'd love that. It would fit right in with your agenda.