Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

I think maybe Doer got mixed up back there and then I continued the trend.

Or maybe he is a master puppeteer?
That Sunnuvabitch!!


6+6+6 = so what? Well within the perogotive of the Commander.

Did you not get the bit about attempted assassination of a sitting US President?

That's OK by you, if the name was Bush?

Did you not read my piece about Sadam getting tricked into leaving the Mosul Gap unguarded for an Iranian breakout to the Med, that would take just 24 hours, hauling most of the tanks by truck?

Many reasons the World, not Bush, did this, and the fighters have no need to know.
6+6+6=18 "so what" is not a number
very much aware of the attack on Bush by the Iraqi Intelligence in Kuwait. Clinton sent a sharp message on that one. Now are you saying that a failed attack on Bush 41 ( in which we did retaliate ) was worth the life's of 4500 of our service men ?? Why didn't Bush Jr. just tell the USA that he is doing it for those reason. I guess you support lies.
6+6+6=18 "so what" is not a number
very much aware of the attack on Bush by the Iraqi Intelligence in Kuwait. Clinton sent a sharp message on that one. Now are you saying that a failed attack on Bush 41 ( in which we did retaliate ) was worth the life's of 4500 of our service men ?? Why didn't Bush Jr. just tell the USA that he is doing it for those reason. I guess you support lies.
Saw that Tony Blair fellow on the news this morning claiming it wasn't the 03 invasion that caused a power vacuum leading to this insurgency but rather the Wests apparent military inaction in Syria.

Which is kinda funny, considering the guys they were supporting in Syria are the very fucking same dudes fighting against Iraqi security forces right now, probably with American funded/supplied weapons.

So you guys invade, kill the hall monitor, fight for years at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, pull out, support an insurgency in Syria that then directly destabilises the country you just finished "freeing".

Logic just goes completely out the window with these clowns.
Saw that Tony Blair fellow on the news this morning claiming it wasn't the 03 invasion that caused a power vacuum leading to this insurgency but rather the Wests apparent military inaction in Syria.

Which is kinda funny, considering the guys they were supporting in Syria are the very fucking same dudes fighting against Iraqi security forces right now, probably with American funded/supplied weapons.

So you guys invade, kill the hall monitor, fight for years at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, pull out, support an insurgency in Syria that then directly destabilises the country you just finished "freeing".

Logic just goes completely out the window with these clowns.

Bush wanted in when we should not have been there, Obama wants completely out when it negates all those lives and money... Different presidents, different agenda's, total chaos... I agree.
Bush wanted in when we should not have been there, Obama wants completely out when it negates all those lives and money... Different presidents, different agenda's, total chaos... I agree.
I have to disagree. we will never leave. Bush......Obama. no difference; same agenda. establish control of the fossil juice.
You already have...

Hence why Isis now controls about 1/3 of Iraq.

we back Sunni Islam against Shia. Isis are our boys, even if they don't know it. destroy Iran using other Muslims, surround and neutralize Russia, to get ready for the show-down at the Beijing Corral. we no longer need American boots on the ground. Saudi agents work just as well.
Ironic that Iran is offering to blow the shit out of the Al Queda terrorists that America armed ...
they the West would love to see the Second Battle of Karbala. in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq; all our old "pals." and the Saudis chant, very quietly, on Israel's side-line........."bomb, bomb, bomb.....bomb, bomb, Irannnnnn"
all madness and hypocrisy.
I would classify it as moronic...
not I (ran) they are the target. of ALL of this. the ogre that keeps us away from owning all the fossil juice. them and the Rooskies. buy the Russians former Soviet partner-states with American tax-payer money, and set up anti-missile systems in them, to de-fang the Russian Bear. then we can tell China to get back in line. we will change the name of Earth, to America. Neo-con 101
not I (ran) they are the target. of ALL of this. the ogre that keeps us away from owning all the fossil juice. them and the Rooskies. buy the Russians former Soviet partner-states with American tax-payer money, and set up anti-missile systems in them, to de-fang the Russian Bear. then we can tell China to get back in line. we will change the name of Earth, to America. Neo-con 101

The politicians have been talking about energy independence for over 40 years now. Both sides are fucking liars...
I have to disagree. we will never leave. Bush......Obama. no difference; same agenda. establish control of the fossil juice.
if the US military wanted control of the oil, WE WOULD HAVE IT

but we dont have it.

cuz we didnt take it.

cuz the US doesnt demand anything from a conquered nation except that they stop pissing on our shoes.

we conquered the shit out of the phillippines, then freed them to do their own thing
we conquered the shit out of cuba, then freed them to do their own thing
we conquered the shit out of germany then freed them to do their own thing
we conquered the shit out of japan, then freed them to do their own thing

our failures are in atempts to build a european style democracy in southeast asia, sandland, africa or any of the latin american shitholes.

they WANT to be dominated by their local warlord, and any attempt to stop them from submitting to their local warlord is pointless.

we should just let them wallow in their own crapulence, and when they cause trouble for OUR shit, curb stomp them then leave again.
thats how Rome did it, it works, and lets the barbarians barbarian away in their mud huts and palm frond hooches, as long as they stay out of our way. .
not I (ran) they are the target. of ALL of this. the ogre that keeps us away from owning all the fossil juice. them and the Rooskies. buy the Russians former Soviet partner-states with American tax-payer money, and set up anti-missile systems in them, to de-fang the Russian Bear. then we can tell China to get back in line. we will change the name of Earth, to America. Neo-con 101
you are buffleheaded.

canada has a shitload of oil too, why havent we annexed them? what they gonna do? throw ice skates at us?
mexico has a shitload of oil... right next door, with a shit military, and is already in chaos, why havent we annexed mexico?
saudi arabia has oil, and they are constantly shitting on our rug, why havent we just booted the house of saud into the street re-named the country East Texas, and made it the the 51st state?
afghanistan has apparently got some mineral. we like minerals, why havent we simply exterminated the afghans?

hawaii didnt have ANY oil (or really anything of value except a pleasant tropical climate and a SPAM based cuisine) why DID we annex that?

cuz america may be asssholes, but we are assholes who operate in a perplexing manner.
we is crazy, you never now what we might do.
fuck annexing countries with shitloads of oil and other valuable stuff. we is gonna steal ARKANSAS from the chippewas. why? because cucumbers taste better pickled! .
seriously, why is fucking arkansas even a state?
they are just the fat obnoxious drunk guy who wasnt invited to the party, didnt chip in, but he gots a cup, and keeps trying to feel up all the girls.
invade Canada? we don't need to. they're on the team.
Mexico.....a gas station, with our friends at the pump; need.
Saudi Arabia.....we have lunatics flying planes into us for stationing friendly troops there; what would the blow-back be from occupation? would Russia intervene? China?
Hawaii was pure McKinley hubris. in the context of the annexation of the Philippines, it almost makes sense.
they can't build a big wood-chipper and chop up the Afghans, or they would. world opinion wouldn't tolerate it.

we are still in Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy and we are still in Iraq, and will be forever.