Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

if the US military wanted control of the oil, WE WOULD HAVE IT

but we dont have it.

cuz we didnt take it.

cuz the US doesnt demand anything from a conquered nation except that they stop pissing on our shoes.

we conquered the shit out of the phillippines, then freed them to do their own thing
we conquered the shit out of cuba, then freed them to do their own thing
we conquered the shit out of germany then freed them to do their own thing
we conquered the shit out of japan, then freed them to do their own thing

our failures are in atempts to build a european style democracy in southeast asia, sandland, africa or any of the latin american shitholes.

they WANT to be dominated by their local warlord, and any attempt to stop them from submitting to their local warlord is pointless.

we should just let them wallow in their own crapulence, and when they cause trouble for OUR shit, curb stomp them then leave again.
thats how Rome did it, it works, and lets the barbarians barbarian away in their mud huts and palm frond hooches, as long as they stay out of our way. .
Rome fell.................
Saw that Tony Blair fellow on the news this morning claiming it wasn't the 03 invasion that caused a power vacuum leading to this insurgency but rather the Wests apparent military inaction in Syria.

Which is kinda funny, considering the guys they were supporting in Syria are the very fucking same dudes fighting against Iraqi security forces right now, probably with American funded/supplied weapons.

So you guys invade, kill the hall monitor, fight for years at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, pull out, support an insurgency in Syria that then directly destabilises the country you just finished "freeing".

Logic just goes completely out the window with these clowns.
Tony Blair was Bush's bitch
Petrodollar is our control
Commerce is not control

if the arabs want to stop selling oil, and keep it for themselves, THEY CAN

we BUY their shit, we dont steal it

i can buy oil with gold, with british pounds, with russian rubles, with chinese wan, with north korean dongs (lulz) or with euros.
the SELLER decides if he will accept my proffered exchange medium, the buyer cant force him to sell.
Selfishly, I'm hoping I am able to position myself to profit off the fall. Still learning the trade game though. Some people most certainly will.
copper wire
rome fell because the Brothers Gracchi fucked up the republic with their OG Limousine Liberal ideas.

republics make shitty empires.
dreams of empire make republics fall
I don't want to live in an Empire........they're evil.
fucking jews and their money
i love the way you think you can jump into any thread, shit out a spurious irrelevant ignorant offensive "Dem Jews" comment and think it is somehow clever.

what do "Dem Jews" or their money have to do with moslem fundamentalists in iraq?

besides the obvious horseshit : "jews are secretly behind everything"
i love the way you think you can jump into any thread, shit out a spurious irrelevant ignorant offensive "Dem Jews" comment and think it is somehow clever.

what do "Dem Jews" or their money have to do with moslem fundamentalists in iraq?

besides the obvious horseshit : "jews are secretly behind everything"
Troll sock puppet Kynes, they got you bro.
Yet you claim to have run them all out of here.

it's kinda like how every time you burn three to five calories by forklifting your fat ass off the couch and ambling over to the fridge, you simply replace them immediately with 1200-1800 more calories worth of butterfinger ice cream doused in fudge.

white supremacist whack a mole.