Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

They really did hook them fuckers up tho...nice rides , armored, couple the undeserving an upper hand is the new American way

the Joint Chiefs: "Go Sunni, Go Sunni, Go Sunni!!"
they want the Second battle of Karbala, and a toppled Iran. they want the Fossil Juice.
They really did hook them fuckers up tho...nice rides , armored, couple the undeserving an upper hand is the new American way

Wonder how many gov. Programs we could have paid for with all those nice donations to terrorism.

See I can kinda fit in on the right side too

Probably about 10 billion worth the arms if truth be known.
We should have stayed the Fuck out of Iraq. Even Afghanistan... if a member of a gang in Germany pulled off an act of terrorism in the US would we have invaded Germany? Hell naw. "Train and arm" the Iraq army n they lay down the weapons n run - fueling the violence capacity even further in the already volatile region. Fuck the US I'm going to Canada.

I guess their weapons were a little dated so we had to stock them back up with some new toys n destabilize the region a little further to keep the turmoil (err oil) flowing smoothly. Drive them prices up n squeeze every cent out before something clean and renewable becomes available to us. The tech already exists. Just being buried n demonized atm...kinda like a plant I know about that could rival the woodcutting industry n provide textiles and fabrics of superior quality...but instead became a scheduled substance.

To sum things up: greed is almost as detrimental to the advancement of mankind as religion is...mmkay?
there HAVE been international terrorists from germany (google Baader Mienhof) the difference is, germany is a civilized nation and hunted them down (with international help when they tried to flee)

saddam was hiding, funding and protecting international terrorists.
saddam was also in direct violation of EVERY stipulation in the cease fire agreeement after he got his ass kicked for the kuwait invasion. bush sr and bubba clinton's limp wristed handling of the iraq problem enboldened AQ, and other terrorist groups, allowed saddam 12 years of making the US look foolish and weak, and demonstrated that the US is all talk. (under those idiots)

iraq got the boot to the nuts because they were just the first asshole to pop their heads up after 9/11.

meanwhile afghanistan was harbouring AQ's head cook and bottle washer, OBL. their ass kicking was also well earned.

it's the idiotic nationbuilding that has cost us so dearly, and it is, as always, doomed to fail.

afghanistan should have been rolled over, their hooches searched, all the jihadjis' camps exterminated, then we LEAVE, with a warning "dont make us come back again"
instead it's 10 years of endless rebuilding of their shit, building them new shit they never had before, and watching the jihadjis blow it all up.
you cant force somebody to act like a grownup, all you can do is spank them and hope they learn their lesson, and if not, spank em again

we didnt attack iraq or afghanistan because they are moslem, we attacked them because they helped some dudes (who happened to be moslems BTW) attack us.

and no, cannabis cannot rival woodcutting.
cannabis makes good paper and textiles, but you cant build a house from dope timbers.

"renewable" energy is not being "Buried 'n Demonized". The Sierra Club are the ones stopping wind hydro and solar power programs in california, just as an example.
View attachment 3181459
"Federal Reserve notes are not redeemable in gold, silver, or any other commodity. Federal Reserve notes have not been redeemable in gold since January 30, 1934, when the Congress amended Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act to read: "The said [Federal Reserve] notes shall be obligations of the United States….They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank." Federal Reserve notes have not been redeemable in silver since the 1960s.

The Congress has specified that Federal Reserve Banks must hold collateral equal in value to the Federal Reserve notes that the Federal Reserve Bank puts in to circulation. This collateral is chiefly held in the form of U.S. Treasury, federal agency, and government-sponsored enterprise securities." Source:

I don't think we have anything backing the dollars at this point TBH. Well...a piece of paper and some ink. Staples is the new federal reserve.
wait, you mean you just realized that the US dollar is a Fiat Currency?

you only just realized that theres nothing backing Us currency except more US currency and debt?

you been living in a hole for the last 70 years?
Apple is setting up to take Bitcoin, I'd say that means we have a WINNER!!

So, just when Ben Franklin thinks he rules the word.....BItcoin.


Financing anything and everything, Uncle Sam.

They say they will cap at 21 million. And you thought Bill Gates was smart?


Or only as much as can fit in those little red jars. :)
“As website Hong Wrong points out, the puzzles are getting increasingly difficult. And once 21 million Bitcoins are produced, production will cease."
bitcoins are produced out of thin air by nerds playing Sudoku.

they have ZERO real value
i got a brother who collects comic books, and he is always bragging about this comic book or that comic book thats worth soooooo much...

but he cant find a buyer for them, cuz comic books have very little market depth.

he buys these things at inflated prices and holds them until he can find a sucker... errr i mean Buyer who will pay more than he did.

if you dont find a sucker, then the sucker is YOU

only a fool exchanges good monies for rubbish that only works if somebody else buys or trades from you in goods services or real monies.
it's not investing, it's speculation on the stupidity of the other guy.

it reminds me of the Beanie Babies craze.
what are those things worth these days?
not much, even if you can find a sucker

cabbage patch dolls?

tickle me elmo?

pokemon cards?

yeah bitcoins are totally full of intrinsic value, with buckets of utility desirability and scarcity.

ohh wait. no they aint.
there HAVE been international terrorists from germany (google Baader Mienhof) the difference is, germany is a civilized nation and hunted them down (with international help when they tried to flee)

saddam was hiding, funding and protecting international terrorists.
saddam was also in direct violation of EVERY stipulation in the cease fire agreeement after he got his ass kicked for the kuwait invasion. bush sr and bubba clinton's limp wristed handling of the iraq problem enboldened AQ, and other terrorist groups, allowed saddam 12 years of making the US look foolish and weak, and demonstrated that the US is all talk. (under those idiots)

iraq got the boot to the nuts because they were just the first asshole to pop their heads up after 9/11.

meanwhile afghanistan was harbouring AQ's head cook and bottle washer, OBL. their ass kicking was also well earned.

it's the idiotic nationbuilding that has cost us so dearly, and it is, as always, doomed to fail.

afghanistan should have been rolled over, their hooches searched, all the jihadjis' camps exterminated, then we LEAVE, with a warning "dont make us come back again"
instead it's 10 years of endless rebuilding of their shit, building them new shit they never had before, and watching the jihadjis blow it all up.
you cant force somebody to act like a grownup, all you can do is spank them and hope they learn their lesson, and if not, spank em again

we didnt attack iraq or afghanistan because they are moslem, we attacked them because they helped some dudes (who happened to be moslems BTW) attack us.

and no, cannabis cannot rival woodcutting.
cannabis makes good paper and textiles, but you cant build a house from dope timbers.

"renewable" energy is not being "Buried 'n Demonized". The Sierra Club are the ones stopping wind hydro and solar power programs in california, just as an example.

Your justification for invading Iraq is "they were just the first asshole to pop their heads up after 9/11" & "we attacked them because they helped some dudes (who happened to be moslems BTW) attack us"?

When did Saddam help AQ? Why couldn't this logic be used to justify an invasion of Saudi Arabia seeing as 15 of the hijackers were from there and 0 were from Iraq?
wait, you mean you just realized that the US dollar is a Fiat Currency?

you only just realized that theres nothing backing Us currency except more US currency and debt?

you been living in a hole for the last 70 years?
If he sent in thousands of troops he'd be trying to kill americans, if he sent in a few he'd be not doing enough, if he cast a magic fireball and eliminated terrorism he'd be a witch. Who cares.

Bin Laden dies under Obama administration and Bush gets credit - "fast and furious" signed under Bush and Obama gets blamed. We get it - Obama does not appeal to conservatives.

Fast N Furious was an Obama Program from start to finish.
the Boo0o0oo000oo0osh program was calle Wide Receiver, and heres what it entailed: 2006 to 2007
a few hundred guns were allowed to slip into mexico, with the knowledge, agreement and assistance of the Mexican Federal Police and the President of mexico.
the goal: to slip a few guns into mexico's market, track them secretly, and try to bag some big weapons caches.
It Failed and was canceled in 2007, and the paper trail is extensive, leading all the way to the top, cuz it was a clever scheme that unfortunately failed.

3 years later...

we get Fast N Furious, an unrelated program, heres how THAT went down: 2009 ?-2010 ?
THOUSANDS of guns, tracking, no surveilance, NO knowledge of the "program" in mexico, and NOBODY in the obama regime is taking credit/responsibility for the scheme.
theres no documents authorizing it, no real clue when it started, when (or If) it ended, how it was financed, who got the profits when the guns were SOLD to the cartels, how many guns were sold to the cartels, or who forgot to tell mexico that the DOJ was planning on shipping THOUSANDS of guns into the hands of criminals and insurgents

"wull ah guess it 's boosh's fault! hur hur hur hur!"
Fast N Furious was an Obama Program from start to finish.
the Boo0o0oo000oo0osh program was calle Wide Receiver, and heres what it entailed: 2006 to 2007
a few hundred guns were allowed to slip into mexico, with the knowledge, agreement and assistance of the Mexican Federal Police and the President of mexico.
the goal: to slip a few guns into mexico's market, track them secretly, and try to bag some big weapons caches.
It Failed and was canceled in 2007, and the paper trail is extensive, leading all the way to the top, cuz it was a clever scheme that unfortunately failed.

3 years later...

we get Fast N Furious, an unrelated program, heres how THAT went down: 2009 ?-2010 ?
THOUSANDS of guns, tracking, no surveilance, NO knowledge of the "program" in mexico, and NOBODY in the obama regime is taking credit/responsibility for the scheme.
theres no documents authorizing it, no real clue when it started, when (or If) it ended, how it was financed, who got the profits when the guns were SOLD to the cartels, how many guns were sold to the cartels, or who forgot to tell mexico that the DOJ was planning on shipping THOUSANDS of guns into the hands of criminals and insurgents

"wull ah guess it 's boosh's fault! hur hur hur hur!"
So they tried to copy the failed program and it failed again basically...? K I gave a bad example, but I think you got my point? Honestly I don't give a fuck about "boosh" or Obama. Not everybody is a diehard leftist or rightist - surprise!
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Your justification for invading Iraq is "they were just the first asshole to pop their heads up after 9/11" & "we attacked them because they helped some dudes (who happened to be moslems BTW) attack us"?

When did Saddam help AQ? Why couldn't this logic be used to justify an invasion of Saudi Arabia seeing as 15 of the hijackers were from there and 0 were from Iraq?
derp derp derp

saddam was ON TAPE talking to AQ financiers, he was known to be meeting with AQ bigwigs, and he had a long history of hating the US.
that he was not involved with 9/11 directly is irrelevant. he was still the first asshole to run his mouth, and he deserved a beatdown,. so he got it.

if a canandian gang throws a bomb into the stands at the world series, do we invade canada? NO

but if the canadian govt hid, financed, trained, supplied, and protected their gang, yes. canada gets stomped.

the saudi govt was NOT involved, some saudis were.

i realize you lefties thing that "Govt" means Overlord, Master and Authoritarian Dictator, but individuals can still do shit without the knowledge or permission of their government.

example: a few people still manage to grow weed despite nearly 100 years of prohibition, crackdowns, demonization and violent repression.
So they tried to copy the failed program and it failed again basically...? K I gave a bad example, but I think you got my point?
ohh no... not at all.

Wide Receiver: a JOINT OPERATION between the US DOJ and the Mexican Federal Police
Fast N Furious: no knowledge of the operations in mexico, it was a surprise for them.

Wide Receiver: a few hundred guns, carefully monitored
Fast N Furious: ??? who knows?? all we really know is that it was thousands of guns

Wide Receiver: extensive paper trail leading all the way to the top, we know when it started, what the plan was, how it was to be executed, who knew, how long it ran, how many guns, and when it stopped. we also have Concrete Results: Failure. It Just Didnt Work As Hoped.
Fast N Furious: nobody knows who started it, who authorized it, how long it ran, how many guns, who knew it was going on, who stopped it, where the guns went, if the goals were met or where the money from the sales to the cartels went.

the two "programs" couldnt have been more different.
ohh no... not at all.

Wide Receiver: a JOINT OPERATION between the US DOJ and the Mexican Federal Police
Fast N Furious: no knowledge of the operations in mexico, it was a surprise for them.

Wide Receiver: a few hundred guns, carefully monitored
Fast N Furious: ??? who knows?? all we really know is that it was thousands of guns

Wide Receiver: extensive paper trail leading all the way to the top, we know when it started, what the plan was, how it was to be executed, who knew, how long it ran, how many guns, and when it stopped. we also have Concrete Results: Failure. It Just Didnt Work As Hoped.
Fast N Furious: nobody knows who started it, who authorized it, how long it ran, how many guns, who knew it was going on, who stopped it, where the guns went, if the goals were met or where the money from the sales to the cartels went.

the two "programs" couldnt have been more different.
I mean it's the same idea...Just one was more transparent-ish* n one was a little (lotta) more shady. Maybe they should announce it publicly when they're doing secret stuff next time - bet that'll be a success for sure!
Those troops shouldn't of been there in the first place. Yep swapping Bowe Bergdahl for a couple illegally held Gitmo detainees made this happen ... :wall: C'mon bro. You can do better.

And the previous one, and the previous one, and the previous one...

you really arent very persuasive.

"Those troops shouldn't HAVE been there"

and bergdahl was traded for SIX top talib bosses. who were NOT being held illegally. they were prisoners operating as an irregular force, under arms in a military occupation zone without benefit of uniform or identifying insignia.

that makes them spies and sabotuers, who could be summarilly shot in the field.
or they can be taken to a detention facility and held indefinitely before they are shot
they can be questioned in that detention facility in any manner the UCMJ allows.
they have ZERO constitutional rights (cuz they aint americans) and ZERO rights under the articlkes of the geneva convention cuz they aint soldiers, they are spies and sabotuers.
they dont get a trial, they dont get to mount a defense, they dont get to present evidence or call witnesses, they get to live in a 5x5 concrete cell in an orange jumpsuit until they are eventually shot. .
you really arent very persuasive.

"Those troops shouldn't HAVE been there"

and bergdahl was traded for SIX top talib bosses. who were NOT being held illegally. they were prisoners operating as an irregular force, under arms in a military occupation zone without benefit of uniform or identifying insignia.

that makes them spies and sabotuers, who could be summarilly shot in the field.
or that can be taken to a detention facility and held indefinitely before they are shot
they can be questioned in that detention facility in any manner the UCMJ allows.
they have ZERO constitutional rights (cuz they aint americans) and ZERO rights under the articlkes of the geneva convention cuz they aint soldiers, they are spies and sabotuers.
they dont get a trial, they dont get to mount a defense, they dont get to present evidence or call witnesses, they get to live in a 5x5 concrete cell in an orange jumpsuit until they are eventually shot. .

You persuaded me bud. Obama sucks!

Note: you can jump off my dick at any moment now.

You know what's really entertaining / slightly humorous? When someone tries to play devil's advocate with someone playing devil's advocate.

Pro Tip - You can't persuade someone who has already made up their mind. Obama could completely end welfare and the right would find something wrong with it, and "Boosh" could have started Romney care...ahem...Obama Care and the libs would have found a fault in it. Me trying to persuade a conservative to go liberal would be about as effective as praying to a fairy tale deity and hoping to see results even though the last 100 times you tried it nothing happened.
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I mean it's the same idea...Just one was more transparent-ish* n one was a little (lotta) more shady. Maybe they should announce it publicly when they're doing secret stuff next time - bet that'll be a success for sure!

again, it was not the same idea, it was not the same in exectuion

the evil wicked boosh led a government that recorded their deeds, success or failure. he didnt fob off responsibility ofr his failures on the last guy, or his underlings, or the fact that the american people arent clever enough to recognize his greatness, even when we have it THRUST upon us.

Booo00o0oosh was a guy who made some bad choices, and even if you dont agree with his decisions, he doesnt try to hide them from you.

Bwana Obama is a horse of a different colour. when shit goes wrong, it was somebody else's fault. when he gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he blames Boo0o0oo000osh for it, evne though we can clearly see HIS hand actually STILL in the jar, when shit goes really badly, well he didnt know nuffin about it, that was all his underlings...when shit gets really really really bad, well ummm... fuck you, he's The First Black President so youre racist for noticing he is incompetent!!!

oh but when shit goes right (usually because he WASNT involved, or it involved drone strikes) , he crows and crows and crows, he just loves to take credit, and shift blame. obama is a self important prima donna who doesnt learn from his mistakes, and enjoys blaming others for his own failures.

but he is handy as fuck on the Drone Strike Button.
of that, i approve.
derp derp derp

saddam was ON TAPE talking to AQ financiers, he was known to be meeting with AQ bigwigs, and he had a long history of hating the US.
that he was not involved with 9/11 directly is irrelevant. he was still the first asshole to run his mouth, and he deserved a beatdown,. so he got it.

"We could never verify that there was any Iraqi authority, direction and control, complicity with al-Qaeda for 9/11 or any operational act against America, period."

-former Director of the CIA, George Tenet

if a canandian gang throws a bomb into the stands at the world series, do we invade canada? NO

but if the canadian govt hid, financed, trained, supplied, and protected their gang, yes. canada gets stomped.

the saudi govt was NOT involved, some saudis were.

i realize you lefties thing that "Govt" means Overlord, Master and Authoritarian Dictator, but individuals can still do shit without the knowledge or permission of their government.

example: a few people still manage to grow weed despite nearly 100 years of prohibition, crackdowns, demonization and violent repression.

So no Iraqi terrorist was responsible for 9/11, and no links between Iraq and 9/11 have been found, yet you think the invasion was justified because Saddam was such a big bad bully. But 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Ladin was Saudi, and the entire operation was funded by Saudi and Pakistani intelligence, yet you think it was all just individuals committing terrorism...

A facepalm simply doesn't do it justice...
they were prisoners operating as an irregular force, under arms in a military occupation zone without benefit of uniform or identifying insignia.

that makes them spies and sabotuers, who could be summarilly shot in the field.
or they can be taken to a detention facility and held indefinitely before they are shot
they can be questioned in that detention facility in any manner the UCMJ allows.
they have ZERO constitutional rights (cuz they aint americans) and ZERO rights under the articlkes of the geneva convention cuz they aint soldiers, they are spies and sabotuers.
they dont get a trial, they dont get to mount a defense, they dont get to present evidence or call witnesses, they get to live in a 5x5 concrete cell in an orange jumpsuit until they are eventually shot. .

"We could never verify that there was any Iraqi authority, direction and control, complicity with al-Qaeda for 9/11 or any operational act against America, period."

-former Director of the CIA, George Tenet

So no Iraqi terrorist was responsible for 9/11, and no links between Iraq and 9/11 have been found, yet you think the invasion was justified because Saddam was such a big bad bully. But 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Ladin was Saudi, and the entire operation was funded by Saudi and Pakistani intelligence, yet you think it was all just individuals committing terrorism...

A facepalm simply doesn't do it justice...

This all the fucked straw dog. No one has ever said Sadam had anything to do with it,

But, it was part of the Axis of evil.

Saddam was icing on the War Cake, punished for mis-deeds. Saddam was not blocking the gap. Sadam was a Thorn in the side of the World and the World took care of it.

The world did not take care of the Taliban.

But we did erect chaos in the gap of Iraq and blocked it with a clusterfuck. You think we want peace in that region? No. Sadam had too much peace on his own thug terms.

Thank you George Bush.

So, here is your silly face palm. Delivered by the one bringing the Chaos,
this time.....Mr. President Obama.

"We could never verify that there was any Iraqi authority, direction and control, complicity with al-Qaeda for 9/11 or any operational act against America, period."

-former Director of the CIA, George Tenet

So no Iraqi terrorist was responsible for 9/11, and no links between Iraq and 9/11 have been found, yet you think the invasion was justified because Saddam was such a big bad bully. But 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Ladin was Saudi, and the entire operation was funded by Saudi and Pakistani intelligence, yet you think it was all just individuals committing terrorism...

A facepalm simply doesn't do it justice...
and you repeat your previous IGNORANT statement as if it was the fresh new hotness.

saddam had been tuggin on our beards for OVER A DECADE, flouting the cease fire agreement he signed to keep his ass off the gallows.
he was BEGGING for a fight, because he was certain he wouldnt have to actually fight.
TWELVE YEARS of empty threats had convinced him that america wouldnt actually respond.

then , 0n 9/12/2001, he stolled into the bar with a chip on his shoulder, shouted, "Fuck you pussies! Imma piss on the floor" and was shocked that he got his ass beat.

he didnt HAVE to be involved in 9/11. any asshole who wanted a fight after that, was gonna git one.

constantly repeating the NON CONTROVERSIAL point that iraq wasnt SPECIFICALLY involved in 9/11 is pure stupidity.
they wertent involved in that one, but they WERE involved in others, and they associated with the guys who DID do it.

and then you race off to the saudi canard, as if i hadnt JUST explained to you that people FROM a country are not necessarily acting on behalf of their government when they do shit.
why, some people do shit that their government DOES NOT WANT THEM TO DO. like growing dope.

maybe you could next postulate why we havent bombed Boeing back to the stone age, since they built the planes that were used, or why we havent waterboarded, and tortured to death every airline employee, because after all, they owned the planes..