Javadog's Next Adventure

LOL oh ha ha ha....GD must be like "Dammit how does
someone get a taste report around here!" LOL I am the
same (AND need to kick my ass and build an aero cloner too,
as the Clonlys are proving hard to clone).

I am reminded of when I was asked how my yield was, and
I said "Yummy!"....and my flavor reports are about as good.

For the flavor of Dinachem, I think that the "Guava Chem"
parent is the key. It is a chemical funky that we all know, but
with a rotten-fruit-funk overtone.

I was inspired and taped my almost jar-able Dinachem into
a small cardboard box. I am going to give it a week. :0)
It would have been 80% in the jar, and would have needed
a day or two more before the jar in any case. We will see.

Onward and upward,

NFT looks insane.

Did you go deeper into the thread and get a look at that one monster that yielded half a kilo???

That's freakin insane! I need to know more about skunkdoc and his NFT setup! I WANT THOSE MONSTERPLANTS!
I'm glad to be back on. Schoolwork is coming to a halt. Summer is coming. =)

All is well in your side of the world?
NFT looks insane.

Did you go deeper into the thread and get a look at that one monster that yielded half a kilo???

That's freakin insane! I need to know more about skunkdoc and his NFT setup! I WANT THOSE MONSTERPLANTS!

LOL... Doc is king. have you gotten to the pics of his Angel Heart yet?... OMFG. Two 600w HPS lamps, one plant, total insanity.

He also kicked some nuts in on this run... At the end he has a little pet Blue Cheese. I bow in his presence.

EDIT: He is a very cool cat and will answer any questions in insane detail. Old School UK master grower.
Thanks again for the time Ham. I will study this.

BTW: my Attitude order appears halted at LAX, for the last five days.

This seems to be par for the course with them, but the
re-send has yet to not get through, so it will all work out.

LOL oh ha ha ha....GD must be like "Dammit how does
someone get a taste report around here!" LOL I am the
same (AND need to kick my ass and build an aero cloner too,
as the Clonlys are proving hard to clone).

I am reminded of when I was asked how my yield was, and
I said "Yummy!"....and my flavor reports are about as good.

For the flavor of Dinachem, I think that the "Guava Chem"
parent is the key. It is a chemical funky that we all know, but
with a rotten-fruit-funk overtone.

I was inspired and taped my almost jar-able Dinachem into
a small cardboard box. I am going to give it a week. :0)
It would have been 80% in the jar, and would have needed
a day or two more before the jar in any case. We will see.

Onward and upward,


sounds pretty yummy
might have to cop that
I think I am going to give Herbies a shot for my next order. A disturbing number of the discreet shipping from 'tude is getting snagged.
How are Herbies Freebies? LOL

Hey all,

I was checking the clones today and was checking one
called was about it's last chance as it had
had a month to make roots.



Weak or not, this is great news, as this means that this breed can begin
to move toward flowering. It is currently still in a little 6" pot.

Take care,
