LOL oh ha ha ha....GD must be like "Dammit how does
someone get a taste report around here!" LOL I am the
same (AND need to kick my ass and build an aero cloner too,
as the Clonlys are proving hard to clone).
I am reminded of when I was asked how my yield was, and
I said "Yummy!"....and my flavor reports are about as good.
For the flavor of Dinachem, I think that the "Guava Chem"
parent is the key. It is a chemical funky that we all know, but
with a rotten-fruit-funk overtone.
I was inspired and taped my almost jar-able Dinachem into
a small cardboard box. I am going to give it a week. :0)
It would have been 80% in the jar, and would have needed
a day or two more before the jar in any case. We will see.
Onward and upward,