DA opens dispensary

if your hate for this DA is great enough.........take the case. how old are you? do you have a sheet already? is he retired from DA office?
plea it to simple, eat apple cobblers for 13 months, and smile everyday.

btw, I am the worst fuckin' influence in the world; please take that into consideration when reading this.
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why you gotta bring alex jones up in this bitch?

that piece of shit has no place in civilized discussion.

Haha. Yeah be seems like a giant douche. A giant douche with well thought out and relevant info. I'm not sure who's side he's on. Is he using scare tactics to breed fear or trying to empower the minds of the people. Who knows
Haha. Yeah be seems like a giant douche.
A giant douche with well thought out and relevant info.
lol neither "relevant" or "well thought out" fit alex jones rantings
I'm not sure who's side he's on. Is he using scare tactics to breed fear or trying to empower the minds of the people. Who knows
alex jones is firmly on his own side and i think his main reason is making money (that and he's batcrap crazy)

whats your reason for believing him are you too lazy to check up on all that alex jones has been wrong on (you know death camps, 911, contrails, every fucking word out of his mouth) or are you too stupid to realise any of the above?
Haha. Yeah be seems like a giant douche. A giant douche with well thought out and relevant info. I'm not sure who's side he's on. Is he using scare tactics to breed fear or trying to empower the minds of the people. Who knows
no, he's just a giant douche.

his "information" in never relevant, it's almost always faked, and when it aint faked, it's taken so far from it's context that it may as well be faked.

thats why he always shouts into his microphone/megaphone. if you whisper nonsense, it sounds crazy, if you shout it, stupid people think youre saying something important.

nobody notices carzy people talking to themselves, but when they shout at themselves thats when the shit gets hilariously sad.
*these are non collateral figures. then the chinese would be higher as well. see how math works?


I think with the USA's tendency towards meddling their numbers would much higher than China's when collateral murders are tallied.
See how world domination works?
My local District Attorney who has put over 10k people (cultivators, consumers) in jail/prison throughout his 12 year tenure is now the proud owner of a dispensary!!!? FUCKING CAPITALIST COCKSUCKER! These people were just victims of the time. Just trying to make a few dollars and smoke some herb. Now that he has eliminated most of his competitors, all hes gotta do is sit back and rake it in once they open in july. FUCK! Rich get richer. Keep it illegal/decriminalized and go fuck yourself! Im going to stock up on seeds and run to the hills. I cant stand this shit.


You too can get a large clientele in one legal business, and then take those to a more lucrative and fun business.

I counsel caution, with all things tattoo.

I like the one you have. Less is more. :)

ahhhhh nice assumption. that tattoo is not real. i was just doing a "schuy-chola" without the plaid shirt.

i love to dress up.

halloween is one of my favorite days.
Well, one of my no lie, main turn ons about you is the way you dress up.

I absolutely love the beach rockandroll style baby. And the jewelery, and the shoezies!

Damn. It was how I was raised up.

Ding dong!
Package for you, Ma'am. :)
Kinda glad the tats not real. I have no marks.

yeah, i never took the plunge..i prolly will for lilibeene when she goes but she's only 10 so i have a bit of time.

nondescript tribute on my ankle maybe..jen aniston did that for her dog norman..she never had a tattoo before then either.


  • Noelle & Lilibeene.jpg
    Noelle & Lilibeene.jpg
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Well, I do declare! I meet Miss Lilibeene, at last.

Does she have a Linkedin? :)

Well, for the smaller dogs, 10 is not even old yet, Mature. :)
yeah, i never took the plunge..i prolly will for lilibeene when she goes but she's only 10 so i have a bit of time.

nondescript tribute on my ankle maybe..jen aniston did that for her dog norman..she never had a tattoo before then either.

those dogs are disgustingly cute.
